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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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+1. People play on PvP servers because they want to see open-world PvP anytime, anywhere, and aren't afraid of being ganked.


The current implementation is pretty sad, really. No difference at all between PvP and PvE servers in this department.

Edited by kuzoh
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it's already too late, unless something mindblowingly spectacular takes over the PvP of this game, it's simply not a PvP game and I'm not going to try and make it be...gear goals should be the first hint. playing the SP game as it is, maybe grouping for some flashpoints (the ones I've done have been lame though), get from the story what I care to, and unsub. Wait for DOMINUS.
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Glad to see people are still posting in this thread after so long.


Kind of disappointed (about the dev update) that Bioware is focusing on Ilum (Restuss 2.0) and Warzones and none on Open World PVP.

Edited by -Fenix
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playing on a pvp server I'm disappointed. it feels like i'm playing on a pve server in any otehr game. i would hate to see what its like on a pve server for this game if a pvp server feels this way.


i hope theres someway for the devs to cross republic and imperials quests into each other more for more pvp exposure.


I'm level 39 and i have seen 2, yes "2" republic players open world my entire game experience while leveling. this imo is unacceptable. i play on a pvp server because i want to be ganked, i want to gank back, i want to be paranoid while questing, to get that excitement spotting a pvp target and deciding if its in my best interest to attack or not. so far i have not experienced this, and i'm disappointed.

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I've had SO much fun doing random world PvP last week in Hoth and Voss

-- especially Voss-Ka not being a sanctuary is in surprisingly good accordance with the story that Voss ppl remain neutral and cba about imp-rebel fights --

and even though I was getting ganked by multiple imps over and over about the same area I had great pleasure trying to sneak away and hitting them by surprise and you know, the general concept pleased/excited me like WoW used to do before Battlegrounds were the thing for PvP.


Looks like they're planning to kill PVP in Ka. Made a thread in the Public Test Server forums asking not to on PVP servers, but fat chance they'll actually consider it.


Hope this ain't the trend, but it's looking to be.

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I hope to see open world pvp incentives for any of the worlds where both sides clash. With the amount of servers and to my knowledge no restrictions on how many a player plays on there should be no need to also allow both factions on same server.


Conflict of interest in my mind.


and it will allow for easier transfer of characters to servers in need of certain factions.

Edited by draihken
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I support this message World pvp is by far the most enjoyable thing to do in MMO's sure questing is fun with a good story which TOR has done but warzone's get old really quickly please implament more of a reason to get people to want to do more wpvp thank you.
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I support this, there is nothing much to say, reading past comments.


Just add, my best times pvping was in Lineage II CT3, that system of open pvp, of pking (yes! kill anybody you want when you want... ofc with penalty applied depending on lvl diff) Pvp objetives in the world, the castles (source of money, and crafting mats), was awesome the ganking parties, sieging, warclans, always looking suspicios to other people near us... was more like, hey be ready you can be attacked anytime, I want this for SWTOR, if not people will start boring and quitting when they´ll finished the pve storyline.

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Agreed. MORE PVP. Why have PVP servers if they are almost identical to PVE servers. And why is there no player corpse looting? Maybe a HC PVP server where corpse looting is allowed? Whats the point of being killed if you don't loose your gear?


PS... any of you guys think they will actually read this and do something?


I would love to see FFA PVP system where killing of ones own faction puts a bounty on your head for other players to collect and where all planets save home planets are full PVP like the original UO.



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I agree with the above.


As for camping lowbies...if a ranking system is implemented, people will self-regulate that. AION's system seems good for it, it has a ranking system a bit like chess. So if you're an high level ranked player beating newbies, those newbies will call for help and help tends to come.


And what started with one solo ganker ends up in very exciting PvP fights...at least, that's my experience.


SWTOR would benefit a lot from that.

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I rolled a PvP server for a reason. I want to gank and be ganked. I want to always have to be aware of what's around me when leveling. I know the trouble this can cause but I welcome it. If I didn't, I would re-roll on a PvE server with instanced PvP events.

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