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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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Enough of the hate-mongering and such. What the OP is asking for is for a way to identify people that will "fast-foreward" through content which is fine. But we all know what will happen, people will use this "tool" in a way it wasn't intended. They'll invite people and kick them at the drop of a hat if they watch the cutscenes.


Personally, what I think Bioware should do is flag a person when they see the cutscenes after the first time and just eliminate them after that. No addon needed and no hate for the kicking that would ensue.

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Yeah knew this would be an issue, who wants to watch all the cutscenes more then once? The first time thru is fine but second not so much, at least the OP had the decency when forming the group to let them know he wanted players who were wanting to speed run. They should have a group leader feature that disables the social points and cutscenes.... Just a thought. Edited by Irishbrewed
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Oh look the trolls who quote the OP but dont read it are back.


Anyway, Logical, I don't think the option to skip questing should be implemented, simply because everyone can do it solo. True you need to group up for Heroic quests, but I'll be honest I've skipped all but 2 or 3 Heroic quests.


So I think LFG with the option is a good one.


For the pop-up box,


Invite to Group:

Name of Leader:

Loot Settings:

Cutscene Settings:


and tbh i cant think of anything else lol, anyone got any suggestions?

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I only get irritated when people won't skip the cutscenes during Hardmodes.


You already did the flashpoint once before, you've seen it, just skip it ffs.


I suppose that would depend on if different choices lead to different dialogs/reactions/events.


I want to see all possible outcomes over time.


If I have... and if you still get social points for making decisions... then, sure, skip it if everyone else agrees. But I am not in such a rush to get done that I can't wait for the one guy who's done it before.


(Also, don't FPs only reset once per day? If so, what's the big rush? It's not like you're going to run the same one fifty times an hour. I may be thinking of heroics, though. I haven't tried doing the same FP in the same day.)

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Who are you again...? Who really cares if they waste your time? You knew this was a story driven MMO, and you picked the wrong game. Now stop wasting my time with your whiny drivel and go play another game where people actually want to listen to your first world problems.


I agree, this guy needs to take his *** back to panda land.

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Yeah knew this would be an issue, who wants to watch all the cutscenes more then once? The first time thru is fine but second not so much, at least the OP had the decency when forming the group to let them know he wanted players who were wanting to speed run. They should have a group leader feature that disables the social points and cutscenes.... Just a thought.


Well now there's something: social points. The gear you get from this. I have no diea what it is or where it is, but i dont think ive seen anyone regarding it as being of any use. But theres the possibility they add things in later. still, as of now its pretty blah, so turning those off may not be a horrible idea.

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Yeah knew this would be an issue, who wants to watch all the cutscenes more then once? The first time thru is fine but second not do much, at least the OP had the decency when forming the group to let them know he wanted players who were wanting to speed run. They should have a group leader feature that disables the social points and cutscenes.... Just a thought.


yeah its an issue for me, I hit space and wait for the one whos watching but at the same time... kicking someone out the group for watching the cut scene? geez talk about over the top.


I think this is another "Im too good for this group Im the best I dont need to watch anything"

Must have gear score xxx

Must have achivo

now its Must have spacebar?

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I suppose that would depend on if different choices lead to different dialogs/reactions/events.


I want to see all possible outcomes over time.


If I have... and if you still get social points for making decisions... then, sure, skip it if everyone else agrees. But I am not in such a rush to get done that I can't wait for the one guy who's done it before.


(Also, don't FPs only reset once per day? If so, what's the big rush? It's not like you're going to run the same one fifty times an hour. I may be thinking of heroics, though. I haven't tried doing the same FP in the same day.)


To be honest, people are most likely going to pick the same choice every time because it matches their alignment.


Also I want to run more than one flashpoint, so I don't want to waste time sitting through dialogue that everyone in the group has already seen.


To be fair, I never skip in normals.

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Geez I totally disagree with that. To me, the game isn't about story, it's about maximizing my toon in the shortest time as possible. You can't dictate what the game means to me. I've almost got 136 level items in all my slots and watching movies while I'm supposed to be playing is making me less efficient. Doing Hard Modes, when you know players have seen the cutscenes before, there's just no excuse for you to watch them again.


This statement made me very curious. What exactly are your goals in the game? If your goal in hardcore raiding, are you in a raiding guild where you and your fellows can grind out these flashpoints together? It seems like it would be easy finding a group of likeminded folks such as yourself to gear up or whatever you wish to do.


I will give you the benefit of the doubt though. You are being upfront with people at the start of the group. If you are organzing it, suppose that it is within your right to kick anyone you want. Just a bit sad to see this rather mercenary attitude towards taking a few extra minutes to watch a cut scene.


You seem to be in the wrong game my friend if you have no interest in the story. Just my opinion.

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This statement made me very curious. What exactly are your goals in the game? If your goal in hardcore raiding, are you in a raiding guild where you and your fellows can grind out these flashpoints together? It seems like it would be easy finding a group of likeminded folks such as yourself to gear up or whatever you wish to do.


I will give you the benefit of the doubt though. You are being upfront with people at the start of the group. If you are organzing it, suppose that it is within your right to kick anyone you want. Just a bit sad to see this rather mercenary attitude towards taking a few extra minutes to watch a cut scene.


You seem to be in the wrong game my friend if you have no interest in the story. Just my opinion.


First, thank you for actually reading the posts before forming an opinion. +1 internets to you.


Second, true enough on your point. I know my guildies group together and charge through HMs jamming Spacebar everyday, because theyve run it enough.


But, I've also seen them having to find PUGs because there arent enough guildies on, hence the issue.

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Well now there's something: social points. The gear you get from this. I have no diea what it is or where it is, but i dont think ive seen anyone regarding it as being of any use. But theres the possibility they add things in later. still, as of now its pretty blah, so turning those off may not be a horrible idea.


You get orange modable gear for social points, they cost credits tho.. One vendor is on coruscant market.. Others elsewhere.'

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To be honest, people are most likely going to pick the same choice every time because it matches their alignment.


But I mostly run in pickup groups, so I don't know what people will pick. If you're doing it with the same group over and over, your point is quite valid.


I've grossly outleveled... uhm... the first Imperial FP, mind is blanking on name.. but the one time I did it when I was the right level, we ended up killing the captain, against my vote, so I saw how that branch played out. I'd like to have seen the other branch. Presumably, at some point, I'll stop leveling past content so fast I skip half of it because it's gone grey, and I'll have a chance to do FPs more than once, and I'd like to see the full range of options, even if this requires other people pick them so I don't lose my precious LS points.

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Yeah, people not skipping cutscenes when you are doing the instance for 10th+ time and specifically said "spacebarring conversations" in LFM is quite a problem. Even though, since you can easily identify the person, boot him and add him to ignore list, addon is not really needed.
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I'd like an addon that flags ADHD kiddies who don't want to enjoy the one aspect of this game that sets it apart, so I don't group with them.


See? was that so hard? All you haters out there need to take a page from this haters book!


He understands, and realizes separation is good.


He is NOT condemning the thought of adding something to the game to keep multiple play styles happy.


*high five*

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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Sorry, OP but you need to have a coke and a smile and (you may/may not know the rest) while others play their game. Lol what are you planning on doing anyway? Ignoring every single person who wants to listen to cutscenes?


Your time isn't that precious....

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