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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Read the response from the staff.


We all expected that this would get fixed, just seems logical doesn't it?


But nope, they intended after beta to cut the graphics to medium settings and keep it that way.




False advertising FTL


No, no. How could they cut them to "medium settings" when "medium settings" was a "bug" that wasn't ever supposed to exist in all the years it did?



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Hey, first post :)


I've never felt so ripped off in my whole gaming career. I'm served muddy ugly textures that looks like they were created by a three year old with crayons. And horrible performance.


I have been thinking it over for a while. I do enjoy the game still, but I'm getting more and more pissed about the graphics, performance and all the unneccesary bugs and half-assed implemented features that I've encountered, which even I can tell is corners cut and incompetent world and feature designers fault.


So I will also cancel my subscription. One have to draw the line somewhere right ? And I've learned my lesson now. Never buy game again until it's been out for a while.


Lately I feel that the gaming industry has become blood sucking vampires, not delivering what they promise and still sucks the money and blood out of their fans.

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Ive been defending this game for a while now, through all the complaints this one just sticks out alot to me, i feel really cheated. Im probably not going to quit...but still, im just having alot of doubts now.


I have the same feeling right now.


I decided to gave BW 6 months. IF in 6 months, BW fixes the major problems with the game, i will continue playing. If not, well i will give up on MMO's until TITAN.

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"Dont blame us, blame the computers that cant run this game with our glorious textures at maximum!"- Bioware 2012


After all this ... they are trying to feed us, i wouldn't even be surprised if that was a real Bioware quote.


After all they do say that everyone who has problems with their game has a crap computer.

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LMAO Reid, medium textures were a bug.


You realize someone had to actually sit behind the keyboard and type out the word "MEDIUM".


It doesn't magically appear out of cyberspace and into your game as a graphic option.


I swear that all game developers think that their gamers are all 12-15 year olds that don't know or pay attention to anything. For them to say it is a "bug" is a generic and plain bad excuse that insults our intelligence. This thread has blown up so much that I can't even refresh to the last page in the thread because so many people are posting on it. This is a good thing though, they NEED to know their failure with this.

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LMAO Reid, medium textures were a bug.


You realize someone had to actually sit behind the keyboard and type out the word "MEDIUM".


It doesn't magically appear out of cyberspace and into your game as a graphic option.


Right, and wrong. Not defending Bioware, but yes, they added the medium option at some point (or it came with the engine, no idea), but it is a bug because they realized at some point the game could not handle hi res everywhere, and forgot to take out the medium option, thus making it a bug. Anything they don't fix correctly is a bug.

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"Fabricated Response"


Stephen you Do realize that you spit in the customers face when you present such an fabricated response? Is this a joke?

Does your development team even realize that basically NOBODY (of those whom I played with) had ANY problems with the in-game high resolution textures in the SUMMER BETA?

This is bull**** and I'm not accusing you of anything since you are merely a messanger, but as the developers of SWTOR are so fu**ng lazy to come and talk to us directly I apologize for having to shout at you.

It's just bull**** that this is the answer we got, if you think that the players of SWTOR will forget this, and yes I'm talking to YOU developers, not to Stephen, then you are mistaken.

We will create hundred threads if it's required, get high resolutions in game, and don't bullsh*t us, Period.


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I have also canceled my subscription. I dont care if some aspects of the game are fun, nothing justifies blatantly decieving your customer base by showing a product that they had no intent or capability to deliver. I hope this thread hits every gaming and sales site out there. Like I posted on page 70, this is a legitimate FTC complaint. Simply go to their site, fill out a five minute form, and let your unwillingness to accept this speak for itself.

Time to go submit my Amazon review!


I don't know if that actually reaches BW, but I'm definately going to do that - right after cancelling my subscription.


Messed up for good there, BioWare.

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All I can say is I hope EA and BioWare don't have a long term lease agreement on their server farms.


Already the servers that were FULL and queued nearly constantly are dropping down to Heavy with no queue at all any more, Heavy servers have dropped down to Standard and Light servers...you're lucky if you see more than 12 people at your respective fleet half the time.


This game is tumbling down the rabbit hole fast. It will take some very quick and distinct action to keep this game from suffering the 30 - 90 day curse thats hit every other MMO to release since WoW.


Thankfully I make enough money to not have to physically regret having missed out on anything due to a decision to spend 300 dollars to buy CE's for my wife and I.


And thankfully I can take my rather ridiculous computer, and go back to playing Skyrim using player released high resolution textures that make an already beautiful game stunning and never lose a frame while doing so...and all that content in that game? Stock or mods? Free with the box price.


Paying 15 dollars a month for this game makes no sense. Theres a lot of reasons why it doesn't, but being visually unimpressive has been a major point of contention now since 2009. The graphics are too cartoony as it is, they're too stylized as they justified that by saying they wanted the game to "age well" now they're justifying blurry cartoons by saying they want it to "perform well".


So, blurry, cartoony graphics, or super detailed, highly realistic graphics in another game? I know what I'm going to choose.


I'm afraid "Cause its Star Wars" just isn't cutting it, as an excuse, for me. See you for Mass Effect 3 BioWare, you'd better hope to god you haven't screwed that one up too.

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I understand, I just disagree. And, find the whole "we've been lied to!" drama a bit silly. According to Reid's statment in the opening post of this thread,




So...higher rest textures were in at the start, for performance reasons they got yanked. That's "lying"? Stop being so dramatic. Is BioWare pulling high res screenshots off of their site going to make one iota of difference how your game looks or plays? I mean honestly, people these days are so eager to find something to be up in arms and "righteously indignant" about. If the graphics are that big of a deal to you then vote with your dollars and don't play, end of story. This "righteous crusade" to expose BioWare and bring them to justice for defrauding customers is way overdone and unnecessary. And the level of angst the people in this thread are showing about the matter of high res textures just makes it that much more laughable.


I really hope one of the people in this thread that keeps throwing around the words "false advertisement" sues BioWare, just so we can see where it goes. My guess? Nowhere.



Do you know what statutory rights are?


If not go read up they may be different for other countires but in the UK they are this....


"you have bought something on the basis of the seller’s description or a sample, you should expect the item to conform exactly to that description or sample. If it does not, you have the right to reject the goods, demand a full refund and possibly claim damages. This is still the case even where you have selected or examined the items for yourself before buying them."


Oh by the way I am a Solicitor or for the US posters a Lawyer.... do you wish to discuss this further?

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