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Best West Coast US PvP Server: Swiftsure


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over 1800 players, 2 hours wait.


been playing this morning, then my comp decided to freeze after 5 hours.


logged back on immediately and was thrown at the back of the waiting line.


is it worth this wait ? hell yeah since me friends are there ! :)

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Miyuki have you talked to any Ahazi imp guilds to see if any of them planned on leaving?


nope. besides, even if some of us move - the server we move to will be exactly the same :p


as I said before, give it a few months to settle down. doing anything so drastic as moving servers would be foolish IMO.

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aussies need to learn not to try and cram on one server. It was the dumbest thing you could ever do. Its what has created these crazy and retarded ques. Aussies wonder why theres so much hate towards them...


Next time, choose more than 1 server for PvP to cram on, just imagine if you picked 5 servers total with 200 people each on each server, thats 1000 aussies playing together but with no que times or low que times, 100 aussies per guild so 2 guilds on each server creating balance and stability. Yet youd rather cram 1000 of you on one server along with an already heavy pop server due to many large and popular guilds already on that server.


And no aussies have not claimed SS as their own. Bioware/EA have claimed it for us US players due to assigning us there. Before you guys decided your idiotic plan, SS was the most balanced PvP server with the healthiest community. Then come in aussies and thats all gone to hell in a handbasket.

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Originally Posted by lagwagon_

Please don't listen to any whiners about this, this would have to be the greatest thing ever for any MMO player if we get actual Australian servers. People who whine can stay put with their 200ms+ pings.. sub 50ms pings would be just amazing.


We are planning on actual servers located in the area. The final location is being locked down, but when we say 'local' we don't mean 'in the US but with a label'.


We can confirm that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be launching in Australia and New Zealand in the spring of 2012.


Right now we are targeting March 1st, but that could change as our number one priority is making sure that customers have a great service to play on.


For those of you who may have already imported the game, we will be investigating solutions to allow you to continue to play on a local server once they come online in March.


Oceanic community will be moving again in a couple of months...yeeha for 50 ping :)

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  • 2 months later...
Is the server population of the two factions somewhat equal, and is it hard to go 1v1 open world pvp without someone else joining in? (I noticed the server is near full)


Launch was 1.8 sith to 1 republic. I feel that these numbers are slightly more balanced lately due to Swiftsure Q times (before they alloted more resources to our server specifically). Now it feels like 1.5 to 1 or so. Imbalanced, but reasonable. The only situation where numbers matter at all is on Ilum, and since they've introduced smaller instance population caps the population disparity is moot. Everyone just piles into Ilum 1 or 2 usually.


If they introduce REAL OWPVP objectives however this may change. Think swg base defense/bust ops, or daoc castle raids for global bonuses. In this case, numbers would be king and the republic would get owned.

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