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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I had not played WoW for about a year (after Cata came out)

but resubed 2 weeks ago.

I decided to make a fresh toon, to see all the changes made in Azeroth.

I am actually surprised how much I am getting back into it, how long will

this last, I don't know. I do hope until GW2 gets here.

Xcore you have put so much time into trying to help Bioware on

the #1 part of this fail game, however bud I think your correct in stating,

"what is the point". This is just a fail game with horrid customer service.

However I believe this thread has been seen by so many developers they

would be crazy to ever put out any crap like this in future games.

Good Job.:)

I hope to find alot of you in GW2 my character names always have Tinker

or Sugar in them. If you see me I will get my heal off on you!:p


I will definitely give GW2 a try, I have great faith in ArenaNet. Having said all that, I will finish and post my video on ability delay and then call it quits here... just don't see the point and I can't put the energy into it anymore. My only motivation was believing in SW:TOR and Bioware but that is gone.

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The more I think about it, coupled with lack of communication from Bioware, I feel rather exhausted about this issue. I mean, what is really the point? It's not like I'm getting paid to fight for this game's success or fixing...


Having played WoW a bit over the past days in order to record some footage for my video on this topic, I really don't know why I just don't go back to it and forget about this Warhammer 2...


I know how you feel. You did fight the good fight. I am starting to feel the same way even though I just posted a few (lol) times. You get the feeling of what is the use. I am not going to much participate in the forums any longer as well because most of the threads that I try to comment on are deleted before I can hit submit.


I don't think that I will go back to WOW. Although the combat is great, the game was terminally messed up in Cata and offers little enjoyment to me outside of killing mobs. Ironic that the game I do not like has great combat and the one that I do (will die) like I can't really enjoy because the combat is terrible.


I think that I will play for a few more months because I like the story aspect and the new game feel (never know what is around the corner) and then I am gone as well.


To you (and others who have left or will be leaving at the end of the 30 days) I bid adieu. You are a good man and tried your darndest.

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I know how you feel. You did fight the good fight. I am starting to feel the same way even though I just posted a few (lol) times. You get the feeling of what is the use. I am not going to much participate in the forums any longer as well because most of the threads that I try to comment on are deleted before I can hit submit.


I don't think that I will go back to WOW. Although the combat is great, the game was terminally messed up in Cata and offers little enjoyment to me outside of killing mobs. Ironic that the game I do not like has great combat and the one that I do (will die) like I can't really enjoy because the combat is terrible.


I think that I will play for a few more months because I like the story aspect and the new game feel (never know what is around the corner) and then I am gone as well.


To you (and others who have left or will be leaving at the end of the 30 days) I bid adieu. You are a good man and tried your darndest.


xcore is a crusader

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Your polishing the brass on the Titanic bro. Good effort but I don't think they are listening anymore. I dont know how they didnt notice or didnt care about such a huge issue, let alone still brush it off.


I would have been able to stomach most of the other bugs and missing features, if the foundation of the game was smooth and crisp.

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Haven't seen this delay issue yet on any of my toons. Neither has the wife. Seems fairly rare from what people are saying in game. Hope BW can fix the issues a few of you are having. The game is a blast and very responsive for most -- hopefully you will get to experience what we are all experiencing.


Heres to hope.

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I will definitely give GW2 a try, I have great faith in ArenaNet. Having said all that, I will finish and post my video on ability delay and then call it quits here... just don't see the point and I can't put the energy into it anymore. My only motivation was believing in SW:TOR and Bioware but that is gone.


I tried their pre alpha last year they a;ready made sure they didn't have ability delays, first thing I noticed after getting two skills, how fast I got to switch from a basic swing into a leap it was pretty much flawless, then found out they improved on it even more which is mind boggling.:D

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Also when using Force Stasis after its cast, bosses continue to attack, continue to fire, continue to engage in any other abilities, as if force stasis is not registering properly.




I thought it was just my laptop but even running on the lowest settings (which it should be more than capable of handling with ease) my interrupts are often useless. If an ability has a less than two second cast my interrupt will miss it. As a guardian this is really frustrating as without these interrupts I'm screwed when defensive abilities are on cool down.


I'm not the best player but I've got an extremely good Internet connection and my abilities all key bound so I'm not used to mistiming my attacks in games. As if it wasn't hard enough to play a tank in pvp already, this ability lag makes it impossible for me to be effective (well that and my lack of skill :p).


I love this game and really want to keep playing it but this is really beginning to frustrate me. I'm worried though that it might be a much deeper issue than people think. For me at least the load times are far longer than they should be, the game just doesn't run as smoothly as it should (again, even on the lowest settings possible, so it's not that my laptop is the problem). If its a problem with the way the game is designed its not like it'll be fixed within a month or two, and there's no way I'm sticking around for that long if this continues.

Edited by Tetengo
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Find myself returning to wow from time to time just to feel what smooth combat is like. I am going on level 40 now in SW:TOR, and I can tell you that if endgame is anything like some of the harder quests while leveling, then this ability delay problem will break it for me. I think more than anything else, the clunky combat of this game has only made wow seem superior in that regard. In many aspects, this game has wow beat, but this problem spoils the bunch. Frustrating isn't even the word...
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I unsubed like 2 weeks ago.:(

I am with you .... I can't understand how any competitive gamer/developer

would have allowed this crap of combat. Just blows my mind.

Bioware is failing miserably with the #1 part of any mmo game, combat.

#2 community, after many requests for server forums its's a NO.







Not to argue with you at all but this kind of got me thinking, whats even the point of server forums where community is concerned with the sharding?


The game just has people smashed into too many different wormholes to allow for a community.


Unless they undo the sharding system there will never be enough continuity to foster the groundwork or even the makings of one if everywhere I am ingame I get sharded with 100 different random Joe's. This makes it almost counter intuitive for the "community" to ever evolve beyond anything other then "single serving friend" status.

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Haven't seen this delay issue yet on any of my toons. Neither has the wife. Seems fairly rare from what people are saying in game. Hope BW can fix the issues a few of you are having. The game is a blast and very responsive for most -- hopefully you will get to experience what we are all experiencing.


Heres to hope.


its not rare. its been acknowledged by the lead combat developer and technical design director.


you are an outlier. or outright lying.

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Find myself returning to wow from time to time just to feel what smooth combat is like. I am going on level 40 now in SW:TOR, and I can tell you that if endgame is anything like some of the harder quests while leveling, then this ability delay problem will break it for me. I think more than anything else, the clunky combat of this game has only made wow seem superior in that regard. In many aspects, this game has wow beat, but this problem spoils the bunch. Frustrating isn't even the word...


I can agree with this.


Also, no sign of ability delay fix in the 1.1 patch notes.

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its not rare. its been acknowledged by the lead combat developer and technical design director.


you are an outlier. or outright lying.


2 Million Copies sold. Relatively speaking only a handful of people are experiencing the dalay. Again, there are people experiencing video, sound, and loading issues, but it doesn't mean everyone is experiencing them. The team acknowdged an issue with some players, just like they have acknowledged other issues.


Quit trying to make it sound like everyone is having a delay issue. They are not.

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2 Million Copies sold. Relatively speaking only a handful of people are experiencing the dalay. Again, there are people experiencing video, sound, and loading issues, but it doesn't mean everyone is experiencing them. The team acknowdged an issue with some players, just like they have acknowledged other issues.


Quit trying to make it sound like everyone is having a delay issue. They are not.

Until I see an official announcement from Bioware... the game has sold "over a million."




The ability delay is gamebreaking. Unacceptable for a 2011 AAA title with 6 years of fully funded development.


Go play the game if its so good. Forums are for complainers and the %0.01'ers.

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2 Million Copies sold. Relatively speaking only a handful of people are experiencing the dalay. Again, there are people experiencing video, sound, and loading issues, but it doesn't mean everyone is experiencing them. The team acknowdged an issue with some players, just like they have acknowledged other issues.


Quit trying to make it sound like everyone is having a delay issue. They are not.


Everyone is having the isse, some just don't notice because they have a different threshold for the games responses. Yes, if you can tolerate it, you might not notice it at all, and you won't have to say it's an issue.


Nevertheless, It's the way the game itself moves through the lines of code under the hood that's problematic. These are not driver or hardware related bugs. It's bugs in the actual feature code base. It effects us all.

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2 Million Copies sold. Relatively speaking only a handful of people are experiencing the dalay. Again, there are people experiencing video, sound, and loading issues, but it doesn't mean everyone is experiencing them. The team acknowdged an issue with some players, just like they have acknowledged other issues.


Quit trying to make it sound like everyone is having a delay issue. They are not.


What does "2 million copies sold" have to do with anything? People have to buy the game before they can report on the ability delay...

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Have you looked at the HeroEngine website? Apparently this is a known issue due to the way the engine was built, and right on the front page they link to an interview where they told Bioware not to use this engine because of delay issues and Bioware told them not to worry about it.


They can't fix this without rewriting the entire game. What a complete and utter fail.

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Everyone is having the isse, some just don't notice because they have a different threshold for the games responses. Yes, if you can tolerate it, you might not notice it at all, and you won't have to say it's an issue.


Nevertheless, It's the way the game itself moves through the lines of code under the hood that's problematic. These are not driver or hardware related bugs. It's bugs in the actual feature code base. It effects us all.


I have searched for the delay on my toons. I have followed explicit directions from this very post to try and duplicate the delay -- I don't delay...at all! Not even a little. I know you want to believe it is some inherent design flaw. It's not. If it was, the rest of us would notice it as well. We don't.


There is no reason for me to say otherwise. Trust me, If I delayed like you guys say, then I would be right here with you. I would join the .01%. However, for me there is no delay.

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I have searched for the delay on my toons. I have followed explicit directions from this very post to try and duplicate the delay -- I don't delay...at all! Not even a little. I know you want to believe it is some inherent design flaw. It's not. If it was, the rest of us would notice it as well. We don't.


There is no reason for me to say otherwise. Trust me, If I delayed like you guys say, then I would be right here with you. I would join the .01%. However, for me there is no delay.


Post a video then :D


Oh and keep on claiming it's .01% karma will bite you in the *** soon enough.

Edited by Ryzerion
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Dude roll a IA or Smuggler and double click on a major skill. Doesn't exist? The IA is a better example you can see it at level 1. Hell Aim shot doesn't even fire sometimes because the delay is SO MASSIVE the next shot just over writes it. Bioware knows it broken why you need to say it doesn't exist is mind numbing.


Some of this fanboy stuff is scary.

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2 Million Copies sold. Relatively speaking only a handful of people are experiencing the dalay. Again, there are people experiencing video, sound, and loading issues, but it doesn't mean everyone is experiencing them. The team acknowdged an issue with some players, just like they have acknowledged other issues.


Quit trying to make it sound like everyone is having a delay issue. They are not.


You aren't understanding the issue.


Everyone is having it, but it affects certain classes much more than others because of the nature of the problem. Are you playing a Jedi Knight or a Sith Warrior? It's absolutely impossible to miss the problem when playing one of these classes, but it's almost never an issue on my gunslinger or my sage. This isn't the sort of issue where it's just going to be one person with a certain configuration that's affected.


If you play a Jedi Knight, you WILL see this. It is not possible to miss it unless you completely neglect to use certain abilities. Riposte and Overhead Slash are two abilities that you can easily reproduce the problem with just by utilizing them prior to the GCD and animation from the previous ability completing; the ability will fire the animation, sometimes partially, and nothing will actually happen (usually despite triggering the GCD again). It happens in some cases with Master Strike as well if you don't wait for the GCD from the previous ability to completely fire.


If you're a Jedi Guardian it can sometimes be additionally problematic as parries tend to cause interruption of your abilities as well, something that's not terribly helpful should you be tanking.


This is not the same as system slowdown issues or video or sound issues where PC components or drivers can be part of the problem. This is something that needs to be fixed in the game, and isn't the sort of thing you can dismiss as being a problem only some people are having. It's not, which is why Bioware has already acknowledged it and is working on fixing it.

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Dude roll a IA or Smuggler and double click on a major skill. Doesn't exist? The IA is a better example you can see it at level 1. Hell Aim shot doesn't even fire sometimes because the delay is SO MASSIVE the next shot just over writes it. Bioware knows it broken why you need to say it doesn't exist is mind numbing.


Some of this fanboy stuff is scary.


Better yet let him role a jedi kight apparent from the very start.

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You aren't understanding the issue.


Everyone is having it, but it affects certain classes much more than others because of the nature of the problem. Are you playing a Jedi Knight or a Sith Warrior? It's absolutely impossible to miss the problem when playing one of these classes, but it's almost never an issue on my gunslinger or my sage. This isn't the sort of issue where it's just going to be one person with a certain configuration that's affected.


If you play a Jedi Knight, you WILL see this. It is not possible to miss it unless you completely neglect to use certain abilities. Riposte and Overhead Slash are two abilities that you can easily reproduce the problem with just by utilizing them prior to the GCD and animation from the previous ability completing; the ability will fire the animation, sometimes partially, and nothing will actually happen (usually despite triggering the GCD again). It happens in some cases with Master Strike as well if you don't wait for the GCD from the previous ability to completely fire.


If you're a Jedi Guardian it can sometimes be additionally problematic as parries tend to cause interruption of your abilities as well, something that's not terribly helpful should you be tanking.


This is not the same as system slowdown issues or video or sound issues where PC components or drivers can be part of the problem. This is something that needs to be fixed in the game, and isn't the sort of thing you can dismiss as being a problem only some people are having. It's not, which is why Bioware has already acknowledged it and is working on fixing it.


My Main is a Level 44 Marauder. I see no delay.

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