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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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You posted this as if I'm not playing the same game as you are...


The difference between me and you is, I'm not sitting around taking screenshots and staring at stills, I'm playing the game in motion. Take someone you know that you consider attractive, take a closeup picture of their face, and watch how many imperfections are there that you didn't notice when you weren't sitting there staring at them under a microscope.


If that's your thing, great - but as a rebuttal to what I said previously it doesn't really mean anything. Afaic the game is MORE than pretty enough to be playable, enjoyable even. As I said before, I can only imagine that those that think otherwise are of the younger generation of gamers or tech-heads. Graphics are an incredibly small part of what it takes to make a game, imo. But hey, to each his own. I'm simply stating my opinion like the rest of you are.


These graphics wouldnt tax my cellphone. and yet they seem to run poorly on a I52500

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Your playerbase has discovered that your game engine is ignoring the high texture option. Do you:


  1. Fess up, explain that the pressure of the impending release date caused your team to have to cut a few corners, and this got missed.
  2. Acknowledge the issue and agree that the textures should be fixed, and promise to do so in an upcoming patch.
  3. [Force Persuade] [Dark Side] Rename “Medium” to High, and pretend like removing high res textures has always been the plan. Move along! Move along!

I think Bioware has just achieved Dark II! ;)




omg, I lol'd!! niiice haha

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Can't you 'just add' an limitation slider? To limit the maximum number of visible characters that are rendered at high quality? I have seen this option in more games, if I remember correctly EQ2 also has an option like this.


Since the replies here go way to fast I haven't read through the entire topic, so someone might have already mentioned this.


That would require developers that new what they were doing, not the bunch of trained monkeys Reid's last response shows them to be.

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I can defend all sorts of design decisions, etc. but this one is just plain stupid. We had higher rez textures before and Bioware decided to claim it was a bug and use techo babble "understand MMO design" garbage to justify why they've removed it.


Here's the problem, none of their explanation actually explains why we aren't getting the high rez textures back. Even if it were causing performance issues, there is no reason why the option shouldn't be usable by people with the computers who are capable of running it. At the very least our own characters should be rendered with the higher textures, even if everyone around us is rendered lower. And you can't tell me that rendering a SINGLE character would tax a system any more than the game does now. Even further, has no one at Bioware ever heard of LOD?


I'm sorry, this excuse is lame and has nothing to do with "how MMOs work". There have been plenty of MMO's that use various sliders and settings to allow higher rez textures up close or on a certain amount of players, and lower textures on everything else.


Last but not least, the fact that this was in the game and actually working less than two months ago means that whatever excuse or explanation on why it's not in the game now are meaningless. This isn't something that can't be done due to design issues, or something that should take time to work on, it's something that was in the damn game the first time I played it and you've taken away.

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Ok, I accept your challenge! :D It will not be EXACT, but it will be as close as I can make it. I don't have a republic character that can go to tatooine, but I'll do my best.


You'll have to use that armor though.


I'm actually the one that made that screenshot. The textures on that armor (level 40 Jedi knight pvp) are just terrible.


Or, if you'd like, we can pick an armor, and I can take a screenshot at a location with the same settings as I did in that pic, and we can compare. Then I can take one with that armor set to illustrate.

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Did you look at your ini fle lately ?



// Making any changes to this document will result in the corruption of //

// your install and will require the use of the repair utility. //











So you understand that your not supposed to edit this file. and that

Anti aliasing = 4

adding that to your current ini does absloutely nothing to your ingame settings as everything else that works in conjunction with AA is not present. you realize the option was removed because AA does not work for some systems period even if you force it?

You understand that the reason this is happening is because they are trying to retrofit their hero engine that has not seen an update since 2007. Look it is what it is the cut features to make a release . Lets get honest now and give the community a straight answer of we are working on it we realise the graphics are not matching the marketed screens. We will have this fixed in X amount of time. dont defend the non defensible.


This is not the ini you are looking for.


This is the ini you are looking for C:\Users\Sunworshipereat****\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings\client_settings.ini

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For those who dont understand, theres is no excuse for seeing more then 30 people at the screen because we subscribers must have thw choise to choose from low to high texture quality. All other new MMO does this so whats the damn problem!! Its 2012 i want fresh graphic as head start, because graphic gets worse year after year abd the techbology goes up. For those damn winners who think we should keep the bad quality because your affraid of the lag, stop being so selfish. We others who have high end PC are willing to take the risk, and also their coming new hardware every third month!! The problem is that swtor had not optimize the engine ! Edited by Poofighter
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This almost makes me want to go back to STO, and I wasnt even that big of a fan of STO, but I think that even had a smoother launch (yes, im well aware of the flak it received, but at least they didnt tell us it had more and sold it to us to find out it wasnt there and ran like garbage in the process)
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One positive thing... is that the graphics do look on par with Star Wars Galaxies. lol


To be honest, stormtrooper armors looked a bit better than what we have now. Talking about SWG, I thought that whole gaming industry got a lesson from that. The explanation we got from SR today makes me think, that BW got inspired by it instead. Turning hundreds/thousands of supporters into angry crowd within hours/days, that sounds more like SOE style than BW.


I am not leaving the game yet as I can still somehow enjoy it. But even my patience and tolerance to bad design decisions has its limits.


Btw. any important website already mentioned this issue?

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The main issue I have here is... we have had other MMO's that could display "high" or even "ultra" setting character models if the players system was up to the task.



We even have MMO's with an option to limit how many PC models around you are displayed at high quality.




Players should have the choice as to what settings they use. If their machine can not handle the settings they choose.. they have this wonderful thing called an "option".... to pick a lower texture resolution..



Or we could have been given this years old option to limit how many models were displayed at high quality... (amazing concept).



Some customers probably have gaming rigs that cost thousands of dollars. Those customers machines can handle processing many more calls than those of us with more budget minded systems.



Yet the decision made seems to assume all customers have the same system or there was no concept of the word "option".



It reminds me of the logic of removing unify chest color. Because some people turned it on and then thought everyone looked the same... well oddly enough they could have simply turned the option off. Instead it was taken away from all customers...



Medium textures are a bug and were never an intended setting. Yet that setting was in the game as far back as the playtest of Ord Mantel I took part in... October of 2010... when exactly did you decide it was a bug? Apparantly it was a very low priority "bug" until it was used in the explination of the lack of higher resolutions of textures.



The short version of my reaction is..



Why are you making decisions for everyone instead of having the options that are standard for almost all other MMO's? (only talking about the texture related issue here...).



The graphic options in this game are so limited it boggles the mind.



Give me options.. I like options...

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