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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Love the game, but here are the changes I'd make...


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1. Move sprint to level 10.


2. Move speeder training to level 20. Drop the cost to ~25k.


3. Slash the cost of crew skill missions by 30-50% across the board. Alternatively, increase the odds of getting good materials and material quantities. Crafting is generally too expensive without being very profitable (at least on my server) and is extremely easy to bypass as you get plenty of rewards from quests, PvP and commendations.


4. Give all crafting skills a reason to exist, especially at max level. Right now, you'll likely only sell anything if you RE enough items to get purple recipes, and I've observed that purple items very often sell for less than the materials required to build them (ie you need four Krayt Dragon scales for one purple armoring. The armor won't sell for more than 6k while the scales sell for 1.5k each. Derp).


5. To increase the need for crafted goods, remove many of the gear rewards from quests and double to triple the credits awarded instead. This would result in more players with money to spend who are in need of gear.


6. Make the speeders built by cybertech BoE. Being able to sell these to mount collectors >>>>>>>>>>> "bragging rights" about being cybertech.


7. Give us a guild calendar where we can schedule guild events and whatnot. A MUST for any large guild.


8. Put a level floor on traveling to planets. If Illum only has content for level 50s, why does it allow ANYONE there below level 45?


9. Add mailboxes to ships.


I'll post more as I think of them.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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1. Move sprint to level 10.


2. Move speeder training to level 20. Drop the cost to ~25k.


3. Slash the cost of crew skill missions by 30-50% across the board. Alternatively, increase the odds of getting good materials and material quantities. Crafting is generally too expensive without being very profitable (at least on my server) and is extremely easy to bypass as you get plenty of rewards from quests, PvP and commendations.


4. Give all crafting skills a reason to exist, especially at max level. Right now, you'll likely only sell anything if you RE enough items to get purple recipes, and I've observed that purple items very often sell for less than the materials required to build them (ie you need four Krayt Dragon scales for one purple armoring. The armor won't sell for more than 6k while the scales sell for 1.5k each. Derp).


5. To increase the need for crafted goods, remove many of the gear rewards from quests and double to triple the credits awarded instead. This would result in more players with money to spend who are in need of gear.


6. Make the speeders built by cybertech BoE. Being able to sell these to mount collectors >>>>>>>>>>> "bragging rights" about being cybertech.


7. Give us a guild calendar where we can schedule guild events and whatnot. A MUST for any large guild.


8. Put a level floor on traveling to planets. If Illum only has content for level 50s, why does it allow ANYONE there below level 45?


I'll post more as I think of them.


i agree with all but 8. i don't believe ones level should restrict them from traveling to a specific area.


the creatures that are there may be a bit troublesome, but that's their problem.

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These ideas mostly seem likely to flood more money into a nonexistent economy. I don't think anyone can really strongly approve nor disapprove of the lesser changes, and -everyone- wants the crafting professions to be useful.
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The time it takes to get from place to place is going to suck the life out of the people who choose to play this for the long-term. That is one thing that will inevitably get fixed at some point.


I agree on the cybertech bikes. They need to make them BoE and/or use 1/10 the material they do now. If I sold the underworld metals alone I could buy like 5+ speeders off the vendor. And it's not like cybertech or the recipe for the bikes are uncommon. I see tons of people on them...


The guild interface needs a lot of features/improvements. Calendars are just one of them.

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because the planet before you get to about 25, is terrible and you want to leave ASAP




Taris is huge and could massively benefit from having a speeder.


crafting costs and speeder costs are fine learn to not waste money, its already way too easy to get credits.


As it stands, everyone I know is poor (except me, cause I've been to Illum).


Normally, I'd say "When the economy balances out..." except that I don't see how the economy will get any more balanced because we have an economy where people won't even buy crafted goods for less than it costs to make them.


It's too easy to never go to the GTN for anything, and from what I hear, endgame players have ZERO need to EVER go to the GTN, especially if they're Biochem.

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Those first two suggestions mirror changes in almost every other MMO that has lasted a bit. WoW reduced mount levels, as did Lotro, as did a few others, making sure folks get their faster travel methods sooner.


Hope they take it up here too.

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Those first two suggestions mirror changes in almost every other MMO that has lasted a bit. WoW reduced mount levels, as did Lotro, as did a few others, making sure folks get their faster travel methods sooner.


Hope they take it up here too.


Yeah, those 5 levels after 20 are painful without a speeder...

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