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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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This makes sense. Because after seeing Star Wars the first time, I never, EVER watched it again.


Oh wait.


Agreed, joining a ggroup that says No Cutscenes and then not skipping may be a little rude... but asking the question is also a *little* rude.


There's an analogy involving a movie and fast forwarding to the end while someone in the room hasn't seen it, but I can't get it perfect, so I'll just leave it at that.


Lol I see what you're getting at here and I appreciate it.


Lemme see if i can get at it.


A person suggests watching a movie and says he wants to skip the first 30 minutes because it really adds nothing to the story. Everyone agrees. But then as they begin FFing, one person yells out "WAIT IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE I WANTS TO WATCH THAT!" even though they agreed to skip it, making the rest of the group wait and sit through it.


When asked why they didn't stop and say that to begin with, the person says...what exactly?


How was that? :p

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I go afk for 10 minutes and look what happens.


Generic post of irritance at lack of reading ability by people on forums. Points to OP and disgruntingly tells you to read it.


Now what would peoples thoughts be about flagging YOURSELF as Cutscene/No cutscene?


I think something like that would only work with the LFG interface we have now - BUT it does leave room for griefing. Lets say I was a jag off - and I flag for no content. Then I get in group and do not spam space bar.


I would then get kicked... the group is ready to go and now we are down a man, now we get to look for a replacement :(

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I think something like that would only work with the LFG interface we have now - BUT it does leave room for griefing. Lets say I was a jag off - and I flag for no content. Then I get in group and do not spam space bar.


I would then get kicked... the group is ready to go and now we are down a man, now we get to look for a replacement :(


True, but that particular axe swings both ways.


Let's say you flag for cutscenes but then skip everything. You only impede yourself.

Now lets say you flag for no cutscenes, but watch everything. You now have 3 other people pissed at you, who can report you for harassment for misusing the tool, and furthermore can 'name and shame' you to the community at large.

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Most single player RPGs are based around story. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that inferred? Final Fantasy, Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Warrior, et al. Even old school D&D table top. I know it is an MMO, but a lot of people enjoy the story. Isn't that the main selling point of the game? Considering this is the successor to KoTORI and II, wouldn't you expect it?


It was said before, find a guild of like-minded people. I understand that it is repetitive after doing it a few times, but I would give it time, and people will warm up to skipping cutscenes in flashpoints, because they have done them dozens of times. If you don't like it, go back to whatever MMO you played before, because it would be highly unlikely they would add something counter to Bioware's original intentions. They say patience is a virtue, and I can see that you don't possess it. Until those days come to fruition, have fun playing alone.

Edited by SDTAXantos
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Your majesty, i feel the need to inform you that Starwars: The Old republic is NOT a MMO but it is infact a MMORPG, which specifically stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing GAME... the RPG part does not stand for rocket propelled grenade which i believe you were misinformed into believing that because the game features a trooper class they needed to put RPG in there... Furthermore role playing games are defined by their intricate STORIES, so i apologize to inform you that it is infact STORYTIME.


there is good news for you, your majesty... EA has a video game for your more action packed needs its called CALL OF DUTY.


have a nice day.

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Your majesty, i feel the need to inform you that Starwars: The Old republic is NOT a MMO but it is infact a MMORPG, which specifically stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing GAME... the RPG part does not stand for rocket propelled grenade which i believe you were misinformed into believing that because the game features a trooper class they needed to put RPG in there... Furthermore role playing games are defined by their intricate STORIES, so i apologize to inform you that it is infact STORYTIME.


there is good news for you, your majesty... EA has a video game for your more action packed needs its called CALL OF DUTY.


have a nice day.


Uh... CoD is an Activision property...



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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


Because, clearly, your time is so valuable.




inb4 "My time is valuable because this is my only recreation between being an olympic gymnast and a nuclear physicist, blah, blah, lie, lie, etc.!"

Edited by TheRealDestian
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It's amazing how many people can't read the entire first post and instead want to jump on someone.









If you're interested in cut scenes, you see that ad, and you decide to join that group, you're not so bright. You'll cry when you're kicked, but you have no one to blame but yourself.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Although I disagree with his playstyle, it is his business if he wants to run like that with like-minded individuals. As long as he is upfront about his intentions and warns people about the space bar requirement, then ultimately he's not hurting anyone. More power to ya.


I'll stick with enjoying the cut-scenes myself though. :)

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


*Force choke* I find your lack of patience and tolerance, disturbing.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


I appreciate this topic. Now I know if I ever am on the same server as you to put you on ignore.

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I'm also really surprised that I've encountered so much resistance to my addon request with this thread. Most people I play with are typing "SPACEBAR!" in chat to the ONE inconsiderate person in the group who is ruining our gaming experience. I thought this idea would get a lot more support...


of course he could just have a slow load time on the cut scene and cant hit spacebar till it actually loads.........but that doesnt matter to the rush to the point of stupidity generation.

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Troll OP enrages troll VO fans who then troll OP who then encourage White Knight trolls to come to Troll OP's defense.




The lack of troll identification on this board disturbs me. Yall need the old dattebayo YHBT tag on forum posts (You Have Been Trolled)

Edited by SWToRBurns
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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


Um, maybe you missed the memo, all of the memo's...all 1.78 billion of them.....it is storytime. SWTOR is a STORY DRIVEN MMO. It's been repeated, I dunno, maybe a billion times between news, main stream media announcements, the forums, everywhere else you can imagine, SWTOR is a story driven MMO. I mean, in the very first new announcement about TOR it was made clear that Lucas Arts was teaming up with Bioware to deliver a story driven MMO with all the fun and features of a MMO, it's only been the main focus of SWTOR since, well, the beginning. I think perhaps you are missing the point of the game, the story.


You play it like you want, I want to enjoy the story. Boot me from your group because I am enjoying the whole focus of the game, well, be glad you're not playing on a PvP server I guess, some people take rejection poorly and will demonstrate it by pwning you and dancing on your corpse (among other interesting things players do to corpses.)


You're doing it right though, mention in your LFG message that you want people who skip the cut scenes and hopefully you will not have as many problems, but still, you're missing the point of the game.

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troll op enrages troll vo fans who then troll op who then encourage white knight trolls to come to troll op's defense.




The lack of troll identification on this board disturbs me. Yall need the old dattebayo yhbt tag on forum posts (you have been trolled)


hand. Hth. :)

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The original poster is in the right here. Everyone bashing him fails at reading. He says he advertises no cutscenes. If you join his group and then don't hit spacebar, you're in the wrong.

Personally, I'd never join his groups, but he's got every right to do it that way.


I wouldn't advise the addon though, for a reason someone else said:


But again, that's not my issue with the addon idea. Unfortunately a large amount of the MMO community isn't too bright, fair, or kind. You know if they implement an addon like this there will be groups who didn't specify "no cutscenes" who will end up yelling at someone because they're watching them, and that's not right.


It would get abused, yeah.


As for this:


If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


I'm not sure that's true? I know there are dots for rolling, then we get our number, but does that apply to the rest of the scene too? I've never actually noticed.

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Troll OP enrages troll VO fans who then troll OP who then encourage White Knight trolls to come to Troll OP's defense.




The lack of troll identification on this board disturbs me. Yall need the old dattebayo YHBT tag on forum posts (You Have Been Trolled)


1. Why would the OP have attempted to forstall furhter posts by editing his OP that the topic had been answered?

2. Why are we trolls for trying to make some sort of coherent discussion amidst the flaming?

3. Why do I think you are yourself a troll?


KnyghtProwler come on man, I need you!

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