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Combat Medic PvP


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Not sure how I feel about PvP healing as a Medic at 50. I love it in PvE. But, I mainly play to PvP. I rolled Commando to PvP endgame as a Medic. The problem is that most of my healing on the fly and much of my healing mechanic/rotation is based on being able to spam Hammer Shot to be effective. If I use HS, I get swarmed immediately.


The problem with this is that I paint a green line back that says:


<<-kill this guy right here->>


I can't be an effective healer without it. Sure, I could hide and try to heal using Probe, but really without HS, it's not effective.


I am seeing much lower level Sages out heal me by a factor of 2. I never see other medics on the boards having healed. Then again, some of my BGs only have 6 republic in them period. I'm kinda bummed about PvP right now :(


Edit: BTW, I still love the game. It's just that I'm called a "COMBAT MEDIC". Instead, I feel like a target dummy.

Edited by Fictionfanatic
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If you're using hammershot for more than patch healing while you're low on ammo or people are high enough HP and not in danger, then you're doing it all wrong. We're ammo efficient with our heals when you rotate bacta infusion every time it's up and use adv probe every time it's up to make medical probe free.


I only ever get out healed by the sage in my guild because he spams shields on everybody (3k worth of healing for free, no cooldown on anyone that isn't him) and actively heals everyone where as I tend to ender derp mode and hammershot people because it hits undergeared opponents for 800 damage and only heal if there is a large fight going on where that 1 extra person living could make a difference. The more stealthy you can make your heals (Standing extra close to the fight and not using your giant green laser) the better.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Not sure how I feel about PvP healing as a Medic at 50. I love it in PvE. But, I mainly play to PvP. I rolled Commando to PvP endgame as a Medic. The problem is that most of my healing on the fly and much of my healing mechanic/rotation is based on being able to spam Hammer Shot to be effective. If I use HS, I get swarmed immediately.


The problem with this is that I paint a green line back that says:


<<-kill this guy right here->>


I can't be an effective healer without it. Sure, I could hide and try to heal using Probe, but really without HS, it's not effective.


I am seeing much lower level Sages out heal me by a factor of 2. I never see other medics on the boards having healed. Then again, some of my BGs only have 6 republic in them period. I'm kinda bummed about PvP right now :(


Edit: BTW, I still love the game. It's just that I'm called a "COMBAT MEDIC". Instead, I feel like a target dummy.


The CombatMedic is just a beast in pvp, i have Jedi Guardian DPS and i play with a commado Pocket healer, in pvp they are way better than a sage, believe me. We can fight groups of 4 players long enough to kill them, Yesterday we was in alderan with literally 6 50s trying to kill us, we was just 3, me, the commando and a vanguard. The combarMedic is ur best option if you want to heal in pvp.

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As Skygon said, the Combat Medic is a beast in PvP, I can keep myself up against 3 players long enough for help to arrive with relative ease, or with a guardian we can survive 5 people fairly easily.


I don't really use hammer shot for healing, it's an agro magnet and waste of time, make great use of bacta infusion and trauma probe, fire off AMP whenever it's up if someone in range needs it for the cheap MP, MP is your key to stacking up the SCC as it stacks 6 charges a pop (assuming you have field medicine, which you should) vs the measly 3 of hammer shot.. or use hammer shot offensively when you have chance to stack it up without becoming a massive target. If I'm just healing it's very rare for me not to have the highest heal score, if I'm DPSing too I'm still fairly competitive and often come top healer still.

Edited by Ansoof
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Sages have the bubbles and AoE heals. We can't keep up with that healing wise, but as far as surviving goes we can't be beat. I pvp with a buddy that is a Vanguard and the two of us can hold an area against 4+ people without problems.


I don't hammer shot friendlies. It's just a no no. If I'm low for some reason I'll hammer shot the enemy. As the other person said. Use Bacta as much as you can, AMP for free MP, and use your cooldowns often.

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I'm still leveling my way to 50, mid 20s atm. Been healing in WZs, not really having too much trouble considering the talents I'm missing and my level. Having a blast, I feel like I'm tough to kill now, can't wait until I have all my talents and some actual PVP gear.


However, what do you guys use to do DPS as a Combat Medic, aside from HS?


I pop mortar volley when there is a group to hit but I'm kinda lost on what abilities are ammo efficient and still hit hard enough to use.


Any suggestions?

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Mortar Volley for groups as you said, also Sticky Grenade does some AOE damage too which can be quite good especially if you freeze them next to other enemies with Cryo Grenade, Pulse Cannon when up close and if you've got SCC up if no one needs healing you can spam Charged Bolts at virtually no ammo cost, which do some pretty high damage. Edited by Ansoof
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^ this


Yeah, hardly ever hammershot allies unless in dire need. Use it on enemies instead to help dps.


Pay attention to positioning, learn to kite, and learn when it's best to use the abilities. You can turn the tide of the battle. I especially like smaller fights, even outnumbered. You get more of a chance to learn and improve as there's not 7 guys insta-killing you.


I went from assault -> medic and it's prob the best choice I made on this char.

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The CombatMedic is just a beast in pvp, i have Jedi Guardian DPS and i play with a commado Pocket healer, in pvp they are way better than a sage, believe me. We can fight groups of 4 players long enough to kill them, Yesterday we was in alderan with literally 6 50s trying to kill us, we was just 3, me, the commando and a vanguard. The combarMedic is ur best option if you want to heal in pvp.


Good thread. The responses have been helpful.


Skygon -- Can you say which spec your guardian plays? And do you stay in tanking stance and guard the combat medic? My son and I just rolled this duo, and I would really appreciate any tips you could offer us.


The rest is directed at anyone :).


The criticism for commando healers is required cast times. How do you manage that in PvP with 2-3 people on you? Finally, are there any viable hybrid healer builds? For example, would Trauma Probe w/Preventative Medicine + Grav Round work? Or would the resource demands be too great?

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