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The days of the legendary`s are gone


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Is there any old school mmo player left in the community?? Or do you guys not care anymore?? All i can see now is players who want thing handed to them on a silver platter. When was a challenging a bad thing?? What happened to the brain power needed to complete content?? Where is the satisfaction of actualy doing something??


The big question is that, is mmo veterans tired of these so called casuals that dont have time to do nothing in this game that wants the same as the guys that actualy do something for the reward they are getting?? The nr1 reason ppl want stuff in mmo`s more easy is that they dont have time to do stuff. But why do you play a game that take hundreds of hours to just get to the endgame content if u dont have time for anthing??


BW like many other companies that makes mmo`s dont have any choice when it comes down to pleasing the casuals, cause the casuals are the majority in these games, but as a casual do you realy have the knowledge to decide whats good for the game or not based on your personal time and xp in the game?? If u where to hire someone for a job, wouldnt u rather go with the semi-pro gamer that clocks in hard time and lots of general xp in the genre from HC content and high up world bracket pvp?? I can imagine as a dev to see stuff like this going into the game against the devs will is just hearth breaking and sad. They know they are going against the morals they have sat but they have no choice if the game they love so much will survive. Mmo players today needs to know when to NOT talk based on personal gain. Macros,addon,dual spec and LFG is all nice to have in some situations, but in general they wont make u a better player. The more help u get to do something the less xp u will get out of it. So by getting new tools all the time and nerfs cause u dont have time to wrap your head around a problem is more damaging to you than it is actualy helping u in the long run. If u are aware of this then u are just lazy. Do something to earn it, dont sit back and get everything served on a silver platter. If u cant get that high end raiding gear cause u dont have time, well then either do something else or get the time u need to make that gear yours. Dont ask for a game that will do everything for you cause u cant go around in life doing nothing to get somewhere. The perfect MMO recipe is World of warcraft: The Burning crusade, no matter how little u guys like that. That was the peak of the genre, that was helping to grow good player more than anything we have seen before or later. But now, u dont need to do anything to get something. The days of the legendary`s are gone,and the dawn of the white gear casual is upon us. The day that EPIC actualy was a satisfying word is LONG gone, and we all know MMO`S will never be the same again....



Ps: Sorry for bad english ppl. Did not proof read it either,so sorry for that also.

Edited by Balondemar
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Casuals pay for hardcore players development. I don't understand your disdain for them. No casuals? No game. Goodbye.


Also wall of text.



You always need a standard to live by, whats the problem to try and live up to someone?? U always try to be the best u can possibly be dont u?? or do you rather want to watch the first place the rest of your life from the sofa? rather than going out there and be nr1 yourself?? Its always good to have rolemodels in your life, without good players u wont have anything to strive for.

Edited by Balondemar
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You always need a standard to live by, whats the problem to try and live up to someone?? U always try to be the best u can possibly be dont u?? or do you rather want to watch the first place the rest of your life from the sofa? rather than going out there and be nr1 yourself?? Its always good to have rolemodels in your life, without good players u wont have anything to strive for.


We do.


Just not in videogames.

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No Competitive players = no Casuals trying to be as good as them no game


Um. Not really. I would hazard to say most Casuals don't even know what the competitive players are doing let lone care about them or what to be like them. If they want to be as good as the hardcore players they would stop being casuals.

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Well back in the day gear actually had unique attributes associated with it, now it just seems like its stats you know what I mean?


No more twinking your low level..


No more items with health regen on them, no more items with haste, etc..etc..


All items are just stats and boring that's what I miss the most how items were unique back in the day.

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may I ask why 'veterans' always means 'hardcore'? maybe I'm just silly but 20 years ago I owned a few consoles, played lots of games on the PC and the likes... granted I was never as much a nerd as most other people since my parents never bought a computer before the 90s and I never had enough money to get one myself (same with consoles, I had to go to my aunt's house to play Sonic and Zelda and Mario and the likes...) but eh... does not compute
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may I ask why 'veterans' always means 'hardcore'? maybe I'm just silly but 20 years ago I owned a few consoles, played lots of games on the PC and the likes... granted I was never as much a nerd as most other people since my parents never bought a computer before the 90s and I never had enough money to get one myself (same with consoles, I had to go to my aunt's house to play Sonic and Zelda and Mario and the likes...) but eh... does not compute


if you weren't hardcore it TOOK forever before you ever saw max level, and if you weren't hardcore you'd never catch up to anyone who started before you


I may be mistaken as its been a very long time, but I seem to remember it taking a month to hit level 20 in the early days of EQ.. it may not have been that long, but that was with all night grind groups at orc camps in the commons and oasis etc.. it may have only been two weeks but it took forever


And anytime you died you lost experience.

Edited by Shammus
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Well back in the day gear actually had unique attributes associated with it, now it just seems like its stats you know what I mean?


No more twinking your low level..


No more items with health regen on them, no more items with haste, etc..etc..


All items are just stats and boring that's what I miss the most how items were unique back in the day.


you know what's funny? I never even noticed that, but now that you're saying it... whoaaa... really, it's been a loooong time since I saw items with 'additional' boosts like haste or something


that being said, I don't miss it either *shrug*

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Casual players ARE as good as hardcore players. We just don't have as much time to play as them. We also don't want everything handed to us. I don't know where you equate the two, but it's completely false.


And despite how much I loved BC, it was still pretty casual.

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Replace "gear" with "money" and this could be an editorial about real life. Who knows OP, but I've seen a backlash of people upset over the "entitlement mentality" not only in video games, but about nearly every real life social issue as well. The good news is that it's not sustainable, so it probably won't last long. :p
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Casuals pay for hardcore players development. I don't understand your disdain for them. No casuals? No game. Goodbye.


Also wall of text.


Look at Eve Online. Succesful maybe not on the scale of WoW or TOR right now but it's probably the most hardcore MMO out right now.

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You always need a standard to live by, whats the problem to try and live up to someone?? U always try to be the best u can possibly be dont u?? or do you rather want to watch the first place the rest of your life from the sofa? rather than going out there and be nr1 yourself?? Its always good to have rolemodels in your life, without good players u wont have anything to strive for.


I... Need a standard to live by... ? H-huh? For... Video games? You're kidding me, right?


I'd rather accomplish my goals in real life and just have FUN in video games.


I walk the line between hardcore and casual and I'm fine with that. I don't give two craps what anyone else in video games are doing aside from my friends. I don't need ROLE MODELS. GOOD GOD.


What's wrong with people today!?

Edited by Vaegaknight
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I'm a casual player yet I'm not begging and pleading for anything really except more immersion in the game (fluff like decorating ships, social clothing, more mini games, sitting in chairs, etc). I'm not really sure where you are coming from on this post other than to rant a bit towards "casuals." Do you have a specific complaint in mind that you've seen in SWTOR leading the developers down a bad path? This game is very solo/small group friendly---that's for sure. Not sure if that is a bad thing though.


Secondly, I usually don't nitpick posts but you can't take the time to type out "you" instead of "u," I just can't take you very seriously. Just a suggestion in the future.

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this crap again!?


people have less time, to spend on a video game.

why sudden they not have the same right, as someone that trow his worthless life away?.

a smart company knows this, their are more customers that casual, then this so called WTB life types.




Always questions


What - happened to our world different now

Why - answers can't be found tell me how

Now - dissolution is all I see

Edited by abishe
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you know what's funny? I never even noticed that, but now that you're saying it... whoaaa... really, it's been a loooong time since I saw items with 'additional' boosts like haste or something


that being said, I don't miss it either *shrug*


dont' mistake what i"m saying I'm not saying casual players are ****** to the posters below you, just that there wasn't this casual/hardcore debate ever.. I think that term stemmed out from wow


there will always be hardcore and casual players, I think the argument stems from the items just being given out to the casual players because now we're all on forums casual players are mad that they cannot get the same items as players who take the time to organize raids etc..


And I personally agree that we shouldn't all be eligible for the same loot, because it makes the effort you put in to get geared a waste of time.



I really miss items with good stats on them, that's what made them worth getting now its just a + to stats nothing else "fun" and the gorgeous thing about EQ was NO ITEM was BOE or BOP


so they could be sold, and other players could purchase them... Yet even still these items were rare

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The perfect MMO recipe is World of warcraft: The Burning crusade, no matter how little u guys like that. That was the peak of the genre, that was helping to grow good player more than anything we have seen before or later.




BC was an ok expansion, but it was neither "veteran" nor "hardcore", it was simply grind after grind after grind.


EQ1 was a hardcore game, but quite simply the paradiam has shifted, EQ1 wouldn't do well as a newly release game today (hours of buffing, before you even started to raid :eek:).




Fun is the holy grail of MMO, not the Skinner box (but that is what ever MMO since EQ1 [which WoW is a copy, of course] has used).

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if you weren't hardcore it TOOK forever before you ever saw max level, and if you weren't hardcore you'd never catch up to anyone who started before you


I may be mistaken as its been a very long time, but I seem to remember it taking a month to hit level 20 in the early days of EQ.. it may not have been that long, but that was with all night grind groups at orc camps in the commons and oasis etc.. it may have only been two weeks but it took forever


And anytime you died you lost experience.


huh? what's that got to do with my comment? I was asking about the correlation between VETERAN and 'hardcore'


and afaik there is no 'common' definition of 'hardcore gamer' to this day. I've been playing this game about 10 hours daily, I'm sure that's more than some of the people who are 50 have (obviously lots of them play 16 hours daily...) and yet non of my chars are 50


I don't even .want. to be hardcore, because if that is what hardcore is about, then ... ok ok I admit it, I don't have a life

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Casual players ARE as good as hardcore players. We just don't have as much time to play as them. We also don't want everything handed to us. I don't know where you equate the two, but it's completely false.


And despite how much I loved BC, it was still pretty casual.


In all fairness I think that (assuming equivalent skill) a "hardcore" would be better than a casual simply because they put much more time into the game, and therefore practice it more. So whilst a casual may have the same or more potential than a "hardcore", they will still have less practice and therefore not be on the same level.


I'm a casual BTW.

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