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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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That has nothing to do with cross server.


Take "Server A". Put 10k players on it.

Take "Server B". Put 100k players on it.


Your argument is that if we prevent "cross server pvp", then both servers will have "community" which is 100% B.S. in this example. Even if both had "50k players", its no different than just all 100k on the same server.


No my argument is entirely valid. Your argument is based on 'what ifs'. What if servers were made up out of 100k players. Well they're not.



For those saying it doesn't ruin community. Bioware disagrees. WoW proves it does.

Edited by Raul
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This is a HORRIBLE idea, and I can't believe BioWare is caving to the instant-gratification whiners that can't stand to wait three minutes for a freaking warzone to pop. Cross-server queues destroy PvP communities. You don't get a sense of recognition, you don't interact with people outside the warzone afterwards...they just vanish, there's no sense of reputation or accountability.


I play on Jung Ma. I can't give you hard numbers on server balance, but I'd guess that I get Huttball about 50% of the time. I don't have a problem with that at all. I know the big names on the server - the threatening teams and players have already made their mark. I see a guild name or a player name that I know is going to be a problem, and my premade sticks on them like glue. Cross-server just becomes one big cluster****, and I urge the PvP community to make their voice heard on this issue.


Agreed. It is also good to see a fellow player from Jung ma. :)

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Will have to be x server for 50s at least, there is simply not enough 50s to support it and won't be for a long time....


Maybe when it is put in, I won't be facing the same 20 people on my faction every game in Huttball. It's supposed to be Republic vs Empire. Not Empire vs Empire 90% my games.


But just wait, once 50s only bracket is enforced; enjoy the massively long que times! X server PvP will cut that down a bit and that is why I support having it put in game 100%. I quit that other game simply because I spent 45+ mins waiting to PvP for a 2-15 minute game. Is that fun?


That's an excellent argument. But there are other methods to speed up queues.


So should the devs 'break' the game for those of us who don't want a flood of uncivil ********s in our WZ's so you can have shorter queue times or should they find a better way to get you shorter queue times?

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cross server PVP ruins the sense of community and accomplishment in a game.


What sense of community? Most people solo-queue, most people won't remember more than a couple people on ether side. Your imaginary "sense of community" is non-issue.


You want community? Implement arenas, you really get to know people on your team, plus if you ever make it to the top, you get to know everyone you fight against.

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no offense, but your all just being drama queens. i live for pvp. its all i really pursue in most mmos ( and yes, i play ALOT of mmos) and i LOVE the cross server war zones. i DONT want to only pvp against the same little group of rebels everyday. i need new opponents to stomp. and you can get your sense of community from pvp'ing with a guild.... if you weren't a jerk to everyone, then you would have friends to pvp with instead of having to look for the same "rival" in every game.


not to mention, how cross server balances out the population gaps... and alot of servers are way too one sided... reps crushing empire or empire crushing reps.. maybe the people complaining about cross server are the ones who are roflstomping n00bs on the opposite faction who came out of the woodwork just for this mmo (cuz its star warz) and have never pvp'd before...


yea great skillz there. you guys whine too much. a GOOD pvp'er will ADAPT to what ever situation is thrown at them, and still enjoy it.

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Cross realm is hit or miss. On one side you have short queue times, on the other, lack of community. Ingames like wow you had community loss which gave too much to the rise of arena titles and such in order to make players feel unique.


That having been said, i hate queue times. Also, as far as community goes, I have my own social life amd don't rely on a game to make my friends for me, I don't need to know everyone on my server, and I had no problem linking up with good pvpers on my servers in wow. I can see the dilemma, but I just let my performance speak for me, not how famous I've become in a game.


In short, ill be content with whatever they do, and I can see it from both sides.

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Cross realm WZ is only a good idea for one reason......less huttball games because of the unbalance in the numbers of republic vs sith we play huttball a lot because its puts u against the same faction. If they look at the numbers and make small battle groups with equal number of republic heavy servers as sith heavy or s close as possible. it would be nice to not play 7 games of huttbal in a row its not the friendliest place for BH or any ranged
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This isn't going to happen for a long time it looks like. There's still a lot of wait and see left before they start trying to really balance servers and factions, let alone people's WZ queue times.


As long as they don't start talking about WoW-style arenas PvP in the game should be fine, although Ilum could use some work. Right now we just run around trading caps with the opposite faction for quest completion. There's no real incentive to take/hold Ilum.

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You flat out made it up. We all know you have no education.


"We all know you have no education."


"You flat out made it up."


Hypocrisy prevails apparently. Your not even trying, champ. I'll give you some brownie points for persistence I suppose.


Learn from your mistakes, then try again. I still await your rebuttal. If not? Just sit the next couple of plays out, guy. Maybe be quiet for a little while.

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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.


Sorry my thread got the attention of a Bioware rep instead of your ill-conceived drivel posts yammering on about how an incredibly popular tool is going to ruin your gameplay experience, and the 50 or so people that agree with you.


The MMO world doesn't revolve around you nor does it revolve around forcing players to roll toons on heavy population servers just so they can enjoy the game. Tools like cross-server queues allow MORE people to access fun features of a MMO at all times of the day, not when you and your band of Super Pals are online to help fill up the pvp queue for your server.

Edited by oursacrifice
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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.


This is WOW with sabers. There is no community here like there is no community in WOW. There is no penalty for death. Reputation means nothing. You never see anyone because everytyhing is instanced. This game needs cross server pvp so badly as well as cross server pve its sad. The server size is so small it will never support healthy numbers for any kind of endgame community. The entire game is so detached from any emersive community aspects they need to roll with what they do well and thats instanced story content.

Edited by Paralassa
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This is WOW with sabers. There is no community here like there is no community in WOW. There is no penalty for death. Reputation means nothing. You never see anyone because everytyhing is instanced. This game needs cross server pvp so badly as well as cross server pve its sad. The server size is so small it will never support healthy numbers for any kind of endgame community. The entire game is so detached from any emersive community aspects they need to roll with what they do well and thats instanced story content.


Speak for your own server. My server has a great community, and players should be able to opt out of cross-server queuing if they choose.

Edited by Paralassa
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im not too happy they introduced it either but it is the only fair way for certain players to get a regular game.

Give me cross-server play and ranked 8v8 matches and we will see who has the best pvp guilds out there GAME WIDE.


Please no, the last thing an mmo needs is rankings, stick to fps games for that please.

Edited by Rayvonuk
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cross server PVP ruins the sense of community and accomplishment in a game. I think the RDF and Cross-server PVP is when people in WoW started calling eachother "stupid hunter supposed to trap that mob" instead of "Hey Killshot, can you frost up on the left before I pull?"


It wasn't always so juvenile and horrible in WoW but when you'll never in your life see these people again there is no reason not to treat them like an NPC, because really that's all they are.


Excactly right. Cross Server pvp just makes everything faceless and dull. And it also wont adress faction imbalances, since you will still have more imperials than reps.


I rather pvp vs known faces instead of random dude #47834 from server #45.


So much for trying to "ensure that the game has a thriving community". What better way to do it than copy another feature from wow where most people agree that this destroyed any community sense that pvp had when they were pvping ppl on their own server.


Are there actually people who think that cross realm warzones are a good idea. And if you think so, present us with some good points as to why?

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