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Codex enteries - bug or intended behavioru


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Used to be, when I unlock a new codex entry, some flashy text appears on my screen.


When I hit lv50, i started going back to old planets to mop up the rest of the exploration, datacrons, codex, etc. I notice that i'm not getting that message anymore when I unlock a new codex entry.


I think it may be related to the fact that now that I'm lv50, I no longer gain xp from new codec enteries.


Do other lv50s notice this?

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I'm having the same problem. I'm level 50 and there is no "New Codex Entry" tooltip on screen. I don't know if this is related to be level 50 or just a bug.


I hope they fix it, because I liked that "achievement like" of those tooltips :)

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I am lv 50 as well and noticed that I no longer receive the new codex entries at the top of my screen, I noticed this for sure because I went back to collect datacrons and it does not appear. I found this thread trying to discover if it was intended or a bug as well.
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