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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Bumping this so that others can see that its not impossible to have higher quality armor in game, as long as your engine is built to handle it.


Adding FFXIV To the mix



This is from an engine that wasn't designed for MMOs and is getting a complete revamp this year.


Oh im sure we can make a huge list of games and screenshots just based off of free to play games alone as well. How come all these games can do it and be playable yet BW cant do it for SWTOR?

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As another fellow already mentioned here on the forums:


This whole issue falls under false advertisement or deceptive advertising. Bioware willfully used false or misleading advertising for swtor which persuaded many of us into commercial transactions that we might otherwise passed on.


I think Bioware should offer refunds to the people that bought the product because the deceptive advertising persuaded them to buy it.



I love the game and all, but overall i tend to agree and i want a refund.


In my country there are laws. These laws stand firm. There is also customer protection




They already made sure EA (not bioware) had to pay a fine for spying on peoples harddrives via origin, which is illegal and then the part of not informing consumers about it, too.


Later EA themselfs said what they did was total garbage and they will see to changing it, but again all this would not have happened without the action being taken by consumer.


So we certainly have a voice in this and it is important to have a voice.


Just saying.

Edited by Ommm
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Come on people, it's not really that big of an issue.

This along with the FPS issue are massive issues, the reason they are massive isn't so much the issues themselfs (well the FPS issue is massive in itself really) BUT the way in which the PR is handling these issues, they are lyng about them and it's quite clear they are.


You could argue the medium textures issue isn't a big problem in itself BUT, they were working before and they advertised the game using them, to now say after mass complaints that it was a UI bug and they aren't supposed to work ingame is a massive problem because it shows how badly they are willing to treat paying customers when it comes to things like this.


If they'll happily lie about things like this (major things that anyone can see is wrong), then what won't they lie about?, that's what makes this a major issue.

Edited by MajorMelchett
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Welcome to 2012 SWTOR where even games from 2001 beat it graphic wise. Luckily for BW we are not only playing because of the graphics.


But after this, i'm eager to her the stance on ability lag / delay. WAI probably as it was in Laghammer :)




I am your comrade in crap textures!

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Being a fanboy doesn't make you right.




Wasn't a fanboy till I played this game.. So that makes me even more right.



Actually, I remember writing on my first day that I became of fan of starwars on whatever the date was that I started on my profile.. Check there.

Edited by Exidiums
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I am dissapoint.


Buy the source code engine you guys are using (Hero Engine) and start modifying it to work better - common DX9 shadders are a bit old now and you can get massive increases in efficiency of the draw calls to the graphics card with DX10/11.


This doesn't even address the bait and switch with the graphics. Your actions are hard to defend and are casting a negative light on a company which has done so well in the past. The name you guys have earned at BioWare is getting trashed by mistakes like this.

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Oldschool gamer here, you know, the kind that gets flamed all the time for believe graphics aren't the greatest thing in the world.


Just gonna chirp in an old feeling that none of the newer generations seem to have:

Quality Content > Quality Graphics

I wouldn't mind SNES level graphics if the content has good story and ideas.


Not defending BioWare, but really... "It doesn't look crispy clean and perfect I can't play it!" is really ignorant of the rest of world of gaming.


I've noticed the lower-end graphics. ... And?

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I was wrong, I was looking at pictures of games that came out after 2007 and I seem to have found an example of a game that came out in 2002 and still has armor textures that have more fidelity than SWTORs


FFXI - 2002



This is from a game that was restricted by having a console version that needed to run on par with the PC version. The ps2 had 32MB of ram :D

Edited by Caonimah
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I was wrong, I was looking at pictures of games that came out after 2007 and I seem to have found an example of a game that came out in 2002 and still has armor textures that have more fidelity than SWTORs


FFXI - 2002



Good post

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Oldschool gamer here, you know, the kind that gets flamed all the time for believe graphics aren't the greatest thing in the world.


Just gonna chirp in an old feeling that none of the newer generations seem to have:

Quality Content > Quality Graphics

I wouldn't mind SNES level graphics if the content has good story and ideas.


Not defending BioWare, but really... "It doesn't look crispy clean and perfect I can't play it!" is really ignorant of the rest of world of gaming.


I've noticed the lower-end graphics. ... And?


I've played countless hours of even games as low as RS, graphics isn't the problem, its the inability to choose, and the ridiculous tactics they are taking.


I played this game solid with the highest settings in beta, but now all the sudden my computer is unable to handle it? Complete ********


Why do people keep speaking as if Stephen said the existance of high res textures in the beta was a bug? He clearly stated that the removal of high res textures was a decision and the "medium" setting was the bug.


I don't know if you've ever coded anything, but it doesn't create itself. It isn't a bug. It was intended and working and then disabled. There were 3 WORKING settings in beta, I tried all 3 out and all 3 were dramatically different from the next.

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what's sad is they took a extra day so they could run this through the executives for the correct way to lie to us.


Silly Bio-Wabbits....your tricks are for kids.



Being honest and forthcoming with your community might be the only way to save this game....or just toss out EA...that would probably help.

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Why do people keep speaking as if Stephen said the existance of high res textures in the beta was a bug? He clearly stated that the removal of high res textures was a decision and the "medium" setting was the bug.


First, the UI issue. The preferences menu as it is seen on the Public Test Server for version 1.1 of the game is correct - there are only supposed to be two texture choices, 'Low' and 'High'. This replaces the original three-choice preference of Low/Medium/High because in reality, there was never supposed to be a 'Medium' choice - that was a bug.


MEANING!!!! High resolution textures were never meant to be in the game.

Edited by mesha
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Oldschool gamer here, you know, the kind that gets flamed all the time for believe graphics aren't the greatest thing in the world.


Just gonna chirp in an old feeling that none of the newer generations seem to have:

Quality Content > Quality Graphics

I wouldn't mind SNES level graphics if the content has good story and ideas.


Not defending BioWare, but really... "It doesn't look crispy clean and perfect I can't play it!" is really ignorant of the rest of world of gaming.


I've noticed the lower-end graphics. ... And?


This isn't the 90's. With your mindset technology would never progress. Good graphics are just as important for enjoying the game as good gameplay. If you have one without the other the game suffers for it. Battlefield 3, Crysis, Crysis 2, Uncharted series, Witcher 2 all rely on excellent graphics to suck the player into the game and feel as if he/she is in it. If Witcher 2 had the same graphics as Witcher 1 that would be absolutely ridiculous.


It's also why they sell you know...$500 GPU's and whatnot.

Edited by Improv-
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Seriously - can someone with their own server or some space on a server copy the media on the SWTOR website before they try to take it down? We need some record of how the game used to look when they were marketing it to all us suckers.
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Oldschool gamer here, you know, the kind that gets flamed all the time for believe graphics aren't the greatest thing in the world.


Just gonna chirp in an old feeling that none of the newer generations seem to have:

Quality Content > Quality Graphics

I wouldn't mind SNES level graphics if the content has good story and ideas.


Not defending BioWare, but really... "It doesn't look crispy clean and perfect I can't play it!" is really ignorant of the rest of world of gaming.


I've noticed the lower-end graphics. ... And?


/agree. A lot of people have a false sense of entitlement in here.

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These screen shots are a year to 2 years old from your on your website! Inexcusable!











Edited by Threefiddie
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So you're A-OK with a game company flat out lying and mis-representing their game to you?


I'm still curious how the medium setting ended up just being a UI "bug". Sorry, that excuse is a bit hard to believe at the moment.


Yes sir, I'm A-OK with a game that makes me not want to play any other games. Whatever the bad may be, the good still out-weighs it by a long shot. And maybe those pictures were taken in BETA, and beta is just a test phase where it was tested. Thats logical and aloud.

Edited by Exidiums
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Wow, that's pretty ridiculous.


Instead of typing a wall of text (which I began to do), I'll just say that i'm really unhappy with the content of this "answer", with the false advertising and with this new example of Bioware disdain for their customers.


Pretty fed with the continous lies too...

Edited by KerenRhys
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Why do people keep speaking as if Stephen said the existance of high res textures in the beta was a bug? He clearly stated that the removal of high res textures was a decision and the "medium" setting was the bug.


People are upset because up until this moment, they thought their poor graphics were due to a ui bug. That they couldn't select the higher graphic options.


However it's spun, people are upset that what is being advertised, is not what's being delivered.

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Seriously - can someone with their own server or some space on a server copy the media on the SWTOR website before they try to take it down? We need some record of how the game used to look when they were marketing it to all us suckers.


That's not going to do anything. Every game uses bullshots no matter how good the game actually looks. While BF3 looks stunning go and look at the official screenshots. They are completely out of this world and look better than the game maxed out. This is a shameful and common practice in the industry.

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Welcome to 2012 SWTOR where even games from 2001 beat it graphic wise. Luckily for BW we are not only playing because of the graphics.


But after this, i'm eager to her the stance on ability lag / delay. WAI probably as it was in Laghammer :)


This is most certainly not set up to highest settings in options, that particular armor looks bad indeed because it is probably one of those armors that have broken textures, but on the other hand your entire picture looks bad, edgy with no AA, etc.


Myself and some other users have provided pictures with graphics overall (not just the armor) looking much better than this, how can you explain that?

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