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Quitting due to Bioware allowing bots


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Your right!!!! How silly of me.!


There was I thinking i should go and find something else to do, But now you mention it, staying logged in the game and watching /report - ticket responses is far more productive.


Thanks, for i moment there i wasn't thinking clearly.:o


Sorry, I have 2 screens to play and complain on the forums.

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sooner or later they'll add code to nix exp gains in PvP to certain areas or range of whatever. so those intro ramps/bases will be null zones.




you could of course always drop the WF. if people consistently did that. it'd probably get more notice.


and would deny the person what they're after. the exp.



or could just QQ

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How do you ignore your 8th member of the group who just afks at the base? Tickets aren't addressed as everyone who has reported him has seen nothing.


Bioware isn't going to come out and say: "Hey Dartan, we got your msg and we will be banning him asap."



Edited by Azzras
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I have created threads. I have a direct contact to Bioware. There is one bot on Space Slug who queues almost all day and is already level 44 with lvl 20 gear on. He walks to the corner every match and just hides there. Bioware has done nothing about it and he has pissed off so many people on our server due to him afking.


Then you must quit every mmo you try.

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Which MMOs? In WoW the same bot would be going at it for months despite me reporting thme.


or having a guild member who admits to having bots and never being banned despite us reporting him.(desperate for a tank who could do hardmodes at the time)

Edited by Mrshush
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He's not botting. Just going AFK...


Either way, he is intentionally screwing over his team.


If people like that don't get banned then what the heck are we paying Bioware for? They need to start banning these bots.


Just today I counted 5 level 13s on Ilum.

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Only thing this does is make the PVP match harder to win do to less numbers your side.


This hurts the afker much more than you and here are some reasons why.


1- Crap gear.

2- Has no clue how to play his/her char.

3- They will suck at pvp and prob also pve.

4- His/Her name will get known as afker.

5- Has no guild and if they do they are getting bad rep over it.



There are more but you get the point.

Edited by Badlander
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Bioware isn't going to come out and say: "Hey Dartan, we got your msg and we will be banning him asap."




This. And keep in mind the wheels of the ban machine can turn slowly. It may very well be that he is not botting at all, merely choosing to sit in a corner and leech while ATK. Until Bioware determines that this is something they don't want in their game, nothing is going to happen to the guy because he isn't doing anything "wrong."


I also highly doubt he is in every warzone you get.

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I get 2-3 per warzone at night on my server and there isn't much you can do about it except lose since your fighting 5-6 vs 8. Although even if they were playing its 2 50 premades in champion and battles master fighting 1-2 50's and bunch of sub 30's. So we wouldn't have any real chance anyway.


But still if I have to sit here through horrible warzones, they should as well!

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There was this assassin on my server that would afk alot i aint seen um in 2 weeks never reported um tho cause i could care less i play to have fun and kill people dont care about winning or losing i see alot of people getting butthurt about losing a match big baby's
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I have created threads. I have a direct contact to Bioware. There is one bot on Space Slug who queues almost all day and is already level 44 with lvl 20 gear on. He walks to the corner every match and just hides there. Bioware has done nothing about it and he has pissed off so many people on our server due to him afking.


Well I hope you don't go back to WOW, or Rift, or Aion...because...they have bots also.

Just thought I would warn you. ;)

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