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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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To summarize - you have expensive gaming rig, so you are inclined to throw your money at your hobby (PC gaming), so we prefer to not have you as a customer, because we cannot trust you to decide how much computational abuse your system can handle. Never mind that your you OC SLI rig can run Linpack and Furmark simultaneously with no errors for hours, and and each of your cards have more memory than most people whole systems, and you could run the whole game from a ramdrive because you have 30 gigs to spare. So enjoy your bland character. It is for your own good. Really.
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This game might make me pick WoW back up, total letdown...


I'm too burnt out on WoW to continue playing it as a "main" game, sadly. I still raid in it once a week and have some fun with guildies in dungeons, but I need something new to do. Looks like Rift is still installed on my system, I may patch that up and see what that's up to these days.

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The amount of people losing there sheet over this is ridiculous. Ya Bioware could have probably done a better job with this, but the development team made a choice and you have to learn how to respect that.


Has our gaming generation been so spoiled by graphics that they would pass up an overall good game because of shoddy textures? Yes better textures would be nice but its not worth cancelling your sub over. Yes I was in beta I remember the high res textures but obviously during beta they saw that the higher res textures were causing issues with the client. Perhaps someone forgot to remove the third option in the UI when they turned off the high res textures. Yes there are screenshots from beta on the website showing off better textures, but like I said above they obviously had a reason to turn off the textures during BETA.


I for one am glad Stephen even took the time to even give us an answer, Thank you Stephen and I look forward to what the development team has in store to help remedy this issue.

I am astounded that you can except this. You are a paying customer who is outright being deceived and spoon fed false information yet you are going to defend this travesty? Its one thing to not have the high res textures they were ADVERTISING all over the place, but its another to be outright mislead when they call removing the "medium" setting as a "bug". They are basically insulting our intelligence here. But hey, if you are OK with all this, then great, wish i had your kind of mind set, then I wouldn't feel so cheated.

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This reminds me of the "RAGE" fiasco...anyone participate in that gripe session?


Same issue!


yes and no,


yes because they limited it via the default settings

no because if u looked it up, u could create a cfg that allowed 8k or even 16k textures.


so wile in base the same problem, they didn't cripple the players ability to say "i don't care what u say i say my rig can handle it"

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Why are we not allowed to choose our own graphic settings? Is that not supposed to be one of the benefits of gaming on a PC?



good question


if i would like a "fixed" graphical enviroment, i would play on console

But i own a high spec pc so i want the full Graphical enjoyment, and its a fair call


every game manages this, even Other MMO's, ever played DDO with the High res texture pack ? it works just fine, no lag and High texture + effects, dx10 or 11 shading


So my question? is this engine really that crap?

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And the worst part? Reid had to wait an extra day so he could have all the devs sign off on his little blurb there that insults the intelligence of every paying customer they have. He had to get, and GOT, approval to tell us we're all morons.


Yup, that's pretty much what happened. BioWare played us really bad on this one, took us for granted. Not likely to happen again after this though...

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And the worst part? Reid had to wait an extra day so he could have all the devs sign off on his little blurb there that insults the intelligence of every paying customer they have. He had to get, and GOT, approval to tell us we're all morons.


I think he needed to get up the courage to feed us this trash.


Give me the option to enable high-res textures, if it blows my computer up, it's my own fault.

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Game looks NOTHING like that outside of cutscenes. What a farce.


i just watched that video in the highest quality possible, how can you possibly say that?


everything looks muddy due to youtubes compression, stop being such a bandwagoner


i srsly dont get people...

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LMAO is that what you think...? do you know how many people are watching this in terms of its actaul impact... product misrepresentation and sales of goods act... its a little big bigger than just being about the game people hate being lied to! check out the web forums outside the community people are raging!!!! Edited by Trineda
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