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Class's that need nerfing


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Jediduckling has so many posts about nerfing these classes, but he has never ONCE said anything about nerfing Assassins. Why? Because in one of his numerous posts in other topics whining about the same thing, he said he plays an assassin. What does that tell you?
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Jediduckling has so many posts about nerfing these classes, but he has never ONCE said anything about nerfing Assassins. Why? Because in one of his numerous posts in other topics whining about the same thing, he said he plays an assassin. What does that tell you?


That assassins are in serious need of a nerf????

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sorry but i just cant take someone seriously named "jediduckling" i mean...really?


for one i seem to be one of the very few people that does actualy care about the broken things in the game that scrubs like to abuse so your signature is totaly void



and my forum name is irelavant to my post or for what posts and threads i make in genral

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ITT: Never take JediDuckling seriously. Just look at his ability to string a sentence together.


i struggle because of my illness to put sentence's together, but just because i cant, does not mean i cant post better idea's and state facts about a game you lack knowledge of.

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Can somebody explain how Trooper is OP? Not being argumentative. Just, next to the Operative, I don't see how it's op.
I believe people's issue with Troopers is the Grav Round ability. It's their version of the Mercenary Tracer Missile. It doesn't get as many complaints due to the animation/effects being more subtle, but it does pretty reliable damage (~1.5k to 3k)and was purposely designed to be spammed.
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for one i seem to be one of the very few people that does actualy care about the broken things in the game that scrubs like to abuse so your signature is totaly void



and my forum name is irelavant to my post or for what posts and threads i make in genral


Looks like your illiteracy is #2 on my list of why you arent credible. This is way too easy.

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(~1.5k to 3k)and was purposely designed to be spammed.


Fully Battlemaster gear perhaps...


I was doing 1.2 to 2k damage in the 49 and under Warzones but once I hit 50 my damage dropped to 300 to 400 per hit...


The RARE hit was for over 1k and in 10 warzones before I re-specced as a healer I got 1 - yup count them 1 2.5k hit.


Most of my Gravrounds are sucked into the Sorc Bubble Void


Absorbed absorbed absorbed absorbed I die...

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Didnt read all the comments and do not care too,


Just think its funny that this guy has numerous topics on nerfing classes. I am really enjoying this game from the PVE to PVP, it must suck to spend more times complaining on the forums than the game you have a subscription to.

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and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.


I don't know how ur playing, but on my server assassins destroy ppl in WZs and they roll in groups of 4-5 per WZ.......Force Lightning is the most OP thing in the game....stop moaning and try PVPing with a GS

Edited by Eskymojo
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*haven't read the thread*


After an opener, operative damage is average. They have no gap closers. Should be careful with the nerfs here.


Stationary trees for mercenaries\commandos shoud be overhauled the way people won't be encouraged to spam 1 button in every situation, unless interrupted. But there must be much bigger difference between healer and damage dealer. You have either good damage or good heals, but not both.


But they aren't op, if we won't take healing tree into consideration.


Juggs/Guardians seem fine to me.


And shadow is not an underpowered class. My mate plays a shadow, and he've got a burst close or equal to scoundrel's one (my second mate play scoundrel), while being out of stealth. Wonder-burst have a 6 sec cd. To make it amazing - pop your trinkets and adrenals, and you can wipe the floor with squishies in like 4 seconds. People whining about shadows being UP need to do something with their gear, playstyle or build.

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