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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What would stop you from leaving swtor after the free 30 day sub is up?


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Nothing at all!


Because no matter what they do the game is a poorly designed MMO. I have single player games for single player content and don't need a sub to play those single player games.


Challenge: name one currently active mmo that is not a solo game? I can tell you the most popular one of all time is more of a solo game than any other game out there


I would ask for your stuff, but you are obviously a noob and wouldn't have anything worth much in game

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If players do not express what they want to see improved, not much will be done to please them.

Bioware is already working on the game for years.


In contrast to insulting fanboy troll comments, many OP honestly want to see this game improved.


there is a HUGE diffeence between postive contructive feedback and just down right whining and complaining which is what the majority here, do... just complain and obviously want the game to fdail just so they can say "I told you so!"

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Not leaving, been playing since the 16th and only managed a 40/20/10/10/10/8/6/2.

Having a blast, but here lately I just been feeling down so I haven't been doing much of anything really. Gaming or otherwise.


I know when I get back though I have plenty of content to play through, I am a slow leveler anyway. With a bit over 5 days of /played on my main he is still only 40 where as my friend has one of every class at 20 and a single 40.

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I'm not leaving any time soon. I've played more than a few vanilla releases of MMO's and knew what to expect. Taking the time to build up a community and a server history is more important to me than throwing a tantrum on the forums because of a bug not being fixed within 2 weeks of release.


This X 1000

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1. Mainteness time for EU players moved to the dead of night insted of during the day.

2. LFG Tool.

3. insentive to do Open world PvP

4. More lvl 50 Quests

5. cross realm pvp in the normal pvp battles ( shorter ques less fricking Crapball )

6. id like to able to Dye my gear, purple and pink issent really what i imagined my Sith Lord to be wearing.


and dont really see any of thoose things happening anytime soon and number 1 is really a deal breaker for me i refuse to pay more for less and be treatet like a 2nd class customer.



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I've un-subbed already. One thing I'd like is a LFG tool like in Rift. It made that game a 1000x better.


I am sorry i quit coz of the LFG system. I am not a hater on LFG but the uber nerf to all T2 instances was brutal, What use to be a amazing 1-2h struggle became 30 min faceroll that drops half the gear. To each his own i guess.

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there is a HUGE diffeence between postive contructive feedback and just down right whining and complaining which is what the majority here, do... just complain and obviously want the game to fdail just so they can say "I told you so!"


More than 90 % of all OP write down the reasons why they complain.

In contrast to half of the comments that are not constructive at all but rather insulting or "go back to WoW".

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I'd need to see a lfg tool for sure for me to stick around. As someone who only has about an hour per night on week nights to play I can't be spending 20-30 mins trying to find a group instead of levelling, since I'll never get anywhere. Being able to be in LFG while levelling is essential for me.


UI improvements are also pretty important, as I'm finding I spend as much time staring at the tiny icons to figure out when I need to recast things as I am looking at the actual fights, which isn't fun.


Even with all that, I still may not stay, as if I'm going to pay $15 per month for an MMO I might as well be playing the most polished one on the market. It sort of annoys me that it seems that SWTOR was a rushed release that was developed with the MMO part as an afterthought. As well, when they finally announce a release date for Diablo 3 I'll be out on all MMO's for quite awhile.

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I CANNOT wait till the 30 days are up!


Then all those threatening to leave will do so - and the rest of us can enjoy the forums in peace.


Well, not enjoy. Ah ye know what I mean.


I sort of agree with this


Clearly the Devs are not going to implement any of the features the OP wants before the free 30 days ends.


So maybe he should check back later.


I am sure we all wish him well


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Greetings everyone,


We already have a discussion about suggestions for improving the game, found here:




Since we would like to keep the discussion focused we are asking everyone to continue the conversation in that one thread so we can keep the forums a little better organized and user-friendly for all our members.


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the feedback!

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