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How do I get my GF to play SWTOR?


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Explain this joke. Im really tired.


Wives only decide to ever talk to you in the middle of the cutscene. Whats worse is if you ever play with someone right next to you, whenever you go to speak to them they go "shh, cutscene". And when they go to talk to you, you usually respond with , "shut up i'm in a cutscene".


At least that is how it happens in my household.

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your guildies talking nice wont matter. hence the laughter. have her spend sometime in character creation, make a character shes interested in, and turn her loose for a couple hours. if she gets into it, problem solved. if not, then you'll have to live with having only your guildies for company in game.


note: if shes not already into gaming and/or star wars, i wouldn't bother, she'll just have to indulge your hobby, and you'll have to live with the occassional exhasperated/affectionatly condecending looks. Mine plays the game, but isnt as die hard as i am so i still get those looks anyways. its the curse of the immersssed nerd

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Years ago, with SWG and WOW my wife was starting to get fed up with me playing MMOs.

We had fights about it even.

She just wasn't a gamer beyond Tetris, Columns and The Sims.


Well I played a bit less over the years, she learned to accept me for who I was.


One day, I was sitting around watching another of her "Pride & Prejudice" type films with her.

And then it donned on me.

I asked her to pause the show.


And started a conversation where I laid out the behavior of our relationship.

I have been going to her auctions, her events, helping with her volunteer work, watching her movies. Hell I even went shopping with her at her stores.


I then said you will not go to any of my geek events, you refuse to enter a game store with me while at the mall, you read a book when I request you sit down to watch my shows and you don't support any of my projects for the community.


I said it appears I am more tolerable of you then you are of me.


She got this scowl on her face and was about to say something, then she stopped. She looked thoughtful for a minute, and said I was right.


She asked what she could do, so I sat her down in front of CoH, MMOLIte.


And that was all she wrote.


I caught her playing mid day, or she would ask me in the evening to go group up for some online fun and so on.


And the rest is history.


You just described my wife. I watch her shows, go where she would like but turn on something sci-fi :mad:

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You just described my wife. I watch her shows, go where she would like but turn on something sci-fi :mad:


HAHA - completely agree.


I say 'can we watch something else this is boring'


The response I get is 'well, we might as well turn it off then...'


sigh. The things we put up with for a happy life.

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Basically, i told my girlfriend that if she is lucky I would introduce her to my online friends on TS. She looked at me for a minute, laughed at me and then said ok....Does anyone have any advice for me? How do I take the next step in order to get her involved in the game. Would a team speak session/wz session with my character potentially get her hooked as my guildies were nice and explained the game to her through voice comms? DISCUSS! Thank you in advance.


- Toro



Reason for me NOT to play a mmo at first was because of voicechats. Not all want to be thrown into things as vent/ts from day one but play the game their own personal way before talking with people they met in a mmo. My first weeks in a mmo was just me slowly getting the hang of it in my own speed on my own without any talking to anyone. *mainly because I was under the impression mmo's are full of 40 year old trolls that never left their parents baseroom...although yes a few of those trolls actually do excist most ppl are nice gamers..it's just the bunch of tards that makes some woman reluctant to play a mmo*


Even after many years of mmo and other online games I'm still not a huge TS/vent lover. Mainly because most of them want me on ts/vent because im a woman. :(

Perhaps your strategy would work better if you leave the TS on the background for the moment and let her roll in the game a bit more anonymous. Let her make a char and play around abit without the need to meet guildies.

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My husband got me into playing games, he must be a wizard. I'm a girly girl, still am. Love my clothes, makeup, fashion, all things cute and fuzzy, but there's a dark side..and it loves destroying noobs and slaying dragons..or in this case, repubs?


Anyways. What peaked my interest so many years ago? Well, since I love putting together outfits, getting new gear was always exciting to me (still is, I'm a major loot whore). Not to mention putting together my character, I probably spend an embarrassing amount of time at the character creation screen. I like the connection I feel with my character, it's fun and nostalgic in some ways. I also like to PVP, it's exhilarating playing with and against other people.


My advice, if she's never played games, don't ask her to keybind or anything complicated, keep it simple and basic. Have her create a new character, play with her if you have two accounts, play NEXT to her (my husband and I have our computers in the same room), answer all of her questions nicely, and try to make it fun. Don't get frustrated! Oh, and if she doesn't want to even make a character, I'd suggest a little bribe (ie: "I'll take you to *insert place* tonight if you play for 30 mins with me). I mean, it couldn't hurt. It'd get me to do it, but she's a different woman so who knows. Let her know that even though this is "just a game" to her, it's what you like to do and it'd mean a lot to you if she took some time to understand it.


PS: When I first started playing MMOs, I was terrified of vent chat. I wouldn't suggest it. Let her get attached to the GAME.

Edited by Valeena
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We're going off the assumption that your girlfriend actually has an interesting in playing MMOs or Video Games in general.


Step One: Let her play around with the character creator. Depending on said girlfriend, this might be a bit time intensive or rather short. Being able to physical create a character might form some sort of attachment to it, and since they do spot out a one-liner when you get to things like body type and hair will introduce her to voice acting.


Step Two: Let her play around in the starting area. While account sharing is frowned upon, I'm hoping BioWare will turn a blind eye with the prospect of a new player. If she gets hooked on her characters personality and storyline...


Step Three: Profit! ... Or rather, since you both can't be playing the same account simultaneously, the fact that if she wants to continue playing the game, or to play with you (you should stress that if she has her own copy, you can PLAY TOGETHER!), she'll need her own version.


Also offering to buy her a copy (don't forget to mention it includes 30 days free game time!) might help, because then it's not a matter of spending HER MONEY on something she might not enjoy.


your guildies talking nice wont matter. hence the laughter. have her spend sometime in character creation, make a character shes interested in, and turn her loose for a couple hours. if she gets into it, problem solved. if not, then you'll have to live with having only your guildies for company in game.


note: if shes not already into gaming and/or star wars, i wouldn't bother, she'll just have to indulge your hobby, and you'll have to live with the occassional exhasperated/affectionatly condecending looks. Mine plays the game, but isnt as die hard as i am so i still get those looks anyways. its the curse of the immersssed nerd


When she chooses a class, make sure you have a low level toon on the same planet. Follow her around as she does her quests and help her out (but importantly, don't do stuff for her, or kill all the mobs before she can get to them) and answer her questions. If she laughs and has fun, then you are onto a winner.

If your guildies are nice, then no reason not to introduce her. Most guys like a female voice on TS.


Edit: don't try and get a 6 hr gaming session out of it the first time. Explain how the dialogue choices work e.g. good=top, neutral=middle, bad=bottom, because it's not that obvious to start with, and the labels don't always match up to what you say.


I think these are solid pieces of advice. As a female gamer, this was pretty much how I got into Bioware games, or any non-casual game really. Except I initiated my own introduction by looking over my little brother's shoulders during his playthroughs. While I did enjoy Zelda, Warcraft 3, or WoW, I didn't REALLY love it until Mass Effect and Bioshock.


Character creation and immersion helps. After awhile, you tend forget it's a videogame, and see it more like a different (and interactive) medium of telling a story. {I can't tell you all the times I endured those annoying side-quests, just to get a major cut-scene.)


All passions and dedications start small, and gradually build up -- no need to freak out if she's not on board for a lengthy online session just yet.


On the other hand, some people simply hate non-casual games, no matter how it is introduced. But you'll never know that if you don't try. :D I was just fortunate I'm inclined towards liking sci-fiction, horror (and fantasy to an extent), so it was easy for me to get involved.

Edited by Livyius
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lol, i'm the opposite. had to beg my boyfriend to give mmorpgs a try :p


My male cousin (more of a sports guy) is the same -- he wasn't interested in games, esp. MMOs, before he gave KOTOR a try. Now he's hooked onto the series.


ps- to whoever said women love romance, the thought of any romance/dating simulation game makes me sick to my stomach.


I like a good romance, but I like gunning down my enemies with blasters and missiles even more. :D


Also, since the romance arc in SWTOR doesn't truly begin until Act 2, I wouldn't suggest mentioning it. For a newbie to plow through 30 levels, only to receive an hour or so of companion dialogue, just isn't worth it if they dislike everything else. Best taken as a boon, rather than a main priority.


My wife's not a gamer at all. She reads books while I play. It's a good arrangement, IMHO.


My point is, it's OK if she's not a gamer. She'll likely have interests that don't do anything for you. It's OK to have separate hobbies.


I have to agree with this. Most of the guys I've been romantically involved with don't share my film or movie tastes. And rarely, do they game at all. I just keep my inner gaming geek to myself. :p They like politics and history, but I want to look up the latest medical/scientific research. For me, it's important that we have similar worldviews, if not hobbies.

Edited by Livyius
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HAHA - completely agree.


I say 'can we watch something else this is boring'


The response I get is 'well, we might as well turn it off then...'


sigh. The things we put up with for a happy life.


This is what I usually get when she finds me gaming:




She's lucky I'm cute :D

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I bought my girlfriend an account and played with her for much of the game. Now we're both 50 and playing PVP. you gotta get them interested in it. She hadn't watched any of the Star Wars movies, so I introduced those to her. I then proceeded to read her articles from the Wookipedia. Or I spew off random star wars facts after we have sex. I figure those moments are the most precious, so anything I say should stick pretty well. I also got her a nice gaming laptop that she can actually play TOR on.
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Basically, i told my girlfriend that if she is lucky I would introduce her to my online friends on TS. She looked at me for a minute, laughed at me and then said ok....Does anyone have any advice for me? How do I take the next step in order to get her involved in the game. Would a team speak session/wz session with my character potentially get her hooked as my guildies were nice and explained the game to her through voice comms? DISCUSS! Thank you in advance.


- Toro



What's wrong with you guys? I havn't seen any good advice yet. The question is how can you make your girlfriend sit in front of that computer, play for the first time and continue playing?


Girls love guys who are responsible and has a good work/ life balance. Make them feel that the game only comes second before her. Show them that you can still live your life the way it should be and not spend it just playing the game. When you go out with her, only 20% of your conversation should be about the game. If she's playing other games, life facebook games, try to join her once in a while and make it a way to communicate with her(just dont overdo it). Once you are ready to introduce the game to her, try to set a day where you are alone with her and ask if you can play the game. Make it look like you're enjoying it and give her an idea that the game can be a way to bond and communicate with each other. If she havn't seen the movies yet, it wouldn't hurt if you make her like that first. In any relationship, communication is the key. Use the game to communicate.


I hope this would help you out.

Edited by lancekaye
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What's wrong with you guys? I havn't seen any good advice yet. The question is how can you make your girlfriend sit in front of that computer, play for the first time and continue playing?


Girls love guys who are responsible and has a good work/ life balance. Make them feel that the game only comes second before her. Show them that you can still live your life the way it should be and not spend it just playing the game. When you go out with her, only 20% of your conversation should be about the game. If she's playing other games, life facebook games, try to join her once in a while and make it a way to communicate with her(just dont overdo it). Once you are ready to introduce the game to her, try to set a day where you are alone with her and ask if you can play the game. Make it look like you're enjoying it and give her an idea that the game can be a way to bond and communicate with each other. If she havn't seen the movies yet, it wouldn't hurt if you make her like that first. In any relationship, communication is the key. Use the game to communicate.


I hope this would help you out.


Eh, hopefully people would be smart enough to 'get' that from the get-go but good thing you posted it just in case. It DOES suck when you have something to say and they flat out don't 'hear' you because they're too involved in the game.

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