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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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You are wrong. We have seen this happen on WoW. It will happen here.


Nobody wants to play with the XBOX LIVE sub-human illiterate trolls and thats what cross server WZ's will bring.


I'm sure for those people you think are idiots, the same people consider you an idiot. Just as you don't want to play with others, others don't much care to play with you.


You, and everyone else here (including me), aren't anyone so special so try not to believe that you're some exception to the rule.

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at first, when reading this thread i thought:


This is a lot of drama over an offhand comment made by an employee, in a thread that was actually about underpopulation. It was made about a change that devs had discussed, that was nowhere near being ready for deployment, and had probably not actually been put through the stages of proofing and concept testing needed before development even started on it.


Then i pictured a haggard community director reading through this thread and calling in the person who made the comment, the conversation went something like this in my head...


*** steve? Why would you mention something like that?


We have clear boundries for what gets discussed in open forums, we do not bring up features and changes until they are ready for deployment testing!


Who are the "devs" that "want this" steve? Jim mentioned it as a possibility at the watercooler and you went and made it into a huge freaking public debate?


Do you know what kind of coding time it will take to deal with the matchmaking and instance sharing? Don't even get me started on the retarded db copies of every character that have to be made in temp space because our third party engine is not using exclusive id keys across servers...


Now we have people whining and quitting over a "feature" we don't even know if we can put in or would want to if we had the coder time to do it!


This game has been live a month and you are discussing the end of lifecycle mmo maintenance strategies with the userbase?


Get out!




Then i noticed who steve was....

Senior online community manager


doh! He's the guy behind the desk in my mind.



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I'm sure for those people you think are idiots, the same people consider you an idiot. Just as you don't want to play with others, others don't much care to play with you.


You, and everyone else here (including me), aren't anyone so special so try not to believe that you're some exception to the rule.


I don't want to play with a dick from another server that doesn't have to answer reputation-wise for his dickishness. Stay on your own server and be a dick there kkthx bye~~~.

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thats exactly what I'm saying friend: PVEers like cross-server pvp, PVPers will hate it.


Why? Is there some established reputation system on your server that makes you stand out, so that you can be recognized by the people on your server?


If PvP is strictly what you want, then more warzones will offer that variety. World PvP will likely not be too much different than it is now. So really the only thing different is you don't play the same people on the same server so that you can brag to?


I'm a pvp'er and when they decide to implement cross-realms I will welcome the variety of other players and other skillsets to the table.

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This makes me really sad.

I hope they don't change it...

Same server warzones is one of my favorite parts of the game right now.


Mine too. Its just fun to recognize names of your enemies and have feuds against them. Or know from your cross faction alt who is the guy you're fighting against. Or at least which is the guild you're fighting against. Or know the guys and guilds you are fighting with! All that simply goes away, and with it every reason for trying to build up a serious pvp community base on your servers' faction that will work together and learn.


For those who love the actual PVP, whether they play on pvp server or pve server, this will break a big part of the incentive behind pvp. It will turn into little more than a grind and ambition for ownage.

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Bad idea, but it will reduce que times dramatically. As previously noted it will totally wreck any sense of community. On wow, as an experiment, I rolled a paladin up and leveled from 20 to 80(when that was still the cap) without ever leaving stormwind or grouping with anyone from my server. It was easy, too easy...........
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Why? Is there some established reputation system on your server that makes you stand out, so that you can be recognized by the people on your server?


If PvP is strictly what you want, then more warzones will offer that variety. World PvP will likely not be too much different than it is now. So really the only thing different is you don't play the same people on the same server so that you can brag to?


I'm a pvp'er and when they decide to implement cross-realms I will welcome the variety of other players and other skillsets to the table.


No you won't. You will welcome a bunch of tards who have no respect for anyone because they will never have to see/group/play with them again. It made WoW BG's go from a serious competitive fun to a bunch whiny losers botting and getting points for standing in the cave.

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I don't want to play with a dick from another server that doesn't have to answer reputation-wise for his dickishness. Stay on your own server and be a dick there kkthx bye~~~.


Because dick(s) really care about their reputation? You assume that they really care what you think, even on your server? People who are respectful will still remain respectful cross-realms. They don't just magically become trolls. Jerks will always be jerks in their own way, regardless of what "virtual" reputation you want to impose on them.


Perhaps a reality check should be considered in your play style.


And based on your demeanor, you sound way more trollish than I. "you be a dick, kkthx bye~~~", Yeah real mature attitude there buddy. Look in the mirror before you speak.

Edited by Lazorous
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Why? Is there some established reputation system on your server that makes you stand out, so that you can be recognized by the people on your server?


No, in fact it's knowing the guys I'm up against and which are the individuals, guilds and premades that come to offer the greatest challenges. So we can roll our sleeves up and lick our lips. And having a community gives room for Vendetta and just recognizing people and guilds. Atm I frequently meet the same peeps in our PUGs. With x-server pvp, that will just be gone. I'm happy I'm finally starting to know people, have them on my friends list, try to group every now and than. It took some time to develop. With X-server WZs that goes down the drain.

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Because dick(s) really care about their reputation? You assume that they really care what you think, even on your server? People who are respectful will still remain respectful cross-realms. They don't just magically become trolls. Jerks will always be jerks in their own way, regardless of what "virtual" reputation you want to impose on them.


Perhaps a reality check should be considered in your play style.


And based on your demeanor, you sound way more trollish than I. "you be a dick, kkthx bye~~~", Yeah real mature attitude there buddy. Look in the mirror before you speak.


You have no experience in what you are babbling about. I do. So do all the other people pointing out what happened in WoW. And yes, coming from another server they magically become botting sponges that do not participate and ruin the game.

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No you won't. You will welcome a bunch of tards who have no respect for anyone because they will never have to see/group/play with them again. It made WoW BG's go from a serious competitive fun to a bunch whiny losers botting and getting points for standing in the cave.


Another example of words spoken like a true closed-minded individual. Thanks for proving my point.


If you somehow thought jerks and bots didn't exist within their own servers before cross-realms... you really need a reality check (as pointed out before).

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You have no experience in what you are babbling about. I do. So do all the other people pointing out what happened in WoW. And yes, coming from another server they magically become botting sponges that do not participate and ruin the game.


Yet more narrow-minded assumptions. I've come from Vanilla wow before BG's and cross-servers. I'm well aware of potential community establishments. But for those that are well established, Cross-server BG's don't kill it. And No, respectful people do not magically become botting sponges. You may feel better believing that, but if you had any background in Psychology you'd have a better understanding of how the human mind works.


What you saw was because there were more opportunities to encounter jerks. When you increase the pool of variety you will then see more variety. If they always wanted to be jerks, they will find a way to do so regardless of being on your server or not. It's nothing magical.

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I would rather they keep the servers seperate from one another. I really can not think of one advantage that they will gain by introducing this other than reducing que times, not that I think that they will increase nearly as much as people make them out to be.


However, I do not think that will will kill the game. I just think it will make it different.

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No, in fact it's knowing the guys I'm up against and which are the individuals, guilds and premades that come to offer the greatest challenges. So we can roll our sleeves up and lick our lips. And having a community gives room for Vendetta and just recognizing people and guilds. Atm I frequently meet the same peeps in our PUGs. With x-server pvp, that will just be gone. I'm happy I'm finally starting to know people, have them on my friends list, try to group every now and than. It took some time to develop. With X-server WZs that goes down the drain.


Well said, that sums up my feelings as well. I enjoy grouping for PvE with the folks I PvP with regularly. I PvP for loot and xp, but I also do it for honor within the server community.

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Yea because there are no botters or afkers now are ther- Ohwait...



This whole being accountable thing that jabbathetroll is spamming about is a joke, I have a tight knit group of friends, we do premades together, rather succesfully so far, we are in guild together, and we run instances together when the mood takes us... So what exactly does my repuation have to do with the world outside WZs?


Theoretically speaking, I join a WZ, i do nothing but spam abuse, hurl obscenitys and afk in a corner... you do what? You report me to my guild leader? My best friend? You expect him to do what exactly?


It will fix nothing at all, trolls will always have their troll friends, nice people will always have their nice friends, as it happens I dont put myself into either group, im neither nice nor a pain in the arse... Yet you talk as if only your server has civilised people on it... or do you assume that the sudden lack of supposed consequences will turn the nice guys on your team into huge pile of trolling filth to be disposed of post haste?


Outside of you not being able to build a reputation as a super-pro-elite-****** I am failing to see any issue whatsoever with X-server pvp, simply give us battlegroup forums alongside our regular server ones, or skip the server ones altogether if you guys are to be believed when you say that PVER's have no need for them.

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Well this thread seems to be waning in usefulness, I'll add what I've seen on my server, Darth Malgus, which is medium pop.


WZ queues take about 3-5 minutes to pop... the only thing frustrating about it is that we cannot pick our mode (attk/def is garbage, I'd play huttball forever if I could). The more filters you add to the tool, however, the longer the wait time. So I get it, no filters currently.


X-server pvp sounds fine if you wanted to add filters... but otherwise, the queues seem short enough to me that it doesnt warrant filterless xpvp. If you want to introduce filters/brackets and go x-pvp, why not leave that as a filter as well?


That way, if you have any patience whatsoever, you just dont check the x-pvp filter and you'll only queue with ppl from your server. If you have ADD, x-pvp and you'll queue instantly.


Theres nothing to do at 50 anyway cept gear up and PVP while you wait for guildes to get on so you can do gear runs. I spend most of my queue time harrassing whatever pubs I can find in contested areas anyway, I like that the other side sees me in pvp and has me on their hit list (I can name a few pubs that probably rage-reported me for killing them in their bases on tatooine). My name may or may not strike fear on my server, and there are a few pubs I keep a lookout for as well.




make x-pvp an option/filter/bracket; not a mandate

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Yet more narrow-minded assumptions. I've come from Vanilla wow before BG's and cross-servers. I'm well aware of potential community establishments. But for those that are well established, Cross-server BG's don't kill it.


Wrong. You are totally wrong. Cross server BG's ruined the PVP communities. End of story. You can't accept it, that's your problem.

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This game is already heavily lacking in community. There are no Server Forums, which is a big fail on BW's part. There is no Global Looking For Group channel where peeps can pick up groups across planets or just chat. The instancing in game makes some less populated planets feel empty at times, although since the recent maintenance changes, this problem appears to have improved some.


Coming from an MMO background that didn't include WoW, the peeps from that game are some of the worst I have ever encountered in any game. Not sure why, but the WoW crowd just consistently lives up to the bad name it has made for itself.


Point being, this is an MMO that is in desparate need of more community, not less. Cross-Realm PvP will just fragment things further. Fortunately, this is not implemented yet and I haven't seen it in any sort of official release. My hope is that some Forum mod just popped off without thinking things through and will come correct for their mistake in the near future.

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Just logged in and apparently Cross-Server WZs didn't kill SW:ToR. I'm sorry, but I don't see a negative impact on this, sure it is horrid feature for a handful of games, but as well it is a successful feature for another handful of games; it all truly depends on the game's social community.


ToR does have a better social community then the rest of the mmos, trolls an all included, so stop trying to promote mass hysteria hate speech please.

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Don't need x realms pvp tbh but they do need some thing rift added after launch.....free char transfers. That way all us republic players can move to one server and have the same amount of players as the sith.^^ Nah a free char transfer is the best bet once every 6months or so. I have no love for the thought of pvp as a commando in Ilum, but that's a whole other beast. Cross realms pvp is not needed as there is huttball for all the sith.


A free transfer every so often gets rid of the need for cross server crap. but not once a week like rift, make it longer like 6 months maybe.


I choose to roll Republic just cos my whole guild knew that the servers was gonna be all sith.

People choose to play Sith they was not forced to. But is that not why there is huttball once again.

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