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Why oh why can I hurt other players if I am not PvP flagged?


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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


World of Warcraft..


You used to have this happen but they disabled AOE attacks from grabbing a flagged player and flagging you...at least on PVE realms.


Rift...set a simple option and your AOE's will never flag you if an enemy player is flagged and nearby.

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So a new day for me and I see that nothing has come from this thread apart from a lot of people agreeing that this issue needs to be dealt with quickly. Yet we still do not have any response from anyone at Bioware about what they intend to do.


Your own support section text says this should not happen and apparently your own CS team say this should not happen YET it is clearly happening on your PVE/RP servers. Bioware this needs dealing with quickly before it becomes even more of an issue than it currently is.


Please at least acknowledge that you are aware of the problem and are working towards a resolution even if you are unable to confirm any details at this stage. Something as simple as "we are aware of this issue and will work towards a solution to prevent is occurring in the future" would give you a massive and positive boost to what is quickly becoming a somewhat tarnished image as far as customer relations go. :(

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It worries me quite a lot, actually. I was really happy seeing both PVP and PVE servers as it gives people a choice but now I am not so sure it does...


I don't really understand how someone could mention Aion in the whole (AOE doesn't flag) discussion - sorry but Aion has no flags whatsoever! There is no choice offered to players there, no separate servers for PVP and PVE. You don't have any option to stay away from PVP unless you stay in the city or in one of the two starter areas. Everywhere else you can and will get ganked, repeatedly, and there is no way you can stop it. Gankers, exploiters, and griefers' paradise... So let's forget Aion - definitely not a good example here...


Anyway, there are some players who don't like PVP and have every right not to. It is for them that PVE servers are created. And if I have to be cautious because many things I do may flag me for PVP that I don't want or expect, it will be game-breaking for me. I can live with bugs and many things the game lacks - I have fun after all. But I will not agree to be tricked into a PVP situation on a PVE server.

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Flagging was always a stupid mechanic. If you want proper open-world PvP, go on a PvP server*. End of story. Anything else, you're just making excuses for how you can't actually cut it in a real PvP environment. It's not like there aren't plenty of safe zones.


Flagging on a PvE server really has no place in a modern game that has actual PvP servers. It was invented for games that didn't. Aggro in high-sec EVE for example.


Lots of different people play games for different reasons and if I see someone on a PvE server flagged making sure they go stand in AoE, so they can gank a player who is just trying to get on with their game and have a fun PvE time, you can be sure I'll be reporting them. The rulesets were created for this very reason; so that players do not have the ability to detrimentally affect another's gameplay. Maybe if enough do this, Bioware will figure out what a silly design this is.


* I am ignoring the debate as to whether TOR's open world PvP is any good as that is a different discussion.

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Wow, I swore I'd never be "one of those guys" but, carebear more please? Come on. Just be more careful and don't ask for devs to waste time on this because you cant be bothered to pay attention to what you are doing.


only carebears are the people who flag for pvp on a PVE server. you want to pvp grow a set and roll pvp server.

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I team up with my friends on Nar Shadda to go do a heroic.



A single level 50 comes zipping in front of the tanks grenade. We wipe in about 12 seconds (3 level 20's and a companion vs a level 50 merc)


I'm glad we had so much fun that day. :mad:



What an moronic game design. On a PVP server, hey, more power to ya. But this is a PVE server.

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I team up with my friends on Nar Shadda to go do a heroic.



A single level 50 comes zipping in front of the tanks grenade. We wipe in about 12 seconds (3 level 20's and a companion vs a level 50 merc)


I'm glad we had so much fun that day. :mad:



What an moronic game design. On a PVP server, hey, more power to ya. But this is a PVE server.


Hope you filed a ticket.

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you rolled on a pve server so you can strike up a conversation with the other side out in the the field? lame.


We rolled on a pve server for the pve. If we want pvp we want it to be consensual, not forced as it currently is. Keep that crap for the pvp servers.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.




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LOL indeed, we're still here optimistically requesting this mechanic to be fixed.


Well Bioware has acknowledged a lot of "hot" issues so far, so I have hope.


However, since there is a way around it (never AoE - yeah it sucks but it's there) and there are more pressing issues to fix, I doubt it will be fixed any time soon :( We should still keep this on page 1 though as it is a potential game-breaker for many people.

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There is a quest on Nar Shadda that requires you to go through a PvP zone.


And giving ppl who want to PvP - on a PvE server - the power to force other players into PvP - ON A PVE SERVER - is pure ********.

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However, since there is a way around it...never AoE.


I think this would be unacceptable.


If this issue isn't fixed within the next patch or so I suggest everyone exploit this mechanic as much as possible (grief the low levels by stealthing and hiding in their mob patches) until the outcry in the forums and tickets received is so huge they can't possibly ignore it.

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I think this would be unacceptable.


If this issue isn't fixed within the next patch or so I suggest everyone exploit this mechanic as much as possible (grief the low levels by stealthing and hiding in their mob patches) until the outcry in the forums and tickets received is so huge they can't possibly ignore it.


Since it appears to BE an exploit, I wouldn't go that far. People get banned for that kind of thing.


Reporting the griefers who do it, on the other hand...


BW really needs to address this quickly.

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I think this would be unacceptable.


If this issue isn't fixed within the next patch or so I suggest everyone exploit this mechanic as much as possible (grief the low levels by stealthing and hiding in their mob patches) until the outcry in the forums and tickets received is so huge they can't possibly ignore it.


I agree it's unacceptable as it really detracts from the fun factor of the game for people who don't enjoy PvP (and rolled on PvE servers for that very reason). I don't know though how swiftly Bioware will go about fixing it though... We'll see.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


WoW, Star wars galaxies, DCUO, Warhammer Online, Rift, AOC, et cetera.


I swear, people on these forums are silly. If uninstalling TOR wiped your harddrive, charged a year's worth of subscription to your bank account, and dispatched a EA representative to personally have his way with your mother, there would be people on these forums vehemently defending it.

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Are you a PVP fan on a PVE server that is bored? can't find the noobs to gank that your ego requires?



Well head on down to your local noob hunting area on a speeder, and just zoom around their AOE until the noobs get flagged.


The noobs will die, your ego will be inflated AND you stayed within the game rules! It's like a triple WIN!

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you rolled on a pve server so you can strike up a conversation with the other side out in the the field? lame.


and as a PvPer you popped in to a PvE centic discussion to babble your nonsense? lame


Or are you here to give us a "Snap-On" demonstration? So are you a wrench or a screwdriver? Run along back to a PvP server.

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Are you a PVP fan on a PVE server that is bored? can't find the noobs to gank that your ego requires?



Well head on down to your local noob hunting area on a speeder, and just zoom around their AOE until the noobs get flagged.


The noobs will die, your ego will be inflated AND you stayed within the game rules! It's like a triple WIN!


hmm need one of those "not sure if you are being serious" pics :confused:


But for the sake of argument I will answer it seriously with a simple no its not within the game rules or at least as shown on Bioware's own support section about server types. (I have posted the link several times so feel free to look it up.) Just because it is possible to do it in game does not make it valid, as the people who exploited Illium found out.


Bioware you need to address this issue as people are confused, official support pages say one thing while actual game experience shows something completely different. Exploit or not? Fix coming or not? Silence is not an acceptable answer :mad:

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