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From a Sage: Telekinetic Wave and Chain Lightning need to be nerfed


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These two AOEs do way, way too much damage. There is absolutely no reason an AOE, which can be made instant with a hybrid build and only has a 6 second cooldown, should be critting five equally geared people for 4,000 damage. Couple this with Force in Balance and it is possible to AOE three people down to 40% health in two globals. Edited by GeLopez
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In case you haven't noticed, the AOE in question do their damage over time. If you're disoriented / lazy / unskilled / slowed down / stunned enough to sit in the area for the whole duration, then yeah, they deal quite a bit of damage.
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In case you haven't noticed, the AOE in question do their damage over time. If you're disoriented / lazy / unskilled / slowed down / stunned enough to sit in the area for the whole duration, then yeah, they deal quite a bit of damage.


What the hell are you talking about? How about checking an Ability on Torhead if you have no Idea what it is?

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In case you haven't noticed, the AOE in question do their damage over time. If you're disoriented / lazy / unskilled / slowed down / stunned enough to sit in the area for the whole duration, then yeah, they deal quite a bit of damage.


I think you're thinking of their targeted aoe, not the telekinetic wave/chain lightning Lopez is talking about.


It's a single target ability that has free damage on nearby targets of the target.

Edited by Vlaid
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In case you haven't noticed, the AOE in question do their damage over time. If you're disoriented / lazy / unskilled / slowed down / stunned enough to sit in the area for the whole duration, then yeah, they deal quite a bit of damage.


Wrong ability. You're thinking of Forcequake and Lightning Storm.

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These two AOEs do way, way too much damage. There is absolutely no reason an AOE, which can be made instant with a hybrid build, should be critting five equally geared people for 4,000 damage. Couple this with Force in Balance and it is possible to AOE three people down to 40% health in two globals.


50 sage here and to me, the ability isn't even worth picking up. I would much rather have my dots and cc and just kite the hell out of single target melee or disrupt the hell out of single target ranged. I'm not about padding my damage with most of the time worthless aoe.

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I don't care about your 1V1 adventures. I'm talking about group play, which is what the game is balanced for. An instant AOE that crits five people for 4k is not worthless padding in group play. It's legit, insane burst. Edited by GeLopez
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these two aoes do way, way too much damage. There is absolutely no reason an aoe, which can be made instant with a hybrid build and only has a 6 second cooldown, should be critting five equally geared people for 4,000 damage. Couple this with force in balance and it is possible to aoe three people down to 40% health in two globals.



Hi guys,

We make our balancing decisions based on a combination of internal and external testing and metrics. We don't make decisions based on who is the loudest on the forums. Community feedback is valuable in bringing issues to our attention and even to highlight possible solutions, which means that well written, constructive posts are the most effective way to communicate your wishes and feedback to us, rather than petitions and calls to nerf specific classes.


statements that we hate a specific class or faction, or that we intentionally underbalance certain classes to make it less popular are conspiracy theory territory. We have nothing to gain from such an approach – we want players to pick the class and faction they want to play and have confidence that they are able to perform their chosen role in the game. Anything that comes in the way of that goal is considered a balance issue for us.



-- georg





Edited by Foenixz
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I don't care about your 1V1 adventures. I'm talking about group play, which is what the game is balanced for. An instant AOE that crits five people for 4k is not worthless padding in group play. It's legit, insane burst.


It's not an instant, it's a 3 sec. cast and they have to be grouped pretty tight for this to actually be worth casting(8m). By the way, taking out a single target at a time is group play. I wasn't talking about 1v1 jackie.

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It becomes instant with Presence of Mind and Wrath, which is basically a guaranteed buff by the end of two Telekinetic Throw or Force Lightning casts.


I am playing the spec right now. Trust me when I say I know how it works.


This is feedback based on my experience playing the spec. It's not random whining.

Edited by GeLopez
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It's not an instant, it's a 3 sec. cast and they have to be grouped pretty tight for this to actually be worth casting(8m). By the way, taking out a single target at a time is group play. I wasn't talking about 1v1 jackie.


Your triple dot spec is nigh worthless in group pvp where every joe who picked up a healing spec can outheal it.


I'll take my instant burst-on-demand chain lightning over that.

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I don't care about your 1V1 adventures. I'm talking about group play, which is what the game is balanced for. An instant AOE that crits five people for 4k is not worthless padding in group play. It's legit, insane burst.


it doesn't crit for 4k LOL


it crits for like 3k and is effected by armor and requires you to use 1 of 2 TERRIBLE spells for it to proc (disturbance/force quake)


you also have to be 30 points in telekinetics which is basically a horrible spec all around


having 1 gimmick spell in a spec that otherwise just throws out 800 damage disturbances is hardly nerf worthy

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It only requires Telekinetic Throw for it to get an instant proc.


The specs I'm talking about are 0 Seer / 13 Telekinetics / 28 Balance and 0 Seer / 17 Telekinetics / 24 Balance.


It's not really better than the typical 31 Balance spec, but it's really cheesy because it lets someone do a ton of burst without much effort. I also doubt it's what Bioware intended when they made Telekinetic Wave and Chain Lightning.

Edited by GeLopez
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It becomes instant with Presence of Mind and Wrath, which is basically a guaranteed buff by the end of two Telekinetic Throw or Force Lightning casts.


I am playing the spec right now. Trust me when I say I know how it works.


This is feedback based on my experience playing the spec. It's not random whining.


pretty much this i am healing spec atm but probably be respecing to this sheerly because i don't have gear to be a viable healer right now. Best probably if i just put out numbers for badges and try my best to get geared up. but i agree with this guy, its fine when its a 3 second cast that procs off a 1.5 second cast ability BUT suddenly making it proc off force lightning? its pretty much a free 2-3k strike at base level 50 hate to see this in full battlemaster gear .

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50 sage here and to me, the ability isn't even worth picking up. I would much rather have my dots and cc and just kite the hell out of single target melee or disrupt the hell out of single target ranged. I'm not about padding my damage with most of the time worthless aoe.


Presence of mind makes it instant and do +20% damage... it's the highest SINGLE TARGET DPCT outside of instant mind crush. If you start hitting multiple people nothing comes close to it. Considering CD on mind crush you should be able to nearly use TW on CD.


But then again you can just keep praying you're piddly DoT's will do something while running away from the objective you need to protect.

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Simple solution: give it a 1/10s restriction like Tidal Force on the TK tree (and Sith equivalent). Although that +20% might still be a bit much, you won't be cranking them out any faster than a simple TK build.


Except that nerfs Balance when Balance doesn't need the nerf. There is nothing wrong with an instant Disturbance or Mind Crush. There is only a problem with Telekinetic Wave.


A much better restriction would be to make Presence of Mind / Wrath not affect casts longer than 2 seconds or placing Presence of Mind / Wrath and Telekinetic Wave / Chain Lightning further up in their respective trees.

Edited by GeLopez
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Twave crits equally geared 50's in pvp gear for 3k, give or take 200 damage. Get your numbers right. That is the biggest crit you can put out with this spec... 3k, whoopie. So you hit 5 people, great, you just padded your total damage done score while the healers heal everyone but the person you are focusing on up in a few seconds.


The ae is worthless damage in 9 out of 10 situations if you are playing any decent premade with a few healers. You can't focus down 5 geared people.


Stop telling people nerfs are needed when you own level 15's and think you are a BAMF. Sage dps is a tickle to equally geared 50's, period.

Edited by Outlandished
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it doesn't crit for 4k LOL


it crits for like 3k and is effected by armor and requires you to use 1 of 2 TERRIBLE spells for it to proc (disturbance/force quake)


you also have to be 30 points in telekinetics which is basically a horrible spec all around


having 1 gimmick spell in a spec that otherwise just throws out 800 damage disturbances is hardly nerf worthy


why are you defendig a class we KNOW are OP! NERF NOAW!

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it doesn't crit for 4k LOL


it crits for like 3k and is effected by armor and requires you to use 1 of 2 TERRIBLE spells for it to proc (disturbance/force quake)


you also have to be 30 points in telekinetics which is basically a horrible spec all around


having 1 gimmick spell in a spec that otherwise just throws out 800 damage disturbances is hardly nerf worthy



It's 11 points into Telekinetics/Lightening and people use it with Wrath/Presence of Mind procs.


That said, it is a horrible tree and I prefer the end talent of Madness/Balance myself. If you are going for straight damage charts, the hybrid is the optimal spec. However, warzones have never been about who is the highest on the chart.


Also, once the 50 brackets come out and people are not insta-murdered because they are low level, I am expecting Chain Lightening/Telekinetic Wave to be much less appealing.

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Twave crits equally geared 50's in pvp gear for 3k, give or take 200 damage. Get your numbers right. That is the biggest crit you can put out with this spec... 3k, whoopie. So you hit 5 people, great, you just padded your total damage done score while the healers heal everyone but the person you are focusing on up in a few seconds.


The ae is worthless damage in 9 out of 10 situations if you are playing any decent premade with a few healers. You can't focus down 5 geared people.


Stop telling people nerfs are needed when you own level 15's and think you are a BAMF. Sage dps is a tickle to equally geared 50's, period.


Sage dps a tickle. Thanks for letting us know so clearly how bad you are.

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He is right though. Sorc/sage damage is pretty meh compared to almost every other class. Our real power comes from all the CC and disruption we can get.


That's supposed to be true, and it's balanced. We're supposed to lack real burst to make up for all the DOTs and CC we have.


This spec throws all of that off by giving us an AOE that bursts five targets significantly.

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He is right though. Sorc/sage damage is pretty meh compared to almost every other class. Our real power comes from all the CC and disruption we can get.


which is stupid poor design since in all reality we have no more CC then any of the other dps classes. Go compare a commando to your CC you'll be stunned and wonder why heck they get all of that and heavy armor! ONLY thing we really get extra is utility of force speed and shields.

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