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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I think what we need is more people that played Beta and were able to run the game using the high textures to speak up about their experience with it. I myself have a killer rig and I would like to have the "OPTION" to use or not use them. But if we here from more of the Beta testers and they speak about the performance they had this would shed more light on the issue for most of us.



they already explained it.


in beta , they had, an albeit limited , amount of "control" over how many people would be shown on screen at a time as they say, also they had more "control" over the hardware that the testers would be using (or perhaps more detailed information on the overall variety of setups people would be using)


now , fast forward after release and duplicate the number of servers, and more than triple the number of people on the game...they dont have that much " control" anymore, so i can understand. while not neccesarily agree how it was handled. the decision they took


im sure we could have em back , just not now when there are sooo many other broken stuff that could potentially cause more harm than good by enabling high rez, i wont lose any sleep over it and continue to enjoy my trooper, agent, assasin and whatever else i fancy down the line

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Keep posting these pathetic screenshots. Spread this around. Bioware is sweeping this issue aside like it's not a big deal, we need to show them that it is not something to be placed on the back burner.



Agreed I'll be posting my LOTRO and WoW shots compared to this muddy mess later on today.



Also will be emailing kotaku about this thread.

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If you can not render every person in high res then at least render the Player Character in high textures!


I want my character to look great and not like some pile of pixels. Other games do this to (guild wars for example), they render the own character on high and ther players chars on medium. That's how it's done!



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Agreed I'll be posting my LOTRO and WoW shots compared to this muddy mess later on today.



Also will be emailing kotaku about this thread.


Please do, the more people and press hear about this mess the better. The more we are heard the more Bioware will have no choice but to give us what we THOUGHT we had paid for.

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Doesn't DDO online also have some kind of option for higher textures and basic overall settings? Its been a while since I played it, but i remember the options had a choice of enabling higher end graphics...and that game is free to play.


Turbine is smart enough to advertise two distinct clients. Usually the only thing that changes is that one has an additional 3-4GBs worth of high resolution textures that look really good.

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Just as an FYI though AA is in version 1.1 So it is going to be added very soon.


Anywho here is the download.




And someone did a handy guide on this.




o.o o.o


That's like night and day right there. Wow. :)


Thanks! :)

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they already explained it.


in beta , they had, an albeit limited , amount of "control" over how many people would be shown on screen at a time as they say, also they had more "control" over the hardware that the testers would be using (or perhaps more detailed information on the overall variety of setups people would be using)


now , fast forward after release and duplicate the number of servers, and more than triple the number of people on the game...they dont have that much " control" anymore, so i can understand. while not neccesarily agree how it was handled. the decision they took


im sure we could have em back , just not now when there are sooo many other broken stuff that could potentially cause more harm than good by enabling high rez, i wont lose any sleep over it and continue to enjoy my trooper, agent, assasin and whatever else i fancy down the line


This is a BS answer. Adding an OPTION to utilize the high-res textures is what they NEED to do. People who cannot run them turn them OFF, and people who can run them turn them ON.


It's called a graphics setting, it's a staple of PC gaming. We want OPTIONS to customize our experience and tailor the game to our hardware. This dumming down of graphics options because people are afraid to hurt the feelings of the outdated computer users is silly, and that excuse doesn't fly.

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I guess graphics satisfaction is a matter of perspective and experience - I didn't even notice the lack of "hi-res textures". Frankly, I find it incredible that anyone considers TORs graphics subpar enough to be worth unsubbing over.


Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those "Graphcis Don't Matter!" Guys - there are games out there that even I won't play because the graphcis are just too dated. I tried my hand at Anarchy Online but just couldn't get past the graphics. If TORs graphics were like the blocky stick-figure guys I used to play with in my Atari 2600 football game I'd be protesting too. But complaining because the textures aren't the highest res they can possibly be? I can only assume those that are disatisfied are of the younger generation of gamers, or are extreme tech geeks with thousands of dollars invested into their rigs.


The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.



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i would really like it if they atleast did something about it instead of ignore it! make my character high res in-game, or something!


Just because you have ingame settings on high, doesn't mean you have everything set to high quality in your driver settings.


I would check your mipmap and texture settings at the driver level. The game will look better for you. I'm not saying it will suddenly enable high res textures that we all see in cutscenes, but you're clearly playing with some settings set to "performance" at the driver level.

Edited by Daemonjax
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