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3 Reasons why SWTOR will continue to be succesful


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Lots of grumpy people in this thread. And their gripes all boil down to: "I wanted the game to be exactly like how I envisioned it in my mind, and it isn't, so it sucks!" and "I wanted KOTOR but also X-Wing/Tie Fighter, oh, and I want great multiplayer too, and I also want loads of character customization, and...!"


Face it. The game in your head will never be produced, because it is an impossibility. Bioware has tried to get everything right, and they've done a pretty good job at it... but no one will be 100% satisfied 100% of the time.

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Regarding point 1: SWG was Star Wars, and look where it is now.

Regarding point 2: DA2 was not that great game, so even BioWare can disappoint people.

Regarding point 3: KOTOR was great, but that does not say that SWTOR is also meant to be as successful. Only time will tell.


1: Disagree, SWG was around for quite a number of years, and was successful at least before the NGE update. NGE update was the start of it's downfall, though it survived long after that, take alook on net.


2: Agree with this, hated DA2, but thats a matter of opinion.


3: Agree also, too early to say.


As for the OP's post:


I'm of the same opinion as OP, except i think it's too early to say if game will succeed, but it's first mmo I've enjoyed since EQ/EQ2 and maybe WoW.


Everything in between i didn't last long with, but with this i feel content to stick around for quite some time.


Not saying it's everyones thing, but for me at least, i enjoy it even after hitting 50.

Edited by TheFugitive
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it's not a commercial success, it's still in the red


it's not a critical success, the games reviewers have been pretty obviously paid off- anyone who's been in the game for about an hour can cut through their bull


what kind of success is it?


Hmm...I'm not sure how you can speak for "anyone". I'm a level 50 Bounty Hunter and completely agree with most of the reviews. Bioware promised something and Bioware delivered. I think that some people did not read into what Bioware was trying to accomplish with this game.


Honestly though, In all the mmo launches I have taken part in, in the past 14 years (In no particular order: Ultima, FFXI, EQ1/2, Lineage 1/2, LOTRO, WOW, Aion, SWG, Warhammer, AoC, DCU:O, Champions, Rift and probably more that I cannot think of) Star Wars: The Old Republic feels like the best "base" game to build upon. This is of course my own personal opinion.


To each their own.

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Face it. The game in your head will never be produced, because it is an impossibility. Bioware has tried to get everything right, and they've done a pretty good job at it... but no one will be 100% satisfied 100% of the time.


It really isn't. The design draft I have on my machine is most definitely doable and has everything anyone could ever want ever.


At least, it would be doable with the hundred-million dollar budget BW had for this.

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There are 3 reasons this game will continue to be a massive success....


1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.


2. It's Bioware. Love them or hate them you cannot deny that they lead the video game industry in pure storytelling and have captivated audiences for over a decade now. Bioware pretty much showed us gamers what is possible in video games when it comes to interactive storytelling.


3. It's a Bioware Star Wars game. You combine #1 and 2 and you're left with a video game that is destined to be extremely succesful.


1. Tell that to Star Wars Galaxies


2. Dragon Age 2


3. Star Wars Galaxies and Dragon Age 2.

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Reasons why Dragon Age 2 was awesome.



2. It's made by Bioware

3. It adopted a more arcade playstyle, after the ritalin kids whined the action is too slow.






















Except it was crap.

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1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.





Its Lord of the Rings universe - oh wait game failed.


Its Warhammer universe OMG heaven for old school gamers - oh wait game failed


Its Star Wars Universe (star wars galaxies) - oh wait game failed.


Its CYMERIA! CONAN homeland omg - oh game failed.


Its Bioware Dragon Age II!!!!!111oneoneelever - oh wait... game failed.

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There are 3 reasons this game will continue to be a massive success....


1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.


2. It's Bioware. Love them or hate them you cannot deny that they lead the video game industry in pure storytelling and have captivated audiences for over a decade now. Bioware pretty much showed us gamers what is possible in video games when it comes to interactive storytelling.


3. It's a Bioware Star Wars game. You combine #1 and 2 and you're left with a video game that is destined to be extremely succesful.


lol. We've had one Star Wars game fail. LOTRO never became more than niche. We've had comic franchises fail, spectacularly...


And not everyone is a BioWare fanboy. And when they make a bad game, like DA II, the only people who buy it are the pre-order fanboys... In its first six months it had 400K sales, 360K were pre-order...


Don't act like we're all like you. When BioWare does a good game I buy it. But since I've been burned by their CRPG production-values > enjoyable story, running-repeatedly-through-tunnels-padding-model... I buy them bargain bin now... This is the first BioWare game I've bought on release since KOTOR. It was a mistake.

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umm, i dare you to say the same to DC universe.


3 things to make DC universe a failure.


1. it DC universe! Superman, batman, flash, green lantern, who doesn't love those heroes? Heck, the fan base of DC universe should be twice if not MORE then star wars.


2. Its sony! I know Sony is crap but DC universe didn't go down hill because of Sony service, in fact it let DC universe to be one of the first CROSS platform game, ps3 and PC player bases.


3. Its DC + SONY... that combo ..normally would expect to be GREAT, its populate both side...but in fact it fails.








How does this tie in with SWTOR?


Seriously, go play DC universe for 3 days. You will understand and stand on my side of the arguement.


1. Bioware SWTOR is more likely a direct copy of DC universe MMO.


How? Look at how those phases/flashpoint are set up. Look at how PVP is set up. Look at how both game got a "space station for "home base" and villian got a underware station for home base"


The different is SWTOR is selling their game with ALL voice and DC is selling with JUST STORY/Flashpoints are voiced.


2. BIOWARE's takes on add enjoyment is .... ADDING MORE RAID CONTENT AND FLASHPOINT.


Bad idea.


3. GEORGE LUCAS ENFORCE CONTROL ON THIS GAME, NOT BIOWARE. Thus limit creativity and limit bioware into adding thing that DOESN"T FIT IN the game.


I played Dc to lvl 30 and i enjoy it when im not playing here

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It really isn't. The design draft I have on my machine is most definitely doable and has everything anyone could ever want ever.


At least, it would be doable with the hundred-million dollar budget BW had for this.


One hundred million dollar budget to create this masterpiece.


2 million+ copies already sold at $70 a pop roughly. Isnt that 140 million dollars just from initial sales not even counting the game time cards sold or the collectors editions?


And how exactly is this game not already a massive success?


Like I said earlier...75% of the players can unsibsribe and this game will still be a massive success.

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One hundred million dollar budget to create this masterpiece.


2 million+ copies already sold at $70 a pop roughly. Isnt that 140 million dollars just from initial sales not even counting the game time cards sold or the collectors editions?


And how exactly is this game not already a massive success?


Like I said earlier...75% of the players can unsibsribe and this game will still be a massive success.


EA's goal is to bite hard into Blizzard's pie. At the current state of the game, that's not gonna happen. Not by a long shot.

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Is it just me or...Do people associate the idea of a game "failing" with them simply not liking it? That seems to be how it works these days.


I'll repeat what I said earlier...Games do not need to sell as much as World of Warcraft to be a success. Anyone that thinks they do has lost their mind.

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When it comes to storytelling you are correct. Bioware has shown why they excel in this area in other games and in SWTOR. But MMOs are not purely storytelling games and in the end, they thing that will keep you playing after one year is not the story. It is the gameplay, engine and content. If you do not understand what I mean, how many here here still play baldurs gate and mass effect over and over again for hundreds of hours and month on end? Once you finish the story, you need something else.


If you add in the pressure from EA and the awful engine, they have an uphill battle ahead of them and we saw what happened when they released dragon age 2 ahead of schedule. Nearly killed the series.


I do have hope though and I really want this game to succeed.


Ha! The only CRPGs I play more than 40-50 hours on intial play through are those released by Bethesda. I have hundreds of hours in Morrowind. I have at least a hundred in Oblivion. I played FO3 through multiple times. I've played FO3:NV multiple times. I buy their expansion packs. I buy their DLCs.


Skyrim may eat me alive. Steam tells me I have 80 hours in Skyrim. I haven't even found an third of the encounters, though I finished the main campaign... Haven't touched the mages, the theives or the assassins yet. Haven't gotten involved in the war yet. Haven't looked for any large threads. Haven't even completed all the pick-up quests in the first main town you get. I have two of the multiple houses... There is so much left to do...


As for DA, DA:0 sold just under 2 million copies. DAII sold around 400K, virutally all of them to pre-order. It was a complete, unmitigated bomb. When pre-order people played it, they whined about it far and wide. And, except PCGamer, the critics ripped it (and not enough).

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show me where is the fun beside the story.


If you need to ask that question then you shouldn't be playing MMO's at all. Ever heard of using your imagination and immersing yourself a bit? Didn't think so. Spoon fed wow babies are what's ruining games. Go back to X-box live.

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SWTOR is already succesful.


People seem to think that for an mmo to be succesful it has to sell more than World of Warcraft when that clearly is not the case.


It's just like my WOW comparison to Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson still holds records for sales in the music industry. Does this mean anyone that does not sell as much as Michael Jackson is to be considered "unsuccessful"?


If WOW is Michael Jackson, then SWTOR is Led Zeppelin.

At moment SWTOR can end up be one hit wonder... meaning that we don't know who many will subscribe or even leave after a few months.


I do not compare it to WoW, but from a pure gameplay perspective the game is terrible at moment and BioWare thought that many common MMO features aren't necessary (how stupid are they?). They really should have looked how RIFT has done some things (including fixing stuff faster and interacting more with the community).

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Ha! The only CRPGs I play more than 40-50 hours on intial play through are those released by Bethesda. I have hundreds of hours in Morrowind. I have at least a hundred in Oblivion. I played FO3 through multiple times. I've played FO3:NV multiple times. I buy their expansion packs. I buy their DLCs.


FO3:NV was Obsidian; coincidentally, the company that I believe is going to yank Bioware's crown away.


If you need to ask that question then you shouldn't be playing MMO's at all. Ever heard of using your imagination and immersing yourself a bit? Didn't think so. Spoon fed wow babies are what's ruining games. Go back to X-box live.




wanting the game to direct you towards its meaningful activities = spoonfeeding



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After reading this the devs at BW are listening to this


I have nothing against the devs. My beef is with players who seem to either not be aware of the many issues with the game or simply choose to ignore them.


Ignorance of others doesn't piss me off until it's being shoved into my face.

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define fun.


seriously, if you enjoy TOR you enjoy it if you don;t you don't.


some people need ten raids to have fun..


others don't raid at all so all the raids in the worldare just wasted useless time the devs coulda spent on player houseing or something to them.


i get what you're saying, you're having a blast. however. this is not a single-player game. it is expressly marketed (and supposedly developed) as an mmo. refresher course: mmo mean MASSIVELY multiplayer online. not, oh, a few online players, but the market is intended to be massive amounts of online players -- players who, yes, do enjoy raids, do enjoy group content, group struggle, and group achievement.


for the storytelling? i'll absolutely say yes, bioware showed their usual aplomb in that arena. in the mmo arena, however, i gotta say ea has given VERY poor directives and made some poor choices.


now. before you decide i'm flamin' just to flame -- i WANT to see this game succeed. to succeed as a MASSIVELY multiplayer online game, however, there are things ea is going to have to reconsider.

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Well for those reasons alone this game will just survive , like SWG did before him.

To make it successful , that man will require the game to actually be great, and for now that is really just a matter of opinion , not really like dragon age where everybody thought it was great, hope the game get better and better , if not , well i will remain here anyway :rolleyes:

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There are 3 reasons this game will continue to be a massive success....


1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.


2. It's Bioware. Love them or hate them you cannot deny that they lead the video game industry in pure storytelling and have captivated audiences for over a decade now. Bioware pretty much showed us gamers what is possible in video games when it comes to interactive storytelling.


3. It's a Bioware Star Wars game. You combine #1 and 2 and you're left with a video game that is destined to be extremely succesful.



25 reasons why it won't....meh!


1. Ability Delay

2. No endgame

3. Its already lost 25% of its user base and thats before the F2P finishes

4. CS sucks and blows

5. Bugs that were identified early in Beta still present (suspect endemic HERO issues)

6. Its a star wars prequel (and we all know the films stunk of bantha poo doo becaus ethe messed with teh accepted lore)

7. Its generic scifi 1.0

8. The community is too defensive and does not complain in a constructive manner (this pisses devs of no end)

9. Servers are already feeling empty due top sharding

10. Broken crafting that becomes pointless (bar one exception) at 50

11. Limited and wobbly PVP

12. UI is a turkey and cant be modded (yet)

13. LFG tool is "Spam general"

14. Loot is too samey and nothing feels special

15. Light sabers good but lots of light sabers meh!

16. Lots of player imbalance (should get better though)

17. Huge faction imbalance in favour of imperials

18. Load times are ferquent and enormous

19. Low immersiveness broken by see above

20. Flashpoints are very samey

21. Space COMBAT... nuff said

22. GTN is limited and does not allow people to dominate trade and force market prices around thuis stagnating

23. NEW BUGS UPON NEW BUGS UPON NEW BUGS in addition to old ones

24. Does not properly support multiple cores (workaround is for teh game engine to run 2 .exe files so increasing instability)

25. Devs not fungeble

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There are 3 reasons this game will continue to be a massive success....


1. It's Star Wars. Not only is it Star Wars, one of the most succesful entertainment franchise in history, but it's a direct addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series which is some people's favorite RPG franchise of all time. Including myself.


2. It's Bioware. Love them or hate them you cannot deny that they lead the video game industry in pure storytelling and have captivated audiences for over a decade now. Bioware pretty much showed us gamers what is possible in video games when it comes to interactive storytelling.


3. It's a Bioware Star Wars game. You combine #1 and 2 and you're left with a video game that is destined to be extremely succesful.



In my opinion, this game is already a great accomplishment and a huge success. After playing through from level 1 to 50 and now taking part in some of the endgame activities I am confident that this mmo has me for the long run. I have not enjoyed an MMO as much as I am enjoying SWTOR since Ultima Online.


I dont see why or how people can compare this game to World of Warcraft. To me, World of Warcraft is the Michael Jackson of mmo's. It's sold millions yet it's really not that good, it mostly attracts little boys, and it's dead.


The Old Republic just feels fresh. It's not all about the core game mechanics to a lot of people. It's about the story. It's about the lore. It's about the general atmosphere. It's about Bioware's brilliant way of allowing us players to interact with each other in an epic story.


Kudos Bioware! I am loving this game so much and so are my guildmates and we cannot wait to see what is in store for us next!


Post if you love SWTOR! Haters please let us fanboys have one troll free thread. <3


One reason why they are going to steer towards failure.....




(see sig for details)

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Why the hell do bioware excel in story telling? Being able to copy paste their stupid choice wheel that doesn't even give the player a clue about what they are saying anyway, doesn't make them good story tellers.


You guys think the story is good, because it gives you the illusion of choice, jesus christ. Try reading a good book. Good book > Bioware.


People are tired of it, everything that is +1990 with star wars sucks.

Bioware can't help it, they can only copy paste.


Bioware are superb story tellers and developers and have been since the day they first started, there is nothing even remotely comparitable to how well they do story in videos games out there.


I am not a bioware purist or biast in any way, I have however grown up with them influencing my gaming almost as much as alcohol has influenced my liver, there are a large number of games producers that I really love, but I would put bioware in charge of any rpg story at this time.


Books, yes I read a hell of a lot Im currently taking a break from books having just read the entire collection of a song of ice and fire over the last month.

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I have nothing against the devs. My beef is with players who seem to either not be aware of the many issues with the game or simply choose to ignore them.


Ignorance of others doesn't piss me off until it's being shoved into my face.


They remain willfully ignorant and don't forget most of them never played a real mmo just a SW fan. The rest fall under this catagory; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifeyKhxgHbA

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