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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Let us play in offline mode


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i would consider playing the game again in a single player mode with the economy fixed somehow so i need not worry about credits all the time


If it was a single player game there would be no economy to worry about....

Edited by DarrkLore
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yep, then it will all go deathly quiet. Pretty much like the game really.


If by quiet you mean the endless moaning by a small group of trolls will stop then yes, the rest of us will be happy playing or posting useful topics here.

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I'm just waiting for Guild Wars 2 at this point.


I've been waiting for an MMO that actually encourages dozens of players to actively play together at once.


No more heavy instances or the inability to jump off a ledge or to be forced to follow a very linear path like it was in Guild Wars the original?


Hmm, guess they will be getting out of their comfort zones with them doing their very 1st MMO also. :rolleyes:

Edited by Fraxture
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I support the single player/offline mode for the game.


Once you go single player, you are forever cut off from the rest of the game, future updates, etc. You cannot bring yourself back online, unless you totally start all over, any characters that you had for offline play are disabled and unable to be used.

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Telos Restoration Project and Mind Trick.


WOW im on both of those too! Telos is SOO empty though I switched there from Mind Trick when i had early access cause of the queues which was stupid cause telos sucks, is mind trick still good? meaning lots of people asking to do runs and such?

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I group all the time.

I ask for help with Heroics or search for players for FPs.


I use general, no one flames me, and people respond.


Maybe communication is the key here?


I agree so many heroics and fps, even got whispered whilst in a fp today asking if i want to join them.


Always someone looking for more.

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here is an IDEA! instead of complaining that the game FEELS too single player, lets try to ACTUALLY form a group...


i honestly one time promised myself not play this game solo ever, because of this i formed a pretty decent guild with some really great players. but alas sometimes not everyone is on at the time i am on so i go out to the general pop. Let me tell you, i have never met a more anti social bunch of human beings. I have no problem helping you complete your quests infact i look forward to it. but one time i saw a dude with his LFG flag up and i said hey you wanna group and he said: "No why?" i said: "you have your LFG up" and he said "oh my mistake i dont like to play in groups"


so yeah the problem does not lie in the game or the developers the problem lies in you! get out there and get together.

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Yea not sure what server youre on but I play on 2 different ones ( LS & DS) and I have no problem grouping, doing pvp, or just seeing people back & forth when Im doing missions. Ive even got ganked a few times :(



FYI you can usually use global chat to find people doing stuff. You would be suprised that asking people to do things generally works well.


If youre not in a guild I would recommend that too so that way even if you are solo there are still people to chat with.


I mean if you want to play solo then you can, but you gots to pay either way, might as well have fun with others.... or play KOTOR its very similar.

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And, yes, OP, that would be amazing. People would make mods I could use to play however I wanted. If I made a mistake or changed my mind about something I'd be able to hex edit my save game. I'd be able to take my time and progress at my own rate instead of rushing through to save myself from paying hundreds of dollars for the same amount of fun I would get from a $60 single player game. Edited by ApesAmongUs
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Lets face it the desirable features of this game are the story and voice overs. The other key MMO features are greatly lacking and the ones that do exist are outdated.


Let us play this game offline, we paid $60-$120 for it and its clearly designed as a single player game with some co-op.


The people who want to co-op can continue to pay the $15/mo and do that.


Thanks Bioware


Close your chat box. Offline mode.

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Some alienate themselves from the community thinking that everyone should run after them.

But when no one cares about them silently wanting to finish heroic quests and etc they think that it is best to play offline.

Buy a console?

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The problem isn't finding a group, the problem is that you almost never randomly encounter other players in the actual world... It creates a feeling that it's a single player game.


Earlier today I went to kill an elite for an quest (I'm lvl 45), went to the place where the map said the elite should be and it wasn't there, my first reaction was "oh damn it's bugged", but then I understood that someone else had killed it, first time in 45 levels that happened to me, thats on the most populated EU server (nadd).


In an mmo I like to feel that I'm actually playing in a alternative world with lots of other ppl, I'm not doing that in swtor sadly.

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Im level 45 in all orange gear with some purple mods and good gear.


my companions are fitted out nicely with doc being in all orange gear and pvp gear



I am guildless, and never have grouped, done a heroic or a flashpoint :p


but the occasional pvp is fun, but yea it's not really a good mmorpg from 1 - 49


it's a coop rpg from 1 - 49 then at 50 it becomes a mmorpg.


so yea I've soloed in 1 week casually playing from 5pm to 8pm or 10pm and at 45 with great gear and such. Done most all the bonus series quests on each planet and got half the datacrons :p


who needs a group? Its faster solo.


group you have to wait, wait for people to show up, whining over loot rules, etc etc...


while I'm breezing past them enjoying all the side quests and class quests, bonus series quests, and finding cool easter eggs and finding all the lore sites for extra xp as well.



much faster solo


and more fun



until 50 that is

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They should have just made KoToR 3 instead of an MMO.




He already paid for it. As did I, and you. 60 dollars.


And when you think about it, kind of silly that you can't play a game you purchased with that much money, unless you give them another additional 15 dollars.



I agree, i call this game a SPMMO, single player MMO. Getting groups in this game is too much a pain in my *** to even do when I can just level faster running solo. Maybe if they had a LFG global chat or a LFD like wow has and I don't give a rats hairy *** if its copying them. the world is built on that so go flame somewhere else.

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