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Tips against "WASD" button mashers?


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Hey, been doing some PvP as a lvl 41 Marauder spec'd in Annihilation. Overall I've done pretty good (especially considering my 0 expertise and <50 lvl), however one thing always gets me. . . Those players who just button mash the control keys around me in a fight.


What happens is my Marauder's abilities become unresponsive (As I cannot attack while moving AND I cannot attack when they run behind me). Basically I'm hitting all my abilities but my marauder just stands around unable to process the attacks I have commanded (I'm sure lag attributes to this as well).


So what's the best strategy for this? I feel like I'm playing that 5 year old in Street Fighter who just hits low-kick non-stop for 10 minutes until they win. :p

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I circle strafe... I've got multiple melee classes and I've never had any problems attacking any moving targets, or attacking while moving myself. It's really a very fluid thing once you get the hang of it. Pro tip here though, you might want to try it yourself. Don't "mash WASD" though. The best thing to do is usually to hold both mouse buttons and pivot your camera. Your WASD fingers get freed up to hit your binds that way.


Unless you're a clicker... in which case... you shouldn't be playing a melee class, let alone a Marauder.

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It's called jousting and it's one of the keys to being good at melee PvP. You want to be in range/facing opponent when your attack is ready to be used and you want to be out of range or behind the opponent during the GCD or when he is trying to attack you. To be more effective at doing this make sure you slow your opponent's movement speed. While it may not be obvious to slow another melee opponent since they are not trying to run away from you, it helps maximize your time on target allowing you to do more damage in a given period of time.
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Hey, been doing some PvP as a lvl 41 Marauder spec'd in Annihilation. Overall I've done pretty good (especially considering my 0 expertise and <50 lvl), however one thing always gets me. . . Those players who just button mash the control keys around me in a fight.


What happens is my Marauder's abilities become unresponsive (As I cannot attack while moving AND I cannot attack when they run behind me). Basically I'm hitting all my abilities but my marauder just stands around unable to process the attacks I have commanded (I'm sure lag attributes to this as well).


So what's the best strategy for this? I feel like I'm playing that 5 year old in Street Fighter who just hits low-kick non-stop for 10 minutes until they win. :p


If you arent trying to get behind your opponent in pvp as a melee, then you should, and people dont do it by keyboard turning, you need to mouse turn, run through them then turn 180 quickly and repeat.. Thats just a staple of melee pvp dps, its ez once you practice

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Hey, been doing some PvP as a lvl 41 Marauder spec'd in Annihilation. Overall I've done pretty good (especially considering my 0 expertise and <50 lvl), however one thing always gets me. . . Those players who just button mash the control keys around me in a fight.


What happens is my Marauder's abilities become unresponsive (As I cannot attack while moving AND I cannot attack when they run behind me). Basically I'm hitting all my abilities but my marauder just stands around unable to process the attacks I have commanded (I'm sure lag attributes to this as well).


So what's the best strategy for this? I feel like I'm playing that 5 year old in Street Fighter who just hits low-kick non-stop for 10 minutes until they win. :p


I run in circles.. generally holding the right mouse button to rotate the camera, then alternate direction by what hot keys i need to get to on my other hand.

The biggest thing i can suggest is do not be afraid to break combat. if you are in a losing battle break off and charge back in, use the snare it gives to regain the advantage, apply another snare straight off the cuff and you can maintain said advantage while you get your main skills off. you can run in circles, he'll have to static rotate to keep up with you :)

Hope that helps.

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First I want to give kudos to the OP for asking an intelligent, non QQ'n, Mature, and sobering question on how to play.


I get so sick and tired of people crying and whining because somthing is'n going their way. This actually helped me reading the post. I just only wished more people were like you. Thanks man. And this actually helped me cuz I have the same problem.

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lol oh wow. I didn't even know about the double mouse click for easy maneuvering. I've been gaming for decades, but this is really the first time I've dangled my toes in the MMO genre.


I was wondering why everyone else seemed to be running around more efficiently than I. Definitely going to make maneuvering my character a lot smoother now, thanks. :D

Edited by QuietGoneJinn
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Hey, been doing some PvP as a lvl 41 Marauder spec'd in Annihilation. Overall I've done pretty good (especially considering my 0 expertise and <50 lvl), however one thing always gets me. . . Those players who just button mash the control keys around me in a fight.


What happens is my Marauder's abilities become unresponsive (As I cannot attack while moving AND I cannot attack when they run behind me). Basically I'm hitting all my abilities but my marauder just stands around unable to process the attacks I have commanded (I'm sure lag attributes to this as well).


So what's the best strategy for this? I feel like I'm playing that 5 year old in Street Fighter who just hits low-kick non-stop for 10 minutes until they win. :p



Hey I just wanted to interject this here.... one of two things could possibly be happening here. Not sure if you are aware of NKRO on keyboards but this acronym stands for Next Key Roll-over. Unless you have a gaming keyboard, or a keyboard with extra threading it is impossible to hit extra keys over the NKRO of that keyboard.


Example : Your keyboard has a NKRO of 2 which means if you hold "W" for forward and say "A" for strafe left then you would not be able to hit any of your bindings if they are within 2 keys of that area because the keyboard wouldn't be able to register the keystroke.


Second reason it might not be working and this is something that might just be happening to me but I don't zoom in, or zoom out the camera much so I use mouse-wheel up and down.... and Shift-mouse-wheel up and down for different bindings. (Like say Cloak of Pain) Well the problem that I have (which I have figured out a work around) is that say I charge in then hit mouse-wheel up to use cloak of pain.... for some reason all of my skills except for "Assault" go inactive and I have to hit assault first before I can continue on with my rotation. This might just be with my setup, but i thought that I would let you know just in case that might be happening as well.


Again these might not be what is happening to you but I felt compelled to let you know just in case you didn't realize that it could be these issues.

Edited by Krim-
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Slow them down. I ALWAYS use Crippling Slash (-50% mvt speed) when I start a fight with ANYONE. Even without it I'm a circle spinner whore also so I'm used to it, but slowing their movement speed with Crippling Slash/Rupture (one of the talents in Annihilation does this) or snaring with Force Charge does help a ton.
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get comfortable strafing both clockwise and ccw around a target while using your skills.



Majority of players try to strafe or turn you ccw first, since most are righthanded.

easier to move the wrist and tilt the fingers towards the keyboard and use keybinds than away, so many do it without thinking.


If you instead strafe left of your attacker you'll often collide with them and can land some hits before they register.

(or you end up doing figure 8's, but hey.)


ofc, there's always the "jousting" crowd, this implies a melée attacker, so you should feel right at home.



tip: go into options and set the max camera distance higher so you don't get disoriented trying to track someone that's running through you.

Much easier to cope with a jouster if you can see him at all times :D




/ just some oldschool stuff that i think still works well.

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Hey I just wanted to interject this here.... one of two things could possibly be happening here. Not sure if you are aware of NKRO on keyboards but this acronym stands for Next Key Roll-over. Unless you have a gaming keyboard, or a keyboard with extra threading it is impossible to hit extra keys over the NKRO of that keyboard.


Example : Your keyboard has a NKRO of 2 which means if you hold "W" for forward and say "A" for strafe left then you would not be able to hit any of your bindings if they are within 2 keys of that area because the keyboard wouldn't be able to register the keystroke.


Second reason it might not be working and this is something that might just be happening to me but I don't zoom in, or zoom out the camera much so I use mouse-wheel up and down.... and Shift-mouse-wheel up and down for different bindings. (Like say Cloak of Pain) Well the problem that I have (which I have figured out a work around) is that say I charge in then hit mouse-wheel up to use cloak of pain.... for some reason all of my skills except for "Assault" go inactive and I have to hit assault first before I can continue on with my rotation. This might just be with my setup, but i thought that I would let you know just in case that might be happening as well.


Again these might not be what is happening to you but I felt compelled to let you know just in case you didn't realize that it could be these issues.

Wow, that would actually explain a lot. I'm not sure if that's my problem, but I do have a fairly mediocre keyboard. I usually only invest in Console peripherals, but I think it would be wise to get myself a much better keyboard and see how things work out then.


Thanks. :)

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Wow, that would actually explain a lot. I'm not sure if that's my problem, but I do have a fairly mediocre keyboard. I usually only invest in Console peripherals, but I think it would be wise to get myself a much better keyboard and see how things work out then.


Thanks. :)


Hey no problem man, just thought I would throw it out there in case you didn't know! :)

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