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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


While I understand your frustration, the only way a tank (or any class, for that matter) is getting 10 medals is if they are doing effective damage along with another role (tanking, healing, whatever). Throw damage out along with healing, and you, too, will get 10+ medals.


I realize that is anathema to a certain segment of the MMO population -- a healer can...use...their damaging abilities?!?!?! Yes. Yes, they can. Just like how the tank, who got 10 medals, uses his tank abilities and his damage abilities.

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As a 100% time healer I fully support the idea for the medals system diversification - more various events for which one could get a medal. Solution with more medals for simply heal-bot-ing sounds crude to me, heal-bot-ing is a perfect example of a 'tunnel vision' and we are capable of more than just that.
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I am not sure on what basis other than the OP (and many other healers) is not fully utilizing his character that this complaint is coming from.


At the end of a match, look at the stats of everyone who gain 7+ medals. You'll see they did more than just DPS...they got protection or healed. Nearly all Advanced Classes are going to give you the ability to either gain protection points (damage mitigated from the enemy to teammates) or healing (if I have to explain this...that's why you can't get more medals).


I admit, I DPS, but I take the time to constantly make sure my few abilities that taunt enemy players are always active, so they're dealing less damage to my teammates and I'm getting more medals. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY I GET 8+ MEDALS. Healers can do the same. Deal at least 1 damage to 10 different enemies and since you get a kill when they die...boom...instant medal. Deal a little more damage during the 10 minute match...and you got yourself 75k damage medal and 25 kills medal.


You can also skill guard objectives and heal...thus earning objective medals. The fact is...you must do more than just one type of role in a Warzone if you want to earn more medals. I will admit, it is slightly easier for a tank to guard someone and deal DPS at the same time, but that same amount of time it takes him to guard that person and stay close, is just as difficult as it takes you to target someone and click a damage ability.


You should be helping deal damage anyways when there arent that many people around. Not everyone needs heals 24/7. We're big boys and can take care of ourselves...if not...we die and you can say "I told you so". :p

Edited by StrandtheMan
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I am not sure on what basis other than the OP (and many other healers) is not fully utilizing his character in the Warzones.


At the end of a match, look at the stats of everyone who gain 7+ medals. You'll see they did more than just DPS...they got protection or healed. Nearly all Advanced Classes are going to give you the ability to either gain protection points (damage mitigated from the enemy to teammates) or healing (if I have to explain this...that's why you can't get more medals).


I DPS, but I take the time to constantly make sure my few abilities that taunt enemy players are always active, so they are dealing less damage to my teammates and I'm getting more medals. Healers can do the same. Deal at least 1 damage to 10 different enemies and since you get a kill when they die...boom...instant medal. Deal a little more damage during the 10 minute match...and you got yourself 75k damage medal and 25 kills medal.


You can also skill guard objectives and heal...thus earning objective medals. The fact is...you must do more than just one type of role in a Warzone if you want to earn more medals. I will admit, it is slightly easier for a tank to guard someone and deal DPS at the same time, but that same amount of time it takes him to guard that person and stay close, is just as difficult as it takes you to target someone and click a damage ability.


You should be helping deal damage anyways when there arent that many people around. Not everyone needs heals 24/7. We're big boys and can take care of ourselves...if not...we die and you can say "I told you so". :p


That's been said 20 times already in this thread. For one thing, if we can spare the force and GCD to throw out some damage at people then the fight is not exactly a close one. Second and perhaps more important, is that we shouldn't have to do that. If I'm dpsing it should be because it's my best choice at that point in time, not because I need to farm medals. A healer shouldn't have to focus on farming medals in a warzone. He should earn enough medals by simply being a good team player and doing his best in any way possible to help his team win.

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A healer spec that only does damage the whole round and doesnt heal anyone can barely crack 100k damage, so no we can not just damage guys and make up for the lack of medals. Casting affliction alot helps and can get you regularly up to 6-7 medals if you have the gear to survive peoples focus on you and do a great job healing in the process (alot harder to dowhen we have to stop and cast dps just to compete. Regardless, mercs and sorcs that hybrid build can easily get 75k heals just healing themselves and deal 400k+ damage and easily average 9+ medals a game and they dont keep noone alive but themselves.


System is garbage.

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That's been said 20 times already in this thread. For one thing, if we can spare the force and GCD to throw out some damage at people then the fight is not exactly a close one. Second and perhaps more important, is that we shouldn't have to do that. If I'm dpsing it should be because it's my best choice at that point in time, not because I need to farm medals. A healer shouldn't have to focus on farming medals in a warzone. He should earn enough medals by simply being a good team player and doing his best in any way possible to help his team win.


I apologize for not reading all the other posts...I went through the first 4 pages and decided to throw my two-cents in (my opinion).


You answered your own question...you shouldnt have to throw some damage around to earn some healing medals...and you don't. However, should you want to earn more medals...than you will have to.


As DPS, I shouldnt have to worry about taunting enemy players every 15 seconds as I just want to deal damage and work on objectives. After all, it's not free for me to do so as it takes resources and time away from my DPS. However, doing so helps the team and helps me...so I would do it even if there were no medals. The thing is...medals arent a given right just because you do one role really well...they are earned. If you do things outside of your normal role, you will be rewarded as such actions are usually helping your team even more. Think of it as "going above and beyond".

Edited by StrandtheMan
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Its really sad but Bioware is not going to fix this they hired Warhammers pvp team and they hate healing in pvp, they have said it multiple times.


If you hit 400+ healing you can easily top damage charts and get 6 or more medals easily every single game. I respeced to dps and yes I lose a ton more games but I'm getting 40% more tokens, 3-5 more medals and 2-3 mvp votes every single game.

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Its really sad but Bioware is not going to fix this they hired Warhammers pvp team and they hate healing in pvp, they have said it multiple times.


If you hit 400+ healing you can easily top damage charts and get 6 or more medals easily every single game. I respeced to dps and yes I lose a ton more games but I'm getting 40% more tokens, 3-5 more medals and 2-3 mvp votes every single game.


WTB word from a Bioware rep. I have seen threads on the topic of PvP healing since beta and I have yet to see any official word from Bioware on their stance on the subject. I think we need to hear it. Do they agree that healing needs to be fixed, that the healing debuff is total trash and the medals gimp us? Or do they think everything is fine and dandy. Because myself and other longtime MMO PvP healers would like to know before we waste too much of our time. If I should be respeccing to dps in SWTOR and finding another MMO to get my PvP healing fix, let me know now.

Edited by Leiloni
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The problem is that they give medals in a way that promotes people to play as hybrids instead of focusing on a particular role.


Also the individual role they give the most medal to is DPS. There are a few ACs out there that cant do anything but DPS.


The way to fix this would be to increase the rate that you get medals past the easy ones for certain roles. The problem is they would have to do this while also making sure they didnt make it too easy for certain ACs to get TOO MANY medals.

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Somebody call this guy a whambulance, and get him some fries for his whamburger.



No. Son't call the OP a wambulance. Someone should call you a Creative Thinking Tutor to come up with your own comments if you plan on continuing to post.



the OP makes a solid point. Especially when Healers are in such High demand. Why would someone want o go heal, when they could dps half as good get just as much, if not more?



People want heals but forbid some heal love got spread around.


First thing I look for at the end of a WZ is heals, then objectives/protection, then medals. then DPS.



Problem with many Pvper's is that most are Tropemonkeys and vote for DPS seeing it's the Epeeniest.


Granted, when I am in a BG with a player who does 300k plus dmg, and other stats don't tell me he was farming kills and nothing else, I vote for the DPS.

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First thing I look for at the end of a WZ is heals, then objectives/protection, then medals. then DPS.



Problem with many Pvper's is that most are Tropemonkeys and vote for DPS seeing it's the Epeeniest.


Granted, when I am in a BG with a player who does 300k plus dmg, and other stats don't tell me he was farming kills and nothing else, I vote for the DPS.


I never vote for dps in a warfront. I pay attention to who else besides me is healing and look at the scoreboard to see which healer has contributed the most and vote him MVP. Or I vote the guy with the most protection points that was keeping us healer's alive.

Edited by Leiloni
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While I understand your frustration, the only way a tank (or any class, for that matter) is getting 10 medals is if they are doing effective damage along with another role (tanking, healing, whatever). Throw damage out along with healing, and you, too, will get 10+ medals.


I realize that is anathema to a certain segment of the MMO population -- a healer can...use...their damaging abilities?!?!?! Yes. Yes, they can. Just like how the tank, who got 10 medals, uses his tank abilities and his damage abilities.


What is a tank supposed to do in between taunt CDs? Oh yeah, use his damage abilities that he has talented as well. Where's the talents in my heal tree to dps? Oh yeah, they don't exist.

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CC and do some AOE. I might not top the charts with medals but I generally get 5-7 a match. Not to mention 1-5 MVP votes.


The most important things is making a name for yourself. Regardless of my medals, I get invites nightly to high valor premades and FPs all the time because I have established myself as one of the top healers on my server.


Community rewards are much nicer then a few points of valor.


Valor 51 and counting. :)

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I have a heal spec sorc friend and it is a STRUGGLE for him to keep the team up AND get 7 medals- usually he gets 5ish and over 400k in heals- Warzones are a TEAM effort and a heal spec has HUGE team role- more often than not they are not keeping ONE guy up it is 3 or 4 AND themself. They also have severe force limitations and if they start attempting to DPS they leave themselves without force for crucial heals.


I see no issue with adding medals for 300k and 400k heals etc or some large bracket where you HAVE to do a lot of heals.


As an assassin with a good healer in group I can get 9-14 medals in a round and the person on the team that helped me do that gets 5?? Sounds unfair to me? They are in the middle of every battle "fighting" just as hard just without DPS


People are saying it might make other combo classes get even more medals, but not if it is a BIG heal amount bracket and even if some other hybrid class happened to pull off an extra medal with these additions it would most likely be by sacrificing a different one they would usually get.


A heal spec should be able to get 7 medals in a round and 9 plus if they diversify and throw out some DPS. Our dedicated healers are slowly but surly slipping behind those they support in Valor etc and it is making a lot of people respec. Without healers all of our flash points and PvE gets harder. I admittedly have not done much PvE since hitting 50 but I want to and I don't want to have to spend hours trying to find a rare heal spec.

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Yeah the medal system is a joke for healers. You can tell the people saying its fine have never actually played a healer in their lives. There's no point in healing right now unless you're running a premade. As a dps you can easily get 6 medals within like 2 min of the game starting. 5k hit, 2.5k hit, solo kill, killing blow. Find a stray lowbie and that's 4 instant medals. Usually I get those right when the game starts by doing that. Then if you have a rakata medpack you get the guaranteed 2.5k and 5k healing medals. If you're not braindead you'll also get the 75k and 10 enemies killed medals. That's 8 medals that's pretty much 100% guaranteed if you're biochem even if your team is getting rolled and you get them all in the first 5 min of the game. The rest are just gravy but I've never gotten less than 7 medals even if the other team was 3 capping. Now as a healer you have to bust your *** 100% of the game to even reach the 6 medal mark and if your up against a decent team you'll never reach that. Yeah the medal system is totally fine.
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People are saying it might make other combo classes get even more medals, but not if it is a BIG heal amount bracket and even if some other hybrid class happened to pull off an extra medal with these additions it would most likely be by sacrificing a different one they would usually get.


They should start by making only healing spells award points for healing in warzones. So no medpacks or any junk like that. They should also make it so Sorcs/Sages can't abuse Noble Sacrifice (not sure how they'd do this). After that any non-specced healer only has two mediocre healing spells they can use to get healing medals, so if they use them in any decent quantity, they're going to be gimping their dps to do so.


I would also add that any action not done near an objective gains less points. So you can't just farm damage on people in the middle of a warzone. You can but it would count for much less towards medals than if you were to damage near an objective.

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I have a heal spec sorc friend and it is a STRUGGLE for him to keep the team up AND get 7 medals- usually he gets 5ish and over 400k in heals- Warzones are a TEAM effort and a heal spec has HUGE team role- more often than not they are not keeping ONE guy up it is 3 or 4 AND themself. They also have severe force limitations and if they start attempting to DPS they leave themselves without force for crucial heals.


I see no issue with adding medals for 300k and 400k heals etc or some large bracket where you HAVE to do a lot of heals.


As an assassin with a good healer in group I can get 9-14 medals in a round and the person on the team that helped me do that gets 5?? Sounds unfair to me? They are in the middle of every battle "fighting" just as hard just without DPS


People are saying it might make other combo classes get even more medals, but not if it is a BIG heal amount bracket and even if some other hybrid class happened to pull off an extra medal with these additions it would most likely be by sacrificing a different one they would usually get.


A heal spec should be able to get 7 medals in a round and 9 plus if they diversify and throw out some DPS. Our dedicated healers are slowly but surly slipping behind those they support in Valor etc and it is making a lot of people respec. Without healers all of our flash points and PvE gets harder. I admittedly have not done much PvE since hitting 50 but I want to and I don't want to have to spend hours trying to find a rare heal spec.


I easily get medals for...


2.5k heal

5k heal

75k heal in a match

300k heal in a match


I get those quick, aside from eventually the 300k one.


After that I might get...

10 kills (this is from assists and cc)

20 kills (this is one of the rare ones)

1k defender (depends on map)

75k damage (I have been getting this one a lot on voidstar)

3k defender (depends on map)


Some people need to learn how to play, but this is what I go after for extra points. But at least I know I will get 5-7.

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I never vote for dps in a warfront. I pay attention to who else besides me is healing and look at the scoreboard to see which healer has contributed the most and vote him MVP. Or I vote the guy with the most protection points that was keeping us healer's alive.



I really try not too. I will give vote to defenders as well. poor saps sitting at the boring spot, with no action, for the team to win is just as noble as melting face at the larger standoff.

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I will second this! I am as of now just level 39, but I usually get 300-400k healing and Still I'm damn frakking happy if I get 4-5 medals! And out of those it's almost always 2-3 from defending a node or getting a killing blow or 10 kills etc! 2 medals for healing while tanks get up to 7 for tanking.. Kinda lame!


Give us healers the rewards we deserve! Would like to see those tanks get their 10+ medals without us healing them.. When I queue with friends it's standard that our tanks give me a "thanks for the medal mate" afterwards :(

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CC and do some AOE. I might not top the charts with medals but I generally get 5-7 a match. Not to mention 1-5 MVP votes.


The most important things is making a name for yourself. Regardless of my medals, I get invites nightly to high valor premades and FPs all the time because I have established myself as one of the top healers on my server.


Community rewards are much nicer then a few points of valor.


Valor 51 and counting. :)


The flaw with this about MVP's is that most don't bother with voting or vote for their friends.

And I see alot of players that vote for protection done. Sure tanks deserve MVP's aswell, but that+200% medals just gives them 30+ commendations more than us, fact!

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I easily get medals for...


2.5k heal

5k heal

75k heal in a match

300k heal in a match


I get those quick, aside from eventually the 300k one.


After that I might get...

10 kills (this is from assists and cc)

20 kills (this is one of the rare ones)

1k defender (depends on map)

75k damage (I have been getting this one a lot on voidstar)

3k defender (depends on map)


Some people need to learn how to play, but this is what I go after for extra points. But at least I know I will get 5-7.


Im sure it wouldnt be hard to snipe a single killing blow during a match either. A solo kill might even be possible.

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