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Class's that need nerfing


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of course your a trooper your going to try and keep your class overpowerd. they are clearly a problem and need to be nerfed.


if you didnt abuse the class in the first place and get so used to being god mode you would of learnt how to time your abilitys and be able to play your class.




But, you cant even play your class right....:confused:


Im confused still why as a shadow your having trouble with a class you have the advantage over..


You have interrupts



Tech Resistance

50%ranged and damage defense

and an in combat vanish

and an AoE KB

50% armor pen talent

and a slow.


Re-explain to me please, how playing a shadow vs a trooper..in any 1 v 1 situation is hard. When you can start off the encounter at your time and choosing, interrupt turrent spam, slow so he cant kite, and RESIST his attacks for 5 seconds.

Yes Force shroud lets you resist grav rounds and any other Dot he puts on you.


How is this hard for a shadow or Assassin?

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Jedi Duckling you sound like you have no idea what class balance is.

In fact I don't even see you as a serious gamer at this point. Your original post is so bad I doubt you have any endgame experience on any game for that matter. This is not looking for raid system from WoW. You just randomly shout out things that need to be nerfed. I would like to re-roll your class and your spec on your server just so I can face roll you so bad you realize its not the classes and its yourself.

Edited by Furyofwar
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eh im 26 and im not the one acting like a kid because they dont want there god mode class geting nerfed.




sorry but its true im stating facts about class's that something needs to be done and all im getting from people are off topic posts harasing me and trying to take me off the subject of what i origonaly posted.


Please, show me these facts you're ranting about. If you're 26, I pity you, because your grammar and use of logic are terrible. I'll keep playing my "god mode" class while you keep ranting incoherently like a teenage drama queen.

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But, you cant even play your class right....:confused:


Im confused still why as a shadow your having trouble with a class you have the advantage over..


You have interrupts



Tech Resistance

50%ranged and damage defense

and an in combat vanish

and an AoE KB

50% armor pen talent

and a slow.


Re-explain to me please, how playing a shadow vs a trooper..in any 1 v 1 situation is hard. When you can start off the encounter at your time and choosing, interrupt turrent spam, slow so he cant kite, and RESIST his attacks for 5 seconds.

Yes Force shroud lets you resist grav rounds and any other Dot he puts on you.


How is this hard for a shadow or Assassin?


assasins get a 50% armor pen talent o.O ? huh i cant see that anywere on the assasin skill tree and im specced deception they are squishy as hell

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Jedi Duckling you sound like you have no idea what class balance is.

In fact I don't even see you as a serious gamer at this point. Your original post is so bad I doubt you have any endgame experience on any game for that matter. This is not looking for raid system from WoW.


i have more experience than most when it comes to class balance

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I will gladly re-roll your server and play your class/spec so you can realize what the real issue is (YOU) when I beat you in a duel / warzone or well anything for that matter. Just another forum troll. Edited by Furyofwar
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Please, show me these facts you're ranting about. If you're 26, I pity you, because your grammar and use of logic are terrible. I'll keep playing my "god mode" class while you keep ranting incoherently like a teenage drama queen.


my grammar might not be the best but what grammar i do know is more usefull than your grammer of jibberish.


its not what you know its how you use it.


there is video's all over the forums and vids all over youtubs and by experience and other players experience talking with them to know whats OP and what isnt

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I will gladly re-roll your server and play your class/spec so you can realize what the real issue is when I beat you in a duel / warzone or well anything for that matter. Just another forum troll.


how will asassin vs assasin prove anything when ill mostl ikely beat you anyway as i know the class and play the class i know its weakness's and they die pretty fast even lvl 50's in pvp gear die pretty easily.


im a lvl 42 assasin and i can take a lvl 50 assasin in full pvp gear down to about 3% hp before i die.

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This OP has his view of classes and advanced classes so skewed.


1. Defensive stats have no effect in PVP currently. Only saber and 0 cost auto attacks basically can be mitigated. All other types of damage by all the classes ignore the defensive abilities... This most hurts the tanks themselves, and then classes like Knights/Warriors. Assassins/Shadows using a proper PVP spec can still wreck and there are plenty of videos proving it.


2. Trooper/BH are not overpowered. Commando and Mercenary each have 1 ability that are overpowered. (Grav Round/Tracer Missile) Only a Vanguard/Powertech will ever feel tanky and just because they look the same, Commando/Mercs are not tanky and you just don't pay attention to the person your attacking.


3. Knights/Warriors are so far from Overpowered I wonder if you didn't even take the time to pull your head out of your ***** while you typed that statement. They have a single ability on a 60 second cooldown that with all possible buffs at 50 with 400 Expertise can crit up to 6k or so AOE. Other then that they have absolutely the hardest advanced classes in the game to play PVP wise, and devs have stated, "They are the only class we currently feel is unbalanced and needs buffing.".


4. I truly believe that Operative and Scoundrel will no longer be a major problem if Bioware makes it so that Stims/Adrenals/Redbuff do not all stack in warzones. These consumed buffs + the extremely high chance to crit that Operative/Scoundrel get is what is causing the perception that they are overpowered.


5. Assassin/Shadow are so far form underpowered I really do think you have not even played this game with how much you keep saying they are the weakest classes. I made a Sith assassin before I server transferred this week back on Fatman. By lvl 24 I was rolling people in warzones. 11 - 50 didnt matter if I opened from stealth with a crit and they didnt have their break free ability off cooldown I won guaranteed unless they got heals or help killing me. It was the first class that ever made me go "Ohhh I LIKEY!!!"


6. Sorc/Sage while very well rounded like Vanguards/Powertechs are strong I must admit. But again not overpowered. Every class in this game can be killed by every other class in this game for the most part. Sorc/Sage shield is on a 20 second cooldown so once you pop it with your first 2 abilities they drop like a rock due to their stupid long cast time heals. Just don't let them line of sight you and sprint away to heal up. Its definitely a L2P issue.


7. For PVP and PVP only I think Gunslingers and Snipers may need to be looked at as they seem a bit lackluster, and really offer no threat to most of the other advanced classes in the game.


Feel free to comment but I think you will find my views much less skewed then the OP and more in line with what even the Devs have stated over the last 2 weeks or so.

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I wasn't trying to imply anything about your personal skills with your class JediDuckling. I just went a long about way of saying that if the popular hated on classes should be nerfed then I'll be the first to step forward and say hit my ***. Spec with the Nerf Bat because 9 out of 10 encounters with my character in game have ended in my favor. Not a ton of people have utilized it yet like the insane amount of people playing the Sorcerer class because of that lightning.
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how will asassin vs assasin prove anything when ill mostl ikely beat you anyway as i know the class and play the class i know its weakness's and they die pretty fast even lvl 50's in pvp gear die pretty easily.


im a lvl 42 assasin and i can take a lvl 50 assasin in full pvp gear down to about 3% hp before i die.


Sorry not buying this garbage. I doubt you can kill a 30 marauder at this point from reading your posts.

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Hate to be one of those guys, but get to 50. Get some gear. Then come back and talk. Well played Assassins are sick.


Also Vanguards don't heal you nub. Unless you are screaming about medpacs in which case every class can heal.

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2. Trooper/BH are not overpowered. Commando and Mercenary each have 1 ability that are overpowered. (Grav Round/Tracer Missile) Only a Vanguard/Powertech will ever feel tanky and just because they look the same, Commando/Mercs are not tanky and you just don't pay attention to the person your attacking.


You're assumptions on Troopers are wrong and a tiny bit ignorant. Just because my class doesn't carry that big cannon the Commandos carry doesn't mean we give up on dps and pick up that shield generator...though I will say most Vanguards to in fact do that. I'm a 100% full dps Vanguard and I will say you are very wrong when you say we are not overpowered. I take my ridiculous ability to burst anything down in seconds seriously, while also being realistic and acknowledging that there's something a bit easy-mode about my AC and the dps spec I am.

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Basically what is going on here I am pretty sure is this. The OP is running into the 3 major PVP problems all stacked together and getting frustrated and coming here to vent his skewed logic on the forums and making a fool of himself. The three problems are...


1. Geared 50's fighitng 11 - 49's.

2. Stacking consumed buffs with end game gear stats for insane crit % and damage.

3. Lack of ability and overall class knowledge. Most of the time he just calls the classes by the base class name because he is not experienced enough to know a classes AC and spec from the abilities they are using against him.


You obviously should not take him to seriously.

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Game is not even one month old. It is far too early to say if an advanced class is overpowered or underpowered yet. Far to early.


Snipers/Gunslingers, dps Sorcerer/Sage and dps Mercenary/Commando are probably going to be good classes in un-coordinated PvP before people learn how to play as they are long range and can just stand far away from the action and dish it out.


Dps Operative/Scoundrel and to some extent dps Assassins/Shadows are probably going to be good classes in one vs one situations as they have stealth (the element of suprise and can pick their targets), bursty damage as well as an ability that let them re-start or escape the fight.


However, in a few weeks PvP will shift attention from "winning damage meters and one vs one fights" to "winning team based objectives".


For high-end co-ordinated level 50 vs 50 PvP gameplay where both teams have multiple healers that cross heal you absolutely MUST have the healing debuff from at least one Marauder/Sentinel and make sure you use him as your primary assist to make the assist train work. And you need a few Tank Juggernaut/Guardian, Tank Powertech/Vanguard or Tank Assassin/Shadow that taunt, guard-bubble healers or focused targets and go heavy duty Hutball carrier and Guarding bombs + Objectives. And to keep your entire team up without losing people you will need plenty of support from healing specced Operatives/Scoundrel, Sorcerer/Sage or Mercenary/Commando. I think we will see the primary dps shift to sniper/gunslingers and marauder/sentinels that will have heavy support from healers and tanks.


I don't think people will argue that Operatives are good (or too good?) at killing helpless targets in three global cooldowns one vs one (co-ordinated teams will work as a team and not open up for many one vs one situations to begin with). I don't think we will see many posts about stationary bounty hunters spamming tracer missile being OP (they are not immune to force grip or force leap, unlike snipers, and will either be pulled into the "killing zone" and die or be leaped to by warriors and interrupt locked to death).


I think people will start to argue that co-ordinated teams are too hard to kill (because tanks will guard the focused target and taunt the dps and because healers will crossheal to keep em up).


I think people will start to argue that it will be too hard to heal through the assist train of co-ordinated team (because the marauder/sentinel healing debuff will make it almost impossible for pug healers to heal through once the hammer from sniper/gunslinger on-demand long range burst hit the fan and you and half your team get CC'ed by the rest of their team).


Game is not even one month old. It is far too early to say if an advanced class is overpowered or underpowered yet. Far to early. The majority of us are not even dressed up in full Champion gear. The majority of us are not even close to 60 valor and battle master gear. Hell. The majority that pvp is not even level 50!

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You're assumptions on Troopers are wrong and a tiny bit ignorant. Just because my class doesn't carry that big cannon the Commandos carry doesn't mean we give up on dps and pick up that shield generator...though I will say most Vanguards to in fact do that. I'm a 100% full dps Vanguard and I will say you are very wrong when you say we are not overpowered. I take my ridiculous ability to burst anything down in seconds seriously, while also being realistic and acknowledging that there's something a bit easy-mode about my AC and the dps spec I am.


I play an Assault specced Vanguard with Ion Cell in PVP. So I think I know a bit about it. We are very strong as I stated in my post. Vanguard/Powertech, and Sorc/Sage are probably the most PVP oriented classes in the game. We can feel overpowered but you will never see a Vanguard/Powertech putting up 500k dmg and 70+ kills like Commando/Merc or Op/Scoundrel can. And our burst is on par with other classes and only superior to a few.

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I also agree with Xenon... Currently I have never had a problem in PVP unless the person was obviously buff stacking or in a premade 50's PVP group. I really think if they added a 1 hour lockout on people who leave warzones then we would spend alot less time getting rolled after our 50's all leave and we are left to get stomped by the 5+ 50's on the opposite team.

Probably wouldnt even need a 50's bracket if a system was in place to make sure that a premade 50's group always got matched up against another premade 50's group.

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I play an Assault specced Vanguard with Ion Cell in PVP. So I think I know a bit about it. We are very strong as I stated in my post. Vanguard/Powertech, and Sorc/Sage are probably the most PVP oriented classes in the game. We can feel overpowered but you will never see a Vanguard/Powertech putting up 500k dmg and 70+ kills like Commando/Merc or Op/Scoundrel can. And our burst is on par with other classes and only superior to a few.


Well your play style with your defensive minded attack spec is different than mine. I have put up 400k+ in warzones and in Voidstar and Huttball games that last the full duration I can easily get 50+ kills while still playing for the team. And you have no idea how powerful my burst is and how quickly I can kill even 18k hp+ Juggarnauts when the crits fall into line.


But thats perfectly okay if you dispute what I say and let me know the place my class stands because it means I'll just keep being as powerful as I am under the radar while everything else gets QQ'd about. At least I can say I tried lol.

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Well your play style with your defensive minded attack spec is different than mine. I have put up 400k+ in warzones and in Voidstar and Huttball games that last the full duration I can easily get 50+ kills while still playing for the team. And you have no idea how powerful my burst is and how quickly I can kill even 18k hp+ Juggarnauts when the crits fall into line.


But thats perfectly okay if you dispute what I say and let me know the place my class stands because it means I'll just keep being as powerful as I am under the radar while everything else gets QQ'd about. At least I can say I tried lol.


I play on Veela, and a testiment to how OP powertech/VGs are there are a lot that will be top in damage (around 300-400k), top in healing (around 250-300k), most kills, 0 deaths or near it, most medals etc. I have seen one of these tank 3 50s in pvp gear and not go down.

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Well your play style with your defensive minded attack spec is different than mine. I have put up 400k+ in warzones and in Voidstar and Huttball games that last the full duration I can easily get 50+ kills while still playing for the team. And you have no idea how powerful my burst is and how quickly I can kill even 18k hp+ Juggarnauts when the crits fall into line.


But thats perfectly okay if you dispute what I say and let me know the place my class stands because it means I'll just keep being as powerful as I am under the radar while everything else gets QQ'd about. At least I can say I tried lol.


I generally do 200k and 30 - 50 kills every match. I only do single target dmg more or less with the occasional Mortar Volley if I see a clump of enemies. I always have guard up on a healer and spend matches keeping the healer safe so they can keep the rest of the team alive. My playstyle is based on group play and highest possible chance of winning. I have no respect or care for specs designed only to pump out massive AOE useless damage and high kill numbers just because you did 1 - 3k dmg to them while someone else on your team did most of the work. Killing 18k Juggernauts really isn't that impressive either. They are currently the weakest PVP class in the game aside from maybe Snipers/Gunslingers.

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I play on Veela, and a testiment to how OP powertech/VGs are there are a lot that will be top in damage (around 300-400k), top in healing (around 250-300k), most kills, 0 deaths or near it, most medals etc. I have seen one of these tank 3 50s in pvp gear and not go down.


really hate to point this out and make you look stupid but you just described a Commando/Mercenary not a Vanguard/Powertech sigh......... SMH

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Lol how many times must I say it.. Vans dont heal you nubs. And if a tank specced Van goes through a WZ with 0 or 1 death than the damage they put out should be high. Its b/c they didn't die. They were constantly putting out low to moderate damage. I also am a geared full Dps specced Van. Bounce from tatics to assault. With buff stacking I can put out some decent damage, but no where near a equally geared Assassin/Sage/Scoundrel/Sentinel. Keep in mind when comparing said classes I assume they know what their doing. A bad player is always going to perform poorly.
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