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Future Playable Races [Suggestion Thread].


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How sad is it that for people to get their rocks off with a 2 second kissing scene and fade to black that Bioware have so limited themselves in species.


Someone at Bioware has to really look at what each option brings to the game and whether the trade off is worth it. Given that there is no same sex romance the options have already been removed if you play the same sex as the npc you are romancing. That is my female sith inquisitor has a different middle dialogue without flirt than my male sith inquisitor. It shouldn't be that hard to have alien species such as Gran in the game. And worst case you just fade to black as they lean in. Is it unrealistic that a human woman would find a an ugly three eyed alien attractive sure is. But then you can opt for some ugly *** creation options as it is specially once they have veins lining their faces and look like a zombie.


With this thread always near the top of the suggestions box is it possible that someone from Bioware comes in and says yes or no to more species and if so what we can hope to see. Many models already exist in the game and if it were tied to legacy you know players have already experienced the game and if they pick these species they know the flirt option isn't available that hide helm is always locked on and sith corruption is locked off cause they weren't designed with corruption in mind.


I agree it would be nice to get an offical response saying yes we are considering adding new species or no we are not. Least then people who are waiting on the legacy system to make new alts can decide what they want to do. Personal I am waiting on legacy to remake my Main, just hope the wait has been justified.

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But we can still dream right? :D

I mean, I just looove them :D


We can dream but I sometimes think we have to be a little sensible. We know they wont do certain species and so should focus on getting to play the ones they might do.


Personaly I want to see Gran and Kel'dor. CAn we get Gran added to the front page. Didn't see them on there.


Of course what I really dream of is a Dev actually telling us if new playable species will be in Legacy and not just opening up current ones to new classes.

Edited by Izorii
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One of the complaints I've seen about character creation was that lack of inspired races you can currently choose from. With that I think it would be cool to compile a list of Races we'd like to be able to see playable in the future development of the game.


Torgruta - This beautiful painty face carnivorous race is all over the game but not playable. I'd like to make one. A Female. She'd be the hottest Jedi in the Galaxy.


Nautolan - These big eyed amphibian mud skippes are awesome. I want one with a Jamaican accent, maybe I'd name it Shabba, or Sean Paul, because their head extensions look like dreadlocks!


Devaronian - They look like Satan!!! So Sithy Fresh! I could make King Dabura and get some DBZ in my SWTOR


Cathar - If youtube has taught us anything, it's that kitties = hits. Yeah, okay... Most people hate Aric Jorgan, so why not let us redeem him with our own Pride of Bi-pedial cats? lots of creative customization potential there as well.


What ever the hell YODA is - Not much is known about these ancient half-pint force sensitive dactyl thingies, we just know they are awesome and have great potential to do all the awesome on the battlefield.



*Recommended by Archifikoss*


Chagrian - Blue face horn heads. They look kinda Torgruta without the awesome hat look and Maybelline make-up job.


Pau-an - They look like Nosfaratu with a pimp political sense.


*Recommended by TItanten*


Echani - Epic Albino's that like to fight nearly naked! Hates Mandalorians Perfect to be added with them.


Gungan - Jar Jar Binks... I think many would create one just so they can commit suicide...


Falleen - I'd imagine they'd be all darkside and stuff since they are subject to passion. Or could make for an interesting Republic class as well.


Duros - They look like Area 51 aliens! We can relate to that!


Mandalorian - The Most bad *** strategic cult race class in the universe. Yes please!



*Recommended by Cooltrip*


Voss - Chosen race of the Force? they believe this. They like... Jewish a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away!


*Recommended by Phadian_gess* (and by popular demand)


Rodian - Fawesome Bugeyed long mouthed Reptile people with Mohawks of awesome. Get you some


*Recommended by Alohen*


Mon Calamari - You know Admiral Ackbar?! IT'S HIS RACE!


Kel-Dorian - Honestly, Ugly as hell, makes for some really cool facial attachment options!


*Recommended by CrazYvan*


Zelton - Oh Lawd! Do want these pink hue skinned lovelies! I hear they smell nice, like bubblegum! om nom nom!


Recommended by djwhitfield


Kaleesh - You may know one of these sinister looking bat faced lizard things from the clone wars. It wields 4 stolen light sabers... RUN AWAY!


Weequay - They communicate through smell... this could make for some interesting dialog LoL!


Droids - It is touched on Droids without Memory wipe becoming completely sentient. Could be fun.


Recommended by BigAndyW


Bothans - A neutral Yif race since all they really want to do is be heard and be social, could makes for some cool social point bonus.


Recommended by Bombad_jedi


Cerean - This race is clearly a head of the class! They have an extra heart for their Big *** brains! And unlike regular Jedi, they can fornicate! sold!


Recommended by Izorii


Gran - These 3 eye'd goat faced grass eaters may not have much in assortment to them visually, but their females have 3 whole *****, and that has to count for something.


Any races you guys think would be a good idea? I'll edit them in if I think they are fitting!


I'd love to see Cerean, Togruta, and Nautolan, not to mention Chagrian but the only problem is how to get their heads to fit in the headgear. They managed twi'leks, so I guess it isn't impossible.


I don't see much point in Echani. There aren't any racial bonuses, so just make a pale white haired human and you're already there (that's what I'm doing). There's simply not enough to make them worth adding as a race. The same is true of a race I'd love to see, Kiffar. Just too human. I have slightly similar concerns with Zeltrons to Sith Purebloods and Falleen to Mirialians, but not quite as bad. Those to might make it.


I see no problem with adding Cathar. Honestly, I think they should have been there at launch. They are well within the parameters that BioWare has set. They'd make great troopers, Jedi of either class, and Sith Inquisitors. Maybe even BH's. Yes please on the Voss as well.


There were a few mentioned that I don't think will ever see the light of play, as BioWare seems to be stuck on making more or less humanoid races playable. They have there reasons for this, which they've stated, and I'm not going to go into that. I'm just gonna say that it's not likely.


Finally, I have one race to add to the list: Arkanian. Gene spicers who mess with their DNA so much that it's difficult to say what an Arkanian actually is. Could have, or not have, pointy ears, yellow glowing eyes, any skin tone or hair color they want, and any other number of strange physical tratis, some of which could be borrowed from other species. I'd have them available to all of the Force user classes, and perhaps to IA's as well.

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I dont think head gear should be an issue for species. I think BW could have saved them selevs a word of hurt if with Twi'lek they had just disabled hoods and head gear. There is already an option to do it, set it to on for species with unusual heads and dont enable it.


Most of the species on the initial post are already in game, have spoken basic at least once in game and could use the standard body types. I hope we get to see them all. I am currently leveling a BH just to get legacy points and do crafting for when some or all of these species become playable and I can move my main over.

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I support Kel'Dor as a playable species. They just need a voice filter and some additional customization options and there you go. Another probable races that would fit well into most class stories are Nautolans, Togruta, Devaronian, Cathar, Rodian, Weequay, Mon Calamari, Voss, and some others.

Droids and Wookiees would be fantastic, but they would require their own stories or even classes probably.


Also I don't like having to worry about headpieces not fitting the alien. If you make a MMO, you should be prepared to make your headpieces fit the available species, not just make it clip like crazy or hide the helmet completely just because the developers are too lazy to remodel them a bit to fit a Twi'lek, or other alien race.

Edited by Selek
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im not quite sure why the Cathar and the Miriluka are so present and active in the game... during the mandalorian war/Jedi civil war both were nearly wiped out via genocide, so they should still be small and rebuilding...
It's been 300+ years, so they've had some time to repopulate. Also, as far as I'm aware the Miraluka "only" lost a colony, not their homeworld.


I can only remember 3 cathar in the game off the top of my head: the trooper companion, that senator that shows up during the Coruscant arc of the trooper story, and the one that shows up during the Balmorra arc of the BH story. There could be more that I haven't seen yet or weren't interesting or important enough to remember, but those are the only ones I can think of.

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It's been 300+ years, so they've had some time to repopulate. Also, as far as I'm aware the Miraluka "only" lost a colony, not their homeworld.


I can only remember 3 cathar in the game off the top of my head: the trooper companion, that senator that shows up during the Coruscant arc of the trooper story, and the one that shows up during the Balmorra arc of the BH story. There could be more that I haven't seen yet or weren't interesting or important enough to remember, but those are the only ones I can think of.


Taris is just crawling with Cathar:P

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Taris is just crawling with Cathar:P


Not sure if Cathar are rare but after my vist to Taris there are a lot less of them :D I dont worry about too much about the lore and the number of species who would swap sides. I have seen more than a few Sith Purebloods working with the jedi order ( the JK compaion) abd if there can be such huge defection on the Sith side why not Cathar?

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im not quite sure why the Cathar and the Miriluka are so present and active in the game... during the mandalorian war/Jedi civil war both were nearly wiped out via genocide, so they should still be small and rebuilding...


Plenty of Cathar survived, and the Miraluka were never almost wiped out. The only thing wiped out was a colony world that wasn't even that populated. Miraluka are still around at the time of the movies - the Big Bad of Dark Forces 2 was a Jerec, a Miraluka dark jedi that used to work for Palpatine.



Whether people like Bioware's reasons or not, it is most likely that only the species that can conceivably be attractive to humans are going to be made playable. They are not going to alter the classes to change things like lack of speaking Basic, or lack of romance.


Also, these guys just aren't going to appear period, without Bioware deciding to retcon history:


Ewoks - not discovered until sometime during the movies

Noghri - not discovered til the Clone Wars



And Chiss and Twi'leks are among the most popular Star Wars species. That's why they are in. Miraluka are in because they have been part of the Old Republic mythos since the first Tales of the Old Republic comics, as much as the Purebloods. Mirialans .... yeah you got me there.

Edited by CelticMutt
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Right now I just want an update from a Dev to tell us if new species will be added through legacy. As for being attractive or not body type 4 and several of the faces kinda show you dont have to be attractive to get laid in the old republic :cool:
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Also, these guys just aren't going to appear period, without Bioware deciding to retcon history:


Ewoks - not discovered until sometime during the movies

Noghri - not discovered til the Clone Wars.


I think they kinda had to retcon history with the Chiss though. They werent discovered until after the Battle of Endor I believe

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Right now I just want an update from a Dev to tell us if new species will be added through legacy. As for being attractive or not body type 4 and several of the faces kinda show you dont have to be attractive to get laid in the old republic :cool:


I agree. There is clearly a high demand for more alien races and who can blame people. It was one of the things that made Star Wars all these alien creatures that just fitted in they weren't unique or special just doing their own thing round the galaxy.


But all the devs are doing by ignoring this issue is very simialr to pre-launch lack of information where people hoped for things that were never going to make it into the game. But cause the devs couldn't be bothered to inform them found it very disappointing when what they hoped for wasn't in the game.

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