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Class's that need nerfing


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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly


Just nerf/redesign CC and the rest of it will come out in the wash IMHO.

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how will asassin vs assasin prove anything when ill mostl ikely beat you anyway as i know the class and play the class i know its weakness's and they die pretty fast even lvl 50's in pvp gear die pretty easily.


im a lvl 42 assasin and i can take a lvl 50 assasin in full pvp gear down to about 3% hp before i die.


So you are not even 50 yet but already think you have any right to demand nerfs?

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I am sorry but I am absolutly correct.... And every time you try to argue back you look more the fool. There is no cooldown/healing exploit currently, and Mercs/commandos look almost identical to VG/PT except for the weapons. If in fact as you stated,"They were healing constantly so maybe just some cooldown/health pack exploit." there is 2 options, They are in fact a..... Commando/Mercenary... OR.... you were to fail to notice the healer sitting back healing the person.


Wrong again, everytime you post you insult yourself kiddo.

They were healing as the scoreboard at the end had them at the top with tons of healing done. Just because YOU don't know how to exploit medpacks etc, DOESN'T mean someone else doesn't. So young... So naive..


Was a powertech. Was alone, in a corner in voidstar. Shield never went down for more than 3 seconds. Wish we had a scound

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assasins and shadow have to spend 30 points to get voltanic and its about the best attack they have that dont drain your force, if you actualy turned around and attacked the assasin/shadow you will put them down pretty easy.


Taking you seriously should be a crime.

Edited by Sookster
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Wrong again, everytime you post you insult yourself kiddo.

They were healing as the scoreboard at the end had them at the top with tons of healing done. Just because YOU don't know how to exploit medpacks etc, DOESN'T mean someone else doesn't. So young... So naive..


Was a powertech. Was alone, in a corner in voidstar. Shield never went down for more than 3 seconds. Wish we had a scound


I've seen powertechs go pretty high on heals, that's what happens with reusable stims and such.

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You realise that everyone who actually plays the class and spec knows you're lying, right?


Ok so I may have said 4 when its really like 6 but still it feels like I kill them in 2. I have full champion gear (healer set) swapped to arsenal then tried it out and everyone I went against was wiped out.

Tanks took a little more effort but atleast I didnt have to move from my spot whilst they attacked me since I can bubble/heal.


When entering a warzone the only class that worries me and makes think Oh No ! is the commando/merc with their damn missiles. No other class makes me think there may be a chance I'm going to die.


Now when entering warzones all I see is BHs and Troopers in Rep vs Emp or mostly BHs in huttball.


My main is a BH and even with the wrong set bonus its retardly easy to kill players.

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I've seen powertechs go pretty high on heals, that's what happens with reusable stims and such.


Mathematically the absolute highest possible healing they can do is 80k with the best possible medpack being used exactly every 90 seconds when it comes off cooldown... Please stop feeding this troll Cloudxshadowbane who has no clue what he is talking about.

Edited by Aandolas
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All classes seem overpowered when you're bad.


I would agree, except I usually top damage and kills on whatever I play, its just BH Merc is a whole other level above the other classes. Its not even hard to do, tracer missile x 3, explosive dart, railshot, heatseeker missile. Then go find someone who isnt dead.


While you are spamming that tracer missile, you are also building up 10% damage reduction.


People say 'oh go run behind cover or interrupt'. But really, with a 1.3s cast for the setup and then 3 instant casts, combined with their high mitigation and damage reduction, you are really pushing crap up hill. At tops you are looking at 8s to kill someone. Unless you spend the whole time hiding near a pillar or box, you are dead before you reach safety.


Dont get me wrong, they can be gang banged like any other class, they arent invincible. But my BH takes about 4 times the beating my sorceror can, while easily doing 4x the burst damage... except its not really burst, its very sustainable - unlike operatives who are also very squishy.


I am saying this as someone who has made one and is taking full advantage of its overpoweredness. I will switch to healing spec once this imbalance is sorted, but for now I am quite happy to perpetuate and educate about this rediculous build that requires zero skill.

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Ok so I may have said 4 when its really like 6 but still it feels like I kill them in 2. I have full champion gear (healer set) swapped to arsenal then tried it out and everyone I went against was wiped out.

Tanks took a little more effort but atleast I didnt have to move from my spot whilst they attacked me since I can bubble/heal.


When entering a warzone the only class that worries me and makes think Oh No ! is the commando/merc with their damn missiles. No other class makes me think there may be a chance I'm going to die.


Now when entering warzones all I see is BHs and Troopers in Rep vs Emp or mostly BHs in huttball.


My main is a BH and even with the wrong set bonus its retardly easy to kill players.


You're still not pulling overly massive numbers to blow people up in 6 seconds. You can do so if you pop a load of buffs and consumables and pick up the red buff, but that only lasts a short while. And every dps class can do this and achieve the same thing.


I am one slot away from full champ, in the DPS set, so I know exactly how much damage we deal on average, and you're not killing equal geared players in 6 seconds one after another as you tab through them. It's just not possible due to cooldowns.


Tracer doesn't hit that hard on equal geared targets without massive buffs running, and HSM and Rail Shot both have CDs, as does Unload and Dart. I use every ability on both rows of my toolbars regularly, because just spamming tracer/HSM/Rail Shot is far from an effective way to play the class, and I have a very hard time believing you achieved any real level of success using only 3 buttons against equally geared 50s.

Edited by Machazareel
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Wrong again, everytime you post you insult yourself kiddo.

They were healing as the scoreboard at the end had them at the top with tons of healing done. Just because YOU don't know how to exploit medpacks etc, DOESN'T mean someone else doesn't. So young... So naive..


Was a powertech. Was alone, in a corner in voidstar. Shield never went down for more than 3 seconds. Wish we had a scound


Oh, look who it is. Saying the same "you insult yourself" crap to someone else. Complaining about yet ANOTHER OP class.


SURVEY SAYS......................

























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People say 'oh go run behind cover or interrupt'. But really, with a 1.3s cast for the setup and then 3 instant casts, combined with their high mitigation and damage reduction, you are really pushing crap up hill. At tops you are looking at 8s to kill someone. Unless you spend the whole time hiding near a pillar or box, you are dead before you reach safety.


Dont get me wrong, they can be gang banged like any other class, they arent invincible. But my BH takes about 4 times the beating my sorceror can, while easily doing 4x the burst damage... except its not really burst, its very sustainable - unlike operatives who are also very squishy.



If people aren't interrupting you, then they're bad, it's that simple. A 1.5 second cast isn't hard to interrupt. Heavy armor mitigation is also highly overrated.


4x damage and 4x mitigation? Do you work for a newspaper by chance? The sensationalism is awesome.


Edit: as a side note, no one cares if you're topping the damage/kills chart. This isn't Call of Duty. Doing the most damage in a warzone is hardly indicative of overpowered-ness.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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Oh, look who it is. Saying the same "you insult yourself" crap to someone else. Complaining about yet ANOTHER OP class.


SURVEY SAYS......................






See I didn't even know this about him... but he is definitely a fool who has no clue and needs to...



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Mathematically the absolute highest possible healing they can do is over 80k with the best possible medpack being used exactly every 90 seconds when it comes off cooldown unless they exploit it... Please stop feeding me, I am a troll who has no clue what I am talking about.



Fix't for accuracy





Oh, look who it is. Saying the same "you insult yourself" crap to someone else. Complaining about yet ANOTHER OP class.


SURVEY SAYS......................




Step 1. Learn to Read

Step 2. Learn to not insult yourself, see #3

Step 3. Counter productive for an operative player to call a shadow bad



Look I have an operative fan club. I'm starting to get the feeling that if they get nerfed (balanced), sevvy will /wrist

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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Wrong again, everytime you post you insult yourself kiddo.

They were healing as the scoreboard at the end had them at the top with tons of healing done. Just because YOU don't know how to exploit medpacks etc, DOESN'T mean someone else doesn't. So young... So naive..


Was a powertech. Was alone, in a corner in voidstar. Shield never went down for more than 3 seconds. Wish we had a scound


Wait, so if it's a medpack exploit, and any class can use a medpack, how is the PT overpowered?!?!?!

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If people aren't interrupting you, then they're bad, it's that simple. A 1.5 second cast isn't hard to interrupt. Heavy armor mitigation is also highly overrated.


4x damage and 4x mitigation? Do you work for a newspaper by chance? The sensationalism is awesome.


1.3 second. And no its not, but it locks you out for... ooh 4 seconds. Still gives you plenty of time to get a combo off afterwards, cos lets face it, they arent killing you in 4 seconds. And they have plenty of other stuff to cast in that 4 seconds which will do some serious damage, just not as much as the faceroll combo.


Next you will say 'crowd control'. Because BH mercs dont have their own crowd control and breakers right?


Overpowered spec is overpowered. Pretending that it isnt wont save it from a nerf, because anyone following population trends will see that its now the most popular spec in PvP.

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Look I have an operative fan club. I'm starting to get the feeling that if they get nerfed (balanced), sevvy will /wrist


I'm rerolling to the most underpowered class in the game so that people can't stop making excuses when I roll them.

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Wait, so if it's a medpack exploit, and any class can use a medpack, how is the PT overpowered?!?!?!


Your Logic is to Logical for the Illogical to Logically understand.

He put some Logic in your Logic so we can be Logical while we use Logic.

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Wait, so if it's a medpack exploit, and any class can use a medpack, how is the PT overpowered?!?!?!


Because even without the healing the shield barely went down and never for more than 3-4 seconds. They were tanking 3 50s in pvp gear. Killed the other 2 and I vanished and just moved on. Everyone started at full hp

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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I'm rerolling to the most underpowered class in the game so that people can't stop making excuses when I roll them.


What excuses... ahh I see you are so used to your staples easy button you think that because a 5 year old playing an operative and able to kill every class, pvp geared 50 in 3-4 seconds on demand, when they complain, show evidence after evidence, and suggest how to fix it. Those must ...MUST be excuses.... haha


I'm going to laugh, Ill say youll roll a new toon, and go right back to the operative because you can't handle ANYTHING with even an ounce of difficulty to play.



Im so glad now I rolled republic, we knew all the children would be going empire even if Bioware clearly showed favoritism in designing empire. Just more proof this was the correct choice.

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1.3 second. And no its not, but it locks you out for... ooh 4 seconds. Still gives you plenty of time to get a combo off afterwards, cos lets face it, they arent killing you in 4 seconds. And they have plenty of other stuff to cast in that 4 seconds which will do some serious damage, just not as much as the faceroll combo.


Next you will say 'crowd control'. Because BH mercs dont have their own crowd control and breakers right?


Overpowered spec is overpowered. Pretending that it isnt wont save it from a nerf, because anyone following population trends will see that its now the most popular spec in PvP.



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