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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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This is the first time since SWG ive seen devs convert fans into a raving mob....


Wait, what is it with the Star Wars license that promotes stupid decision making? Its like these devs went to the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksman and Leadership course


The graphic fidelity in SW:G was better than this (goofy post-NGE particle effects aside)

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Ok if everyone in this thread wants to make a statement to them about the graphics and the other bugs that annoy us. go cancel and put these reasons in the cancelation discription. I'm sure that might get some attention. I canceled and have 7 days left or so to play and if you want to resub do so.


Already done on 3 accounts. I can take bugs and much more as expected in an MMORPG, but I will not be so blatantly lied too. I mean whatever happened to taking me to dinner first!?

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If the screen shots come from a cinematic ( which most of them do) it is not a falsity. This is the exact solution I thought they would take with this.


If you want to see a perfectly good example of WHY this is a problem. Please see AOC sieges at launch on "ultra" even quad sli'd quad core machines were chugging trying to render scenery, buildings, shadows, and 96 characters at once.


Age of conan doesn't use the same engine as SWTOR...so your response is flawed.

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this is close to outrageous. this was 2011/is 2012. this is supposedly a AAA title. for bioware to not even include the OPTION for high res textures is absurd. yes, high res textures are a huge draw on pc performance. guess what? some of us can handle that draw.


does bioware really think their game is more graphically intensive than BF3 ultra? lets get real. this game doesnt even have native anti-aliasing, and from the sounds of it, its not going to for a long time.


this game looks terrible. there is really no other way to put it. not the style, thats fine. the pixelation and sloppiness of textures is just pathetic. the lack of customization all throughout this game is just bad.


bioware copied every other MMO on the market throughout their entire game, yet somehow they seem to have left out many of the most important, and most requested, parts

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I guess graphics satisfaction is a matter of perspective and experience - I didn't even notice the lack of "hi-res textures". Frankly, I find it incredible that anyone considers TORs graphics subpar enough to be worth unsubbing over.


Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those "Graphcis Don't Matter!" Guys - there are games out there that even I won't play because the graphcis are just too dated. I tried my hand at Anarchy Online but just couldn't get past the graphics. If TORs graphics were like the blocky stick-figure guys I used to play with in my Atari 2600 football game I'd be protesting too. But complaining because the textures aren't the highest res they can possibly be? I can only assume those that are disatisfied are of the younger generation of gamers, or are extreme tech geeks with thousands of dollars invested into their rigs.


The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.

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I would just like to add that for people with high-end rigs like myself, we would really appreciate the "option" to utilize higher resolution textures. It should be our choice as to how good the game performs, not a decision to reduce the views to the lowest common denominator.


Many of us are intelligent enough to understand that is we use high-res textures and we lag badly when in high population areas, we can figure out it's due to pounding our systems vs. poor network code. I have a feeling, you were afraid of people who could not tell the difference.


Keep in mind, many of your players are doctors. scientists, & engineers - so let us make the game look like its full potential. If you're worried about the average idiot loading up high-rez textures and calling your support lines to complain about bad lag - then make it an option only viable with an .ini edit.

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I've followed this game since it was first announced years ago and followed every subject regarding the mess of the textures since they were removed from beta.


This is the first game where I feel well and truly let down by the developers, and to be honest really dont buy into there reasoning behind not having them in.


Never seen this issue in any other mmo I've played, and I've played pretty much everything going, even the cheap *** korean grindfest manage so when a game this long in development and the huge amount of money thrown at it there really is no excuse.


Having appalling textures on the players main avatar really kills any sense of item progression, our characters are an investment, an investment we pay for, and for the game to be released with such a glaring problem is just sloppy.


I will be following others in this thread (threads) who will be ending there subscription due to this, It's been a pet hate from the start and the official response was a nail in the coffin for me.


If anyone has a link to the awesome looking star wars game in the screenshots, please let me know.

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I guess graphics satisfaction is a matter of perspective and experience - I didn't even notice the lack of "hi-res textures". Frankly, I find it incredible that anyone considers TORs graphics subpar enough to be worth unsubbing over.


Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those "Graphcis Don't Matter!" Guys - there are games out there that even I won't play because the graphcis are just too dated. I tried my hand at Anarchy Online but just couldn't get past the graphics. If TORs graphics were like the blocky stick-figure guys I used to play with in my Atari 2600 football game I'd be protesting too. But complaining because the textures aren't the highest res they can possibly be? I can only assume those that are disatisfied are of the younger generation of gamers, or are extreme tech geeks with thousands of dollars invested into their rigs.


The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.


http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/7371/swtor2012011110050596.jpg this is what my armor looks like.

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A rubbish and disrespectful "answer" Bioware.




1) Why were the textures working in the Beta, with many many people on one server at a time?


2) Why are your game play examples using the high res textures? This is false advertising and rather shady of you.


3) Why should i bother collecting good looking armor (apart from stat changes) when it looks bad?


I suspect myself and many others will leave this game after the first month. I really like the game, but i will get back to it when this most basic of features is implemented once more. I'm glad the gaming community is giving you a hard time about this Bioware, it is well deserved.

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The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.



No, the game does not look "good". Not unless by "good" you mean "circa 2006 good".


(lack of) graphical quality is just *ONE* more straw on this camel's back.

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The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.


Will do, especially considering AION has decent combat + good graphics.


Swtor has neither.

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I guess graphics satisfaction is a matter of perspective and experience - I didn't even notice the lack of "hi-res textures". Frankly, I find it incredible that anyone considers TORs graphics subpar enough to be worth unsubbing over.


Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of those "Graphcis Don't Matter!" Guys - there are games out there that even I won't play because the graphcis are just too dated. I tried my hand at Anarchy Online but just couldn't get past the graphics. If TORs graphics were like the blocky stick-figure guys I used to play with in my Atari 2600 football game I'd be protesting too. But complaining because the textures aren't the highest res they can possibly be? I can only assume those that are disatisfied are of the younger generation of gamers, or are extreme tech geeks with thousands of dollars invested into their rigs.


The game looks good. And more importantly, its FUN. If graphics are that important to you go give Aion a spin and learn how little importance "high-res textures" have in making a great game.


So you dont like awsome game play and awsome graphics together? looks like minecraft is for you. lol

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This sort of issue may not seem big, but it will kill this game combined with the other crippling flaws.


Rheids post basically says "You guys aren't smart enough to handle a High-res texture option".


I'm going to laugh my kidneys out when some tech guru on this forum unlocks a way to mod the game to display the high-res textures, dispelling all these nonsense answers.

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BS Answer. My computer can handle it. It did when they where enabled in beta, and it will now. Your game looks very bad outside of cutscenes.


I think what we need is more people that played Beta and were able to run the game using the high textures to speak up about their experience with it. I myself have a killer rig and I would like to have the "OPTION" to use or not use them. But if we here from more of the Beta testers and they speak about the performance they had this would shed more light on the issue for most of us.

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Notice LOTRO, a game that came out in 2007!



Whats that? A character zoomed in who's armor textures dont look like a pile of mud? Surely this is impossible!


Notice Granado Espada! A korean MMO launched in 2007 as well!



Surely this is a fluke!? I mean how can these companies make character armor this crisp?


Notice Rift, an MMO from 2011. From a company that had no games under their belt yet!



SWTOR is not following the standard right now. Its textures dont look nearly as good as they could and are being held back because of client stability issues that might or might never be fixed.


FFXIV- 2010



FFXI- 2002



SWTOR- 2011






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agreed on having them just on ourselves and companions, or maybe have the game switch to "texture atlas" mode after a certain amount of characters on screen , but tbh, i think 90% of people would be happy with high rez textures on our own guys


anyways, thank you bioware , i am not unrealistic and i will be here for the long run, because you have made a game with SUBSTANCE and graphically and asthetically beautiful, i dont care about minor pixels i wont see 90% of the time as another poster stated,


thank you for reading and please, do not let the new generation of self-entitlement wowbabies dictate the general perception of most gamers for this game.


the fact is , the people truly enjoying this game, are not reading thses forums as they are too busy and zoned out ingame to waste their times here reading with the rest of us

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