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Its a Vocal Minority claiming "The majority have performance issues"


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Idiotic post like these don't have a place on these forums. Did you even read the article? Where do you get an attitude from it? People have been misquoting it all day. He said MOST issues were related to low end PCs, not all of them, but the MAJORITY wasn't experiencing frame rate issues, and it is true, the majority players are in fact NOT experiencing frame rate issues.


Easy way to tell? Can you log into the forums? Can you switch and refresh threads without being put on a waiting list? Yeah, that's because the MAJORITY of people are playing without complaints.


FPS problems are mostly in the Warzones at this point. My computer is a Triple Core AMD with Nvidia 550ti card and I should be able to do Warzones at higher than 15 fps which I'm getting - even with all card settings on high performance.


Swtor is not only having FPS issues in certain areas but also has a bad memory leak. I use Memory Cleaner on auto clean every 5 mins or SWTOR just clogs my memory to hell.


I do get nice frame rates everywhere in game 75-110 except for The Fleet (20-30) and of course WZ's - a weird steady 15fps.


I've seen 100 page posts on the problem and it's NOT a computer/card issue. The Hero engine was created before most of these "older" cards and is not graphical intense.

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I think part of the problem is people's definition of what a performance problem is varies greatly. Some people can play a game with a choppy 30fps and not see a problem at all.


Anyone who has any decent computer hardware and gaming experience knows that SWTOR's engine is a pig. Saying it's poorly optimized is being nice.


All we can do is hope BioWare gets it hammered out.

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haha....I have been engaged in 500 vs. 500 matches or more in World of Warcraft with perfectly smooth performance. Zero delay or ability lag. In Rift I was engaged in some very largescale city assaults with zero performance issues.


That is a blatant lie, and technically impossible. There is not a GPU/CPU configuration available to consumers that would be able to process a 500 vs 500 match smoothly in WoW or any game for that matter. ROFL

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Just like the vast majority of the threads in this forum full of whiney ex WoW/Rift/*insert other MMO's here* its usually a minority selection that usually make a post and then slip in "BUT MOST PEOPLE HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!!!11111" without giving hard facts or evidence.


The forum moderators of this wash out of a forum should be sacked and BW should also order the community manager to do their damn job and manage this community by kicking out the trollers, haters and idiots to ruin most of the threads here.


Grow up everyone has a right to voice their opinion, yours is not the final word!

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Yea, I read the article. He said most people having problems had low end PCs, and that their goal is to get people on low end PC's able to play the game. Here's a thought, don't post specs for your game that run it like crap then? Those people with bottom of the line specs that bought the game believing it would run it since they met the minimum requirements paid just like people with high end specs and shouldn't have to wait till BW gets around to fixing the issue on their end. They paid, they deserve to play without issues, so yea his attitude is crap, compound that with the fact that its NOT just people with low end specs, and frankly I find his remarks rude, baffling, and basically disrespectful to people who paid for this game thinking that they were buying something that worked.



There have been many posts by people who have the recommended specs (Nvidia 260, etc) that also claim they are running just fine.


And if you're talking about minimum specs... you're not supposed to run the game well at minimum specs.


A great example is my friend. He's playing on max settings on an ASUS G7X laptop... though in high traffic areas he does get slowdown... to be expected.

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Just like the vast majority of the threads in this forum full of whiney ex WoW/Rift/*insert other MMO's here* its usually a minority selection that usually make a post and then slip in "BUT MOST PEOPLE HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!!!11111" without giving hard facts or evidence.


The forum moderators of this wash out of a forum should be sacked and BW should also order the community manager to do their damn job and manage this community by kicking out the trollers, haters and idiots to ruin most of the threads here.


Are people not allowed to have prior MMO experience? I question your "hard facts or evidence" that proves any of what you said.

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So if there's issues that need to be fixed... then BioWare is wrong, when they claim that there's no problem



Actually, they don't claim there is no problem. In the eurogamer article James Ohlen states that performance problems are only affecting about 5% of users. And that they are usually players with low end machines.



If he's going off support tickets then that probably means that more people with low end computers have submitted tickets than people with high end computers. He'd certainly have access to the numbers, and really has no reason to lie.

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