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So 2 Waves..95% Light, 5% Standard


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2 Waves, 95% light servers, 5% standard..



They better release alot of waves, really fast.. today


Orrrr what?




All you jokers are giving ultimatums to BioWare like they would care lol. Why on Earth would BioWare cater to the WoW kiddies that are going to complain about everything anyway? Hopefully they care about the mature adult players so that we don't have to deal with you drivel for too long.


Go play your game of simpletons.

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Here we go again....


Gotta catch that wave ....


Are there level 50s yet from this "bug" ?


How is the economy doing with all these high level players farming gear to flog to the rest of us on the GTN when we get in game ?


Those nice little vids with the data cron locations will be out of date .. as they move them after so many tags .... ?

Edited by Hillarious
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Orrrr what?




All you jokers are giving ultimatums to BioWare like they would care lol. Why on Earth would BioWare cater to the WoW kiddies that are going to complain about everything anyway? Hopefully they care about the mature adult players so that we don't have to deal with you drivel for too long.


Go play your game of simpletons.


I love WoW, and im 23 years of age.


Played since 2004, you did not play?

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Orrrr what?




All you jokers are giving ultimatums to BioWare like they would care lol. Why on Earth would BioWare cater to the WoW kiddies that are going to complain about everything anyway? Hopefully they care about the mature adult players so that we don't have to deal with you drivel for too long.


Go play your game of simpletons.


Waaa waaaaaa


Sneering post is sneering.


You know what's sadder than moaning about a game? Moaning about people moaning about a game.




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How is the economy doing with all these high level players farming gear to flog to the rest of us on the GTN when we get in game ?


Does anyone else see that as a good thing?


The economy doesn't get ruined because some people reach level 50 before you.. Someone has to be first...

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You do realize that this is the exact same excuse the apologists used yesterday? They were laughed at and mocked at prime time when the servers still were showing light to standard populations.


I guess I missed that, because I was playing all of last night.

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As someone posted above, a good amount of people are at work, school, etc. I'm actually in no rush to get on because once I do, I probably won't get off for a long, long, long, long time.



PS. I'm getting ready for work. Now give me a cookie.

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Ever since i first started to get interested in this game last year i knew that if Bioware was able to pull all of what they were promissing that SWKOTOR would set a new bar for all other MMO that would follow . I have to be honest , i was very skeptical about them being able to voice over every quest giver and unless i am mistaken they even went further and added cutscenes with your character in it . When i realized that in the begining of december my mind was blown and i immediatly bought the game ...


That being said , it is this 30 years long gamer's humble opinion that sadly Bioware will set out another bar also for what NOT to do on an headstart event . I have taken part to lots of headstarts and yes some have had performances issues and yes some ppl had to wait on for mobs to respawn and yes sometimes it even went as far as having some servers crashing entierly but ppl weren't mad because it is what to be expected anytime a new game is launching . In a nutshell , it is what ppl are ready to put up with to have the privilege of starting to play earlier then the rest of the croud .


I can seriously say that this headstart tactic is probably the worst idea i have ever heared in terms of fairness or even as a way to control the gameplay experiences of your gamers . I honestly think that if they did try to come up with a worst idea to do this that they would have drawn blanks !!! Not only does it fail to give a fair gaming experience to everyone but it also fails to provide a good server stability since the only way for you to know what your servers can handle is by testing them under normal conditions and know at which point what fails and correct the situation as to where it present itself . As far as fairness is conserned , it also fails to be fair for everyone since by the time i am writing these lines , 28 hours after the first wave was released , the majority of the players that got in , are lvl 10 and up !!! And let's not forget the 4 waves per day limit !!! Yes i know there was a 5th bonus wave yesterday but that's just it ... why stop sending waves at all ??? What Bioware seems to forget is that more players are inflammed by this tactic then there are ppl in the game already and some of them are working in the gaming industry , i wonder what kind of reviews they will come up with ??? I am no longer working in a radio station but for sure i would have had my entire week dedicated to this entire fiasco as a topic


All and all , i will definatly play since i already bought the game but i do not entend to go further then the initial 1 month that comes with the game entierly on principle . If Bioware is lacking any form of caring for it's community from the get go , it holds promises of the same type of treatment in the futur . I have been part of alot of MMOs some good some bad and the only successful ones were the ones that didn't treat it's customers like cash cows and that is exactly how Bioware has handled the headstart so far .



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That being said , it is this 30 years long gamer's humble opinion that sadly Bioware will set out another bar also for what NOT to do on an headstart event .


It must be nice to live such a privileged life that you have never had to wait in a line before. Face the fact that lots of people made the commitment to buy the game before you. Get in line behind them and wait your turn.


The people first in line go first--such a hard concept.

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It must be nice to live such a privileged life that you have never had to wait in a line before. Face the fact that lots of people made the commitment to buy the game before you. Get in line behind them and wait your turn.


The people first in line go first--such a hard concept.


So did all the other headstart events that i have taken part in and yet everyone got to play on the same day at the same time

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