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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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OK did it. Seriously, this is the delay you people are talking about? Loaded up WoW as well. Mounting does the same thing in that game.


Someone PLEASE tell me this is NOT the delay you guys are QQ'ing over. Please tell me.


WoW doesn't have the same issue, in fact in WoW you can start moving when the progress bar is at like 90-95%...


It may not seem like a big deal to you but it is to people like me who try to play at our best potential. Just imagine being a healer in pvp and even though your GCD is done your heal doesn't work even though you are clicking it, then you end up dying... it is very aggravating.

Edited by Taurusaud
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They have acknowledged that some players are having video issues, some are having sound issues, and some are having issues with load times. However, just like your delay, not everyone is experiencing the issue. Im glad they are working the issue for you few that are being affected by it. Hopefully they will get you going soon.


No they acknowledged the delay, multiple times. They also acknowledged it was on their end. Learn to read.



Edited by Cyndelx
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Hey guys,


Ok so I'm actually finished with sequence 1-4 and want to get 5 and 6 as well tonight. Six may be too intricate to get done as well tonight.


Sequence 3 is going to be fun I believe... in any case... it'll be a very thorough video.



So, more than halfway done... leaves me sequence 5-6-7 and 8 the conclusion to do. Record the narration and then put it all together and release.


I will have absolutely "zero" special effects in the video.... (in case you were scared off by my little preview! :p)



Next update tomorrow night! (later than this one)...

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OK did it. Seriously, this is the delay you people are talking about? Loaded up WoW as well. Mounting does the same thing in that game.


Someone PLEASE tell me this is NOT the delay you guys are QQ'ing over. Please tell me.


Obviously you either have no clue WTH you are talking about or just have the blinders. WoW's combat is far more responsive and fluid than SWTOR currently is. There are more than enough links to video clips to show just how wrong you are.

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Obviously you either have no clue WTH you are talking about or just have the blinders. WoW's combat is far more responsive and fluid than SWTOR currently is. There are more than enough links to video clips to show just how wrong you are.


Sorry you are struggling with learning SWTOR. It is abit challenging for some -- so I understand. However, going back to Panda-Land is always an option. It isn't going anywhere. And very soon you get PANDAS! PANDAS MAN PANDAS !!!! W00t!

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just adding a +1 to this post, tired of running around behind Imps swinging my lightsaber all over the place and never seeing any damage pop up cause they are right at the edge of my range animation starts, gets half way done then they slip to 5 meters and animation starts over again


anyway, this guy is not renewing his sub til this is fixed

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just adding a +1 to this post, tired of running around behind Imps swinging my lightsaber all over the place and never seeing any damage pop up cause they are right at the edge of my range animation starts, gets half way done then they slip to 5 meters and animation starts over again


anyway, this guy is not renewing his sub til this is fixed




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Yes, we get it. You are a rabid fanboy that think Bioware is Jesus and perfection bundled in one. It is far too obvious with your other White Knight responses and fanboy threads.


I'm sure people are not taking you seriously since all you do is spout nonsense trying to defend Bioware at every possible turn you can do.


You also spend a lot of time on these forums for someone claiming to love this perfect game.

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Sorry you are struggling with learning SWTOR. It is abit challenging for some -- so I understand. However, going back to Panda-Land is always an option. It isn't going anywhere. And very soon you get PANDAS! PANDAS MAN PANDAS !!!! W00t!


Why are you bringing up the greatest part of the upcoming expansion, namely pandaria =]


I don't think it's people strugling with learning TOR. It's more that players like you are inept casual gamers, and that's fine. Just stay away from serious discussions you do not understand =]

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Why are you bringing up the greatest part of the upcoming expansion, namely pandaria =]


I don't think it's people strugling with learning TOR. It's more that players like you are inept casual gamers, and that's fine. Just stay away from serious discussions you do not understand =]


Hmmm you are struggling playing this game. I am not. You have a "delay-Issue" I do not. Yet, I'm inept? lol OK brother. I'll leave you people to your misery. If anything this post proves is that misery does indeed love company.


Back to the Game!

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They have acknowledged that some players are having video issues, some are having sound issues, and some are having issues with load times. However, just like your delay, not everyone is experiencing the issue. Im glad they are working the issue for you few that are being affected by it. Hopefully they will get you going soon.


Roll a tank to 50, do some PVP then tell me there is no ability response problems. Its blind fools like you who make bioware think there is no problem.

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Roll a tank to 50, do some PVP then tell me there is no ability response problems. Its blind fools like you who make bioware think there is no problem.


Im sorry my friend, but I can't hear you above all the cheering coming from the numerous Game Of The Year Awards, the incredible reviews from respectable sources, or over the clanging of the cash register as the 2 millionth copy was sold.


You were saying?

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Im sorry my friend, but I can't hear you above all the cheering coming from the numerous Game Of The Year Awards, the incredible reviews from respectable sources, or over the clanging of the cash register as the 2 millionth copy was sold.


You were saying?


Does that mean the issue is not there? People bought the game without knowing there as an ability delay or abilities not going off.




Have a read.

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Does that mean the issue is not there? People bought the game without knowing there as an ability delay or abilities not going off.




Have a read.


Because a small % of the population is having this issue doesn't mean it's the game breaking problem you peeps are trying to make it. Seems to me most people are having a great time. Maybe SWTOR is not the game for you.

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Because a small % of the population is having this issue doesn't mean it's the game breaking problem you peeps are trying to make it. Seems to me most people are having a great time. Maybe SWTOR is not the game for you.


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Perhaps you should actually play the game instead of sucking up on the message boards.

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You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Perhaps you should actually play the game instead of sucking up on the message boards.


hmmm. I am currently raiding in WoW, playing SWTOR, and posting on the forum. 3 Computers. I do not suggest it for the casual gamer though. Remember this is being done by a Pro.

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Because a small % of the population is having this issue doesn't mean it's the game breaking problem you peeps are trying to make it. Seems to me most people are having a great time. Maybe SWTOR is not the game for you.


You must be blind, EVERYONE has this issue, some classes it is more noticable than others (i have tested this by making a few different toons). Not everyone posts on forums, and not everyone notices it but it is there. Everyone i have spoken to on my server agrees it is there, in general chat not 1 person said they did not have it. It is not a small percentage of the population with it, this thread has been remade numerous times and everyone i know has witnessed this delay and there are videos to prove it. And no im not talking about the stupid mount thing, im talking about in combat, especially PVP.


Please stop lying to yourself fanboy and wake up. They have said the fixes are coming so get off your high horse, leave the thread if you think this game is so perfect as it is. People here are trying to notify bioware of this problem so they fix it. There will never be a high population reporting problems because that's not how it works.

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People here are trying to notify bioware of this problem so they fix it.


Now there you go. You have figured me out. You get the gold coin.


Thousands of posts by the same 200 people is NOT notifying BW of anything! They have acknowledged your issue and have stated they are working towards a fix. So, why again are you continuing to dredge this up? What is your motivation? If it is only to "Notify Bioware" then please understand they have been notified. However, you trolls continue to drag this cesspool of a post out like you are some kind of gaming hero or something.


It's ignorance on a high scale. A very very high scale.

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Now there you go. You have figured me out. You get the gold coin.


Thousands of posts by the same 200 people is NOT notifying BW of anything! They have acknowledged your issue and have stated they are working towards a fix. So, why again are you continuing to dredge this up? What is your motivation? If it is only to "Notify Bioware" then please understand they have been notified. However, you trolls continue to drag this cesspool of a post out like you are some kind of gaming hero or something.


It's ignorance on a high scale. A very very high scale.


And fanboys like you (sorry, had to read a couple of posts just to confirm your status) also like to battle the trolls in one big epic finale in this very same thread about ability delay, which does exist.



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Now there you go. You have figured me out. You get the gold coin.


Thousands of posts by the same 200 people is NOT notifying BW of anything! They have acknowledged your issue and have stated they are working towards a fix. So, why again are you continuing to dredge this up? What is your motivation? If it is only to "Notify Bioware" then please understand they have been notified. However, you trolls continue to drag this cesspool of a post out like you are some kind of gaming hero or something.


It's ignorance on a high scale. A very very high scale.


Says the most ignorant person hell even haters make more sense than you.

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I notice some latency issues when I PvP. This is most likely what people are calling ability delay.


During the normal leveling process there isn't a delay for me. The cool down system is just a little tricky. Once you get used to it, spells pop off as they should.

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Now there you go. You have figured me out. You get the gold coin.


Thousands of posts by the same 200 people is NOT notifying BW of anything! They have acknowledged your issue and have stated they are working towards a fix. So, why again are you continuing to dredge this up? What is your motivation? If it is only to "Notify Bioware" then please understand they have been notified. However, you trolls continue to drag this cesspool of a post out like you are some kind of gaming hero or something.


It's ignorance on a high scale. A very very high scale.


Question is, why are you even fighting against the people that notice this issue. How do you know that other people who do not post havn't reported it ingame? Why would they say they have the fix coming soon if there was no problem?

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Sorry you are struggling with learning SWTOR. It is abit challenging for some -- so I understand. However, going back to Panda-Land is always an option. It isn't going anywhere. And very soon you get PANDAS! PANDAS MAN PANDAS !!!! W00t!


The system is not "challenging", what the hell is challenging about a system that forces you to wait beyond the GCD and caster time? The fact that you actually have to pause is not difficult, it shows the short comings of the system. As for WoW, right now BW could only hope to have that legacy.

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I notice some latency issues when I PvP. This is most likely what people are calling ability delay.


During the normal leveling process there isn't a delay for me. The cool down system is just a little tricky. Once you get used to it, spells pop off as they should.


You are exactly correct.


But remember these trolls just want to notify Bioware. They have bumped this thread thousands of times to notify Bioware of an issue that Bioware themselves are working on.


You have the king of Trolls, XCore, even making videos about it. LOL -- why? Does he work for Blizzard or something? Why is he continuing this mess on an issue that the developer has clealy stated they are working on?


I just can't get stupid enough to understand their motivation I suppose.

Edited by Klarick
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I notice some latency issues when I PvP. This is most likely what people are calling ability delay.


During the normal leveling process there isn't a delay for me. The cool down system is just a little tricky. Once you get used to it, spells pop off as they should.


It is not latency issues, it is about abilities not working. An instant ability sometimes takes 4-5 taps to work, the animation starts and stops several times, or the GCD goes off but the ability doesnt do the damage and its own cooldown doesn't go off and you can re-use the ability hopefully this time it works with damage.

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