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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commandos - I just realized what they are.


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So I'm playing a Commando and loving it. I do tons of damage and I just love melting stuff. I was looking at my end-game spec and figuring out what my rotation would be.


So you cast Grav Rounds until you stack up the buff, using procs for Full Auto on the way, then fire off a HIB, and go back to Grav Round Spam. You intersperse Hammer Shot to keep your ammo high because it recharges faster that way. And I realized what this is, and why it's so familiar.


It's a direct copy of the Arcane Mage from WoW, except a bit simpler (because you don't have to time buffs for a burn phase). You keep your resource high, stack up a buff that increases your damage by alternating your high-damage and low-damage filler spells, use procs on a channeled spell that throws out lots of little hits fast. The only difference is that we are a lot tougher than Arc Mages.


I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, I really enjoy my Commando. But I find it funny. :D

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Getting so sick of these wow anologies.... You know Jimmerton... what i just realized... the hotkey window is almost an exact clone of wows... herp derp...


You know bobbert, Swtor used the internet.. they cloned the internets like wow!!



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Getting so sick of these wow anologies.... You know Jimmerton... what i just realized... the hotkey window is almost an exact clone of wows... herp derp...


You know bobbert, Swtor used the internet.. they cloned the internets like wow!!




Analogy? The rotation is a carbon copy, you goon.

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Pretty sure warriors in EQ were easier to play. Spam disarm, taunt and kick all day every day.


Pretty sure Druid and BM were easier in Rift, you had a macro with every skill you used on one button. You had maybe 2-3 CDs to pop otherwise.

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Getting so sick of these wow anologies.... You know Jimmerton... what i just realized... the hotkey window is almost an exact clone of wows... herp derp...


You know bobbert, Swtor used the internet.. they cloned the internets like wow!!




Hahaha! Well said!

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Comparing a commando to one of the easiest classes to play in the history of MMOs is absurd.


Wut. Commando involves firing a few grav shots, then a high impact bolt, then a demolition round. Mix in an occasional hammer shot so that you don't use all your ammo. I find it to be one of the least stimulating classes in the game to play at higher levels because there just isn't anything to it. Marauders/sentinels have about three times as many button presses to function adequately.

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This isn't a similarity in UI, or a general MMO comparison. OMG YOU HAVE RACES AND CLASSES.


It's a direct copy of a class/spec, down to the rotation - except it *is* simpler than Arcane Mage, as Arc Mages don't really just have two buttons (Despite my 85 arc mage being named Twobuttons). You've got your cast-time blast, your instant blast, your channeled blast based on a proc, your 'get mana back' button, and a couple of buffs you hit in the burn phase.


Commandos have cast-time blast, instant blast, channeled blast based on a proc, a 'get ammo back' button, and no real buffs (beyond your standard one). While Arc Mages use their instant to manage their mana expenditure, Commandos just use theirs when it's off cooldown.


Again, this isn't a -negative- comparison. I really, really like playing my Mage - getting the most out of an Arc Mage is very different from spamming Arcane Blast and hitting Arcane Barrage when the proc hits. And I'm really enjoying my Commando. I just find it hilarious that while my Assassin plays in some ways like a rogue and in other ways like a DK, the Commando is...almost directly a cut/paste of Arc Mage.

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This isn't a similarity in UI, or a general MMO comparison. OMG YOU HAVE RACES AND CLASSES.




Commandos have cast-time blast, instant blast, channeled blast based on a proc, a 'get ammo back' button, and no real buffs (beyond your standard one). While Arc Mages use their instant to manage their mana expenditure, Commandos just use theirs when it's off cooldown.


The way my rotation works (based off priority, of course on a Training Dummy style target, not including trinkets)


Proc based channel, selfbuf x5 instand blast, debuf instant blast, cast time blast, resource management filler and resource regen. that is whole 6 buttons to press :p

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Wut. Commando involves firing a few grav shots, then a high impact bolt, then a demolition round. Mix in an occasional hammer shot so that you don't use all your ammo.


Don't have Mortar Volley, and Pulse Cannon on your bar? Wow, group pulls must be boring for you.


But maybe you just mean single target DPS?



It's nice to know you don't use Full Auto, you know, the ability we get?


Reserve Powercell, and Tech Overide? No I guess you don't bother to press those either.


Probably not Field Aid either, because removing debuffs is someone elses problem, amirite?

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Don't have Mortar Volley, and Pulse Cannon on your bar? Wow, group pulls must be boring for you.


But maybe you just mean single target DPS?



It's nice to know you don't use Full Auto, you know, the ability we get?


Reserve Powercell, and Tech Overide? No I guess you don't bother to press those either.


Probably not Field Aid either, because removing debuffs is someone elses problem, amirite?


Dont bother, thread is as fail as all the hundreds and thousands of "look, carbon copy" threads there have been on so many games before since WoW became popular....


If that is all they do it is not the char, it is the player that is a carbon copy of every bad player that played a class which could somehow manage with 3 buttons at suboptimal performance.

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The fail is in the inability to realize that the half-dozen situational buff/debuff/pvp trinket abilities that everyone gets don't detract from the main point. Those that will argue against the fact that Commando = Arc Mage based on 'lol WOW FANBOYS!!!!' won't ever agree with anything and will kneejerk react. They also aren't taking the thread in the way it's meant.


Deliberately parsing only the information that supports your opinion is not the way we learn from things. The point of this thread is:


SWTOR Devs: While I appreciate you learning from the success of WoW, we need -something- to set this game apart on a gameplay level from WoW that isn't a removed convenience. IE, the way to do this isn't to say 'No LFG! Look, we're not WoW!'. The way to do it is in things like the companion system, the space combat system (which I enjoy, although I would not be sad to see a future expansion make it go the way of the dodo in exchange for a better one), that sort of thing - features no other game has. While the Commando being a direct port of the Arc Mage doesn't make the Commando unfun, it does make people roll their eyes at your claims of originality. (At least the people who are willing to give you any useful criticism at all instead of attack anything that attempts to give you advice on how to improve this game.)


TL;DR: It might not be bad, at some point down the road, to make the Gunnery Commando a bit more complex to play in a way that also differentiates them from what we see in other MMOs.

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WoW Sucks. Serously.

Enough with the comparisons. The only comparison is how much better this game is to that PoS.


He's still right about mechanics being similar to arcane mage though. It's all about the resource system really, both classes use a (relatively) fast recharging resource that needs to be kept at specific level for optimal effect. Smuggler is also very similar in playstyle.

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*sighs* Don't compare classes from one game to the next. A commando is not similar to an an arcane mage. Commandos can lock down multiple targets at once due to panic-moves, heal people (I am a med at the moment.) Do damage with a vast amount of AoE style moves.

I don't see arcane mages doing that.

How is that similar? It is not.

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Pretty sure warriors in EQ were easier to play. Spam disarm, taunt and kick all day every day.


FFXI Monk. Auto Attack, get 100% TP, WS, repeat.



Also while I never played wow I realized early on you were basically a mage class except with ****** armor over robes which makes us instantly better in my eyes.




Wut. Commando involves firing a few grav shots, then a high impact bolt, then a demolition round. Mix in an occasional hammer shot so that you don't use all your ammo. I find it to be one of the least stimulating classes in the game to play at higher levels because there just isn't anything to it. Marauders/sentinels have about three times as many button presses to function adequately.



You're doing it wrong if you aren't using FA in there. Just saying.

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Getting so sick of these wow anologies.... You know Jimmerton... what i just realized... the hotkey window is almost an exact clone of wows... herp derp...


You know bobbert, Swtor used the internet.. they cloned the internets like wow!!




Getting so sick whiny little WoW-hater bois

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Getting so sick whiny little WoW-hater bois


He isn't hating on WoW at all, and we aren't interested in knowing your personal feelings toward "whiny little wow-hater bois", as you call them.


Putting oil on the fire will only sparkle up a ban, as per forum rules.

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