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Auto-Face complainers and if a "fix" is necessary, why not this?


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Seems to me that you just want to destroy a ranged class at the moment you managed to get close. To balance that ranged should have no cast times or A LOT of cc to keep melee at range and better mobility. And yes, hope they delete sniper/gunslinger class together whith autofacing because it would be impossible to fight back having all main abilities interrupted and being forced to sit in cover in place to use them. Edited by Esmie
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As it turns out...

melee skills autoface as well.

so does force leap.


I can be completely not facing the target and force leap will autoface and leap.

in fact if i have auto target nearest turned on it will target face and leap with one button.


So... autoface is just a function of all attacks.


Likely i am moving around so much i just dont see the autoface effects whereas ranged attacks that are not instant may need people to stand still where the autoface is much more apparent.

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melee skills do not autoface.


yesterday some bh I was chasing jumped into that little area underneath the ramps (not the pit) and was just jumping back and forth, hitting me each time. Meanwhile, my melee abilities couldn't hit even though I had him targeted.

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Range would go from top dogs to scrubs in a matter of a single patch if they deactivated auto-facing with no other changes.


I'll say OK to this when they change interrupts to be usable when there is no casting, aka, bring juking with the same patch or no thx. Not that would really change a lot since it's not for the lockouts anyway.


With a little macro keyboard you can at the moment just macro your interrupt into every ability you hit so if the target is casting something you will automatically use your interrupt (since interrupt doesn't light up unless a castbar is active on your target). Since it's not for the lockout, just the delay in making them start over again, that's pretty amazing/cheesy.

Edited by Vlaid
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melee skills do not autoface.


yesterday some bh I was chasing jumped into that little area underneath the ramps (not the pit) and was just jumping back and forth, hitting me each time. Meanwhile, my melee abilities couldn't hit even though I had him targeted.


they do autoface you just have to stand still. try it out again.

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Range would go from top dogs to scrubs in a matter of a single patch if they deactivated auto-facing with no other changes.


I'll say OK to this when they change interrupts to be usable when there is no casting, aka, bring juking with the same patch or no thx. Not that would really change a lot since it's not for the lockouts anyway.


With a little macro keyboard you can at the moment just macro your interrupt into every ability you hit so if the target is casting something you will automatically use your interrupt (since interrupt doesn't light up unless a castbar is active on your target). Since it's not for the lockout, just the delay in making them start over again, that's pretty amazing/cheesy.


Good thing interrupt is on a 12 sec cd.


Man is it hard to press that button once every 12 sec.



Oh, and it can be cleansed!




Yeah, no.

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Range would go from top dogs to scrubs in a matter of a single patch if they deactivated auto-facing with no other changes.


I'll say OK to this when they change interrupts to be usable when there is no casting, aka, bring juking with the same patch or no thx. Not that would really change a lot since it's not for the lockouts anyway.


With a little macro keyboard you can at the moment just macro your interrupt into every ability you hit so if the target is casting something you will automatically use your interrupt (since interrupt doesn't light up unless a castbar is active on your target). Since it's not for the lockout, just the delay in making them start over again, that's pretty amazing/cheesy.


Force kick and force leap are interrupts for jedi knights and they are not restricted to when they can be used and have a cool down.


Everything autofaces so i can not complain much.

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Force kick and force leap are interrupts for jedi knights and they are not restricted to when they can be used and have a cool down.


Everything autofaces so i can not complain much.


Yes they are restricted. I just tested this on my jugger not even 60 seconds ago.

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Good thing interrupt is on a 12 sec cd.


Man is it hard to press that button once every 12 sec.



Oh, and it can be cleansed!




Yeah, no.


Well, since it's so not hard to hit that one button every 12 seconds (even though it's not 12 for every spec, but I'll forgive your blanket ignorance) you should be fine with the change Mr.Pro.

Edited by Vlaid
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force kick really? it seems to be always lit up for me but may that is because things are doing things all the time... i have used for ce kick when the target appears to be doing nothing so it may be that it is restricted but not restricted to what it can interrupt.

It is on a cooldown, has an animation, and requires an action point.



I have thought about trying to macro it but it would seriously reduce my dps. I just try to hit it when i get the chance.


force leap is not restricted.

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Well, since it's so not hard to hit that one button every 12 seconds (even though it's not 12 for every spec, but I'll forgive your blanket ignorance) you should be fine with the change Mr.Pro.







Melee do not destroy ranged once they get into range (well....technically with the buff stacking I suppose, but ranged can do the same thing). It only makes it so that the melee class can actually START doing damage. And interrupt just stops ONE ability. Any ranged class worth his salt uses more than one ability, though I do love seeing troopers/bh's just sit there when I interrupt their grav round/tracer missle.


Ranged is simple. Melee gets into melee range? KB with slow or root. Pew pew. Melee uses gap closer? If melee != jug, cc and proceed to cast your big hitters. But this is more of an issue with the stupid amount of cc in this game rather than range per se. Just that range benefits from the cc a lot more.

Edited by Asnine
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If lag is your problem - buy a better computer.



A computer is rarely the culprit when it comes to lag.


It is usually a network issue, or your ISP.


Before you act like you know what you're talking about, i suggest you make sure you know what you're talking about.

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If auto face gets taken out, they have to add CD- otherwise 'interrupting' abilities becomes as simple as having a seizure where they're standing. I don't mind auto facing out, but make the speed bursting assassins actually have to run around me to disrupt my spells.
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melee skills do not autoface.


yesterday some bh I was chasing jumped into that little area underneath the ramps (not the pit) and was just jumping back and forth, hitting me each time. Meanwhile, my melee abilities couldn't hit even though I had him targeted.


You are wrong- melee skills do autoface- you cannot be using the mouse to face or be moving though as that gives you control of the character. Autoface you must stand still- but it does work for melee attacks, and your leaps too, saber throw, etc...

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I didn't know the game had autoface in for PvP. I play while holding down the right mouse button and always face who is attacking me so I don't get backstabbed.


I do think that we need collision detection in for PvP. I still had a guy run through me to make any skill with a cast time useless. You can't face someone that is standing inside of you.


If autoface is in the game, then I'm fine with that too. I guess I need to just stand there and let the computer turn for me next time someone is trying to joust.


This is not some FPS game we are playing on a LAN, so any way to make range and targeting less affected by latency the better.

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Everything auto faces... click on a person walking by as they walk by your toon will follow them...



What you can't do is Look South when your opponent is south of you. They have to be North while you're looking north for you to use the move and then your toon will follow them until the action is off.

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