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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes needed to CC (Crowd Control)


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First, a quick overview of CC abilities. There are generally 3 types of CC in SWTOR: Roots, Mezzes, Stuns/Knock Downs (KD).


Root: prevents movement, but you can fight, heal, and otherwise act in place. Does not break when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.

Mez: prevents all action, but breaks when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.

Stun/KD: prevents all action, does not break when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.


Root is the weakest, Mez is a little more powerful, and Stun/KD is the strongest CC ability.


SWTOR does not give the proper resolve for these states.


Root should give some resolve, but the least amount.

Mez should give a little more resolve than Root.

Stun/KD should give a metric truckload of resolve, if not a full bar.


Right now, not all KD gives full resolve (only the Scoundrel/Operative opener from stealth does). This should be fixed.

Next, Stuns do not give NEARLY enough resolve. This needs to be upped (should give 60-75% of your bar.)

Mezzes give too much resolve, this needs to be lowered a little.

Roots don't give ANY resolve - this should be fixed.

Edited by Zaodon
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First, a quick overview of CC abilities. There are generally 4 types of CC in SWTOR: Roots, Mezzes, Stuns and Knock Downs (KD).


Root: prevents movement, but you can fight, heal, and otherwise act in place. Does not break when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.

Mez: prevents all action, but breaks when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.

Stun: prevents all action, does not break when you're attacked. CC breaker ability can remove it.

KD: prevents all action, does not break when you're attacked. CC breaker ability CANNOT remove it.


Root is the weakest, Mez is a little more powerful, Stun is very strong, and KD is the strongest CC ability.


SWTOR does not give the proper resolve for these states.


Root should give some resolve, but the least amount.

Mez should give a little more resolve than Root.

Stun should give a metric truckload of resolve.

KD should give a full resolve bar.


Right now, not all KD gives full resolve (only the Scoundrel/Operative opener from stealth does). This should be fixed.

Next, Stuns do not give NEARLY enough resolve. This needs to be upped (should give 60-75% of your bar.)

Mezzes give too much resolve, this needs to be lowered a little.

Roots don't give ANY resolve - this should be fixed.



CC breaker does get you out of knockdown.

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Snares should be added to root.


Knockbacks/push/pull effects should be added.


Each effect should add to resolve and while resolve bar is full and for a little while after you should be immune to ALL such effects.


Having to spend the entire fight just being thrown around like a dog's chew toy doesn't make for much fun. Nor does being perma slowed or mezzed for long periods of time.




for the mezzes, especially out of combat cc mez effects they need to be capped at around 5-10 seconds vs a player. If you use your CC breaker against a mez it should put you in combat so you can't immediately just be CC'd again.


While rooted, snared, mez'd your resolve bar should slowly tick upwards.

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Mez gives you 3/4 of a resolve bar. I actually want people to mez me at the start of a combat because it gets me time to survey who is the best attack, and knowing that I won't get attacked while I look around (and if I get hit, then that totally defeats the purpose of them using mez to begin with), and I start with 3/4 of resolev bar built so only need one more stray KB to get a full bar.
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what would be the point of getting resolve from snares,roots and knockbacks if a full resolve isnt going to protect you from a future snare or knockback anyway, what the cc system needs is a system of diminishing returns across the board to prevent chain cc spamming and get some fight and fun back into the game.
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what would be the point of getting resolve from snares,roots and knockbacks if a full resolve isnt going to protect you from a future snare or knockback anyway, what the cc system needs is a system of diminishing returns across the board to prevent chain cc spamming and get some fight and fun back into the game.


full resolve blocks knockbacks, not snares or roots however (and IMO should at least block roots)

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The resolve system doesn't work IMO, we need diminishing returns.


I play a Scoundrel Scrapper. Do you really want me to be able to immediately stun you using Dirty Kick right after Shoot First? With diminishing returns if you trinketed the Shoot First, I could then Dirty Kick you immediately, do you really want that?


I think Resolve needs a little work but if you have healing classes in a game, you must have CC. It's just how it has to work to balance things. Now, if you have diminishing returns then, because most classes have multiple stuns, people will actually be stunned longer.


The only thing needed right now is that once the resolve bar is filled, it needs to take a hair longer to dump. That's it. No need to completely change the entire system.

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The only thing needed right now is that once the resolve bar is filled, it needs to take a hair longer to dump. That's it. No need to completely change the entire system.


I agree, some minor tweaks are all we really need here.

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i dont disagree with the resolve changes you propose. But i think the main thing everyone needs is like a 3-5 sec immunity to cc and stuns after you use your cc breaker. Theres nothing worse than breaking free just to sit there some more.


As crappy as dcuo was, at least they had the right idea. The only cc in that game came from a class designed for it. Not give it to everyone and have a stun fest

Edited by SirGusto
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Maybe they could have a full resolve bar refresh the cooldown on your "get out of c.c. " ability also ( they may want to adjust the rates that c.c. fills your resolve bar) so you don't always feel hesitation to use your one ability to free your character, for fear you may need it even more 45 seconds from now.
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if I get hit, then that totally defeats the purpose of them using mez to begin with


Not completely true. The most obvious reason to use a mez is to take someone out of a fight but you can use it to activate other abilities (e.g. rail shot for the BH which works on DoTs or incapacitation) or to interrupt a cast / channel.


It can also be done simply to tip someones resolve bar over the edge early so it will be empty when you need it to be in a few seconds time (e.g. when approaching a hazard on huttball).

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Frankly, the cc in this game is horrendous. The way it should be working is that roots, snares, stuns and mezzes(wth) give both resolve and work on diminishing returns.


Bioware really needs to look at the way Crowd Control is working in pvp at the moment and change it accordingly because the way it is right now is not fun.

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I would like to see a system similar to WAR's system later in the game. After being CC'd you were given complete immunity. The immunity was based on the length of the CC ability used. It was split into two types of immunity, KD/Stun/Mez and Knockbacks. Knockbacks gave a static 20sec immunity while the others you were granted immunity for 10x (I think) the duration of the CC. What this meant is for MEZ's that are LONG but broken on damage, if it was broken after 1sec you still had the full immunity. This means players become more selective with their CC and don't just spam it constantly on every target.


Now my issue with resolve as it stands. I play an operative in concealment spec and most of our damage comes from melee abilityies. We have no gap closer either. So when I have full resolve and get rooted, im screwed. I will have likely already used my Trinket to break the last CC that resulted in full resolve and now im stuck (usually in the huttball fire) just holding my dick.


Also, 100% agree with opening poster.

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I'd like to see both resolve and dr's.


Put dr's on all similar abilites to keep people from chaining together the same type of cc, then keep resolve so no one can be continuously cc'd for too long even with alternating cc types.

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Yes the CC and the resolve system are very annoying systems.


If they want to keep resolve then all it need to do is the % of resolve you have = the duration of the CC lasts.


50% = 2 sec cc


full bar (or maybe 99.9% that still results in us being CC'd for the full 4 seconds) the cc just interrupts the current spell.


There system fixed.


Also i don't think knock downs should work on players as the standing up period is messed up, as it feels that i have to manually stand up.


While were init can we have some degree of immunity to pushes and pulls? having them chained one after the other is going to leave us with the Death Knights Deathgrip scenario.

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