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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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I was doing the Althiss FP the other day, and one of the players 'tolerated' the other three not spacebar-ing through the cutscenes. But even then he was a pita, because he was always rushing ahead, saying "No, we go here next". Someone asked "What about this glowing droid?" "You don't need that, come on, let's get this done!" Grrrr.


What is the rush? There is no bonus for quick completion.


The bonus is you get more character progression in less time.

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We're sorry we don't meet your expectations, o great and lofty one. Make sure to tell us which server you're on so we can avoid it... We wouldn't want our "failure" as players to rub off on you after all.




Also, your Uberness, please list your toons so we can avoid you as well as your server. H1TL3R!!!1!

Edited by Dacks
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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


lol. Solo them. There is so little in this game that requires a group that your pointless kvetching about other people trying to get their monies worth out of this game is off-putting.


Or, let me put it this way, if you need a group to do anything but Heroic-4's and some flashpoints... Learn to play. Because it is cake-walk easy.

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Usually I just ask at the beginning of the FP if everyone has done it before. If some people haven't, I just assume they want to watch the cutscenes. If everybody says they have already done it, I ask if everyone is okay with spacebarring through the conversations. I have never had anyone say that they have already done it but still want to sit through the scenes. Once or twice tends to be enough, especially on FP's with ridiculous amounts of convo, like Black Talon or Esseles.


Not much of a problem to me, others may have different experiences. I think it is excessive to kick someone from a group if it's their first time through and they want to experience the storyline.

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I, personally, would suggest a selection when chosing FP that allows "minimal cutscenes" or "full cutscenes". People who valued story would group with like minded people and run the full ones, while grinders could run the minimals, without gating content.


I would not disagree with that. People SHOULD be able to play how they want to play. Frankly this is not a bad idea at all. I would only tweak it such that this option was ONLY available for FPs and OPs, because yea that stuff get's old after a while. But an addon for cutscenes/no cutscenes in general will only bring bad mojo.

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Except this one person you are saying is wasting your time is actually playing the game as intended.


Find a static group and gear up. Its not that difficult of a concept. If players are so socially inept that they cannot or will not find a guild or "friends" in game, then they have to deal with PUGs and all that comes with them.


This comment it is overused IMO "Playing the game as intended" is a matter of opinion. Not even the developers will come in here and tell anyone that they have to play their game a certain way. Case in point: They added space bar functionality to skip content.


I have plenty of long time friends I game with - sometimes you can't always run instances with them and you need to pug someone in. I would like to make sure the person we add isn't there for the first time wanting to listen to all the VO's. Worse than that someone that would do it just to aggravate us... only to boot him and wait longer to find a replacement.

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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I was doing the Althiss FP the other day, and one of the players 'tolerated' the other three not spacebar-ing through the cutscenes. But even then he was a pita, because he was always rushing ahead, saying "No, we go here next". Someone asked "What about this glowing droid?" "You don't need that, come on, let's get this done!" Grrrr.


What is the rush? There is no bonus for quick completion.


That's a lot different than 3 people who all want no cutscenes and one pita who demands they watch them all, don't you think?


Again -- using an example completely different from what the OP is talking about doesn't answer the OP's request or points. All it does is indicate


1) you aren't bothering to read

2) you only care about your own experience


Go grind Esseles ten times hoping for an orange medium armor drop and watch the cutscenes fully every time without spacebarring through and come back and tell us about how fufilling it is.

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Although much of the leveling was based around story, the only way to become successful in endgame is to acquire gear. People don't want to take weeks and months to get enough gear to progress through endgame flashpoints/operations. Endgame should not have been so similar to Wow's if they wanted story to be the main focus.
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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


This is a story driven MMO, don't like it go back to Runescape where you can grind all the magic trees you want and dont have to wait on anyone else.


Talk about a moronic thread.

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You seem to have quite a problem, but maybe it's not them.... Brace for it.... It's you! Not everyone grinds these flashpoints. Suprisingly some people have never done them before and actually want to hear what they are paying for.


If you get into a PUG, let your team know your intentions to skip the plot entirely in favor of making a cred and equipment grab so they can boot you before you ruin their experience.


Make sense? Probably not, but think about it.


This. Exactly.

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Could you please stop posting if you aren't even going to bother to read what the OP said?


You SERIOUSLY believe that Bioware intended people to have to sit through five minutes of cutscenes everytime they want to grind Black Talon? Then why, if that's what Bioware intended, did they even put the space bar in?


This is trolling, plain and simple. The OP said when he was putting up his LFG message he said "no cutscenes". If you join his group , and demand that people watch the cutscenes, knowing full well they are looking for people who aren't, then it's you forcing someone to bend to your will.


There is no point reading anything you type.


I did read what the OP said thank you very much. My response was to someone else's quote relating to the OP, but I guess your reading comprehension has failed you there.


Obviously Bioware doesn't intend for people to watch the cutscenes 10 times, but they do expect you to watch it the first time at least. And that's what I'm talking about, the players who are running it for the first time. Not everybody doing Flashpoints has already done them 10 times, sometimes it's their first and they should be able to watch cutscenes if they want to.


If you had seen my second reply to this thread you would notice that my problem isn't with people wanting to skip cutscenes. My problem is with people who want to kick people who want to watch them out of groups or insult them for wanting to see a story. Which is why I think the addon that the OP suggested is a very bad idea. I do however support the idea of allowing the group leader to set a "skip cutscenes" option. As long as the leader makes this clear in the beginning of the group then it's the only way to make everyone happy.


Don't call someone a troll just because you don't like their answers. You're not making yourself much better than the trolls by doing that.

Edited by DarrkLore
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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


Something tells me this is not the game for you if you can make an asinine statement like that when the common knowledge is that the story is what is important here.


Only reason to skip them is if you are farming the flashpoints and Heroics.

Edited by Darkeus
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Geez I totally disagree with that. To me, the game isn't about story, it's about maximizing my toon in the shortest time as possible. You can't dictate what the game means to me. I've almost got 136 level items in all my slots and watching movies while I'm supposed to be playing is making me less efficient. Doing Hard Modes, when you know players have seen the cutscenes before, there's just no excuse for you to watch them again.


The thing is you DON'T know that they have watched the content before. They may have done it with their Jedi, but now their Smuggler is doing it and the responses during conversation are entirely different.


You really have no understanding of what others may find enjoyable. I have now written you off as a sad and pathetic little person. Carry on.

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