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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Redundancy in Travel


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There has to be something they can do to remove the loading of going into the ship, and loading of coming out. I like the universal hangar zone idea. Make the hangar as part of outer space.


The biggest problem for me is that the ship is so small, the fact that you have to load so quickly before and after (within 10 seconds) of using the hyperdrive feature is super annoying.


There's got to be a load screen somewhere. It's either boarding or leaving your ship or entering or leaving the hangar. Changing it from one to the other would not really save any time at all and would take away the dynamic or differing hangars on every planet or take developing time to recreate the entire ship interior in every hangar on every planet.


Really, there is only one load screen in the entire process. The rest are pretty much instant moving from one instance to another. People complaining about going through green doors and clicking on elevators are really exaggerating the time it takes to do these things.


I'd rather it be left as it is than changed to save all of a split second of time, and in the process losing the dynamics of hangars. There are a lot of other things the devs could spend their developing time on rather than redoing something like this that works fine just as it is.



Edited by Blackavaar
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There's got to be a load screen somewhere. It's either boarding or leaving your ship or entering or leaving the hangar. Changing it from one to the other would not really save any time at all and would take away the dynamic or differing hangars on every planet or taking developing time to recreate the entire ship interior in every hangar on every planet.


Really, there is only one load screen in the entire process. The rest are pretty much instant moving from one instance to another. People complaining about going through green doors and clicking on elevators are really exaggerating the time it takes to do these things.


I'd rather it be left as it is than changed to save all of a split second of time, and in the process losing the dynamics of hangars. There are a lot of other things the devs could spend their developing time on rather than redoing something like this that works fine just as it is.




But like I said, I think the most irritating point to people is that they don't spend much time in their spaceship, and having to load so long for a 10 second usage is irritating, then loading immediately afterwards. I think my post at the bottom of the last page explains it much better.

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But like I said, I think the most irritating point to people is that they don't spend much time in their spaceship, and having to load so long for a 10 second usage is irritating, then loading immediately afterwards. I think my post at the bottom of the last page explains it much better.


Okay, I read that, but again like I said, that would either necessitate building the entire ship interior in every hangar on every world, or losing the dynamic of having differing hangars on every world. And in the end it still doesn't save any time at all, it just moves the load to a different step in the process, and that would take development time that could be better put to use in other areas of the game.



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Okay, I read that, but again like I said, that would either necessitate building the entire ship interior in every hangar on every world, or losing the dynamic of having differing hangars on every world. And in the end it still doesn't save any time at all, it just moves the load to a different step in the process, and that would take development time that could be better put to use in other areas of the game.




I don't think it would matter. The thing that is bothering people in all these posts are the multiple loading screens.


I'd wager the feeling is just exacerbated because they are so close together, and LONG. People just don't like their spaceships, because they associate them with long load times for little-to-no reward, i.e. 15 seconds of steering time.



I am a database architect by trade, and I know your argument about rebuilding zones is not true. You can just copy and paste a lot of code from one zone into another, to make a hangar-space-spaceship zone, using something not dissimilar to sprites. One zone, with ten/fifteen/thirty unconnected and/or instanced hangars, four unconnected and/or instanced spaceships. They don't even have to interact with each other.

Edited by ryanvward
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I don't think it would matter. The thing that is bothering people in all these posts are the multiple loading screens.


I'd wager the feeling is just exacerbated because they are so close together, and LONG. People just don't like their spaceships, because they associate them with long load times for little-to-no reward, i.e. 15 seconds of steering time.


But the proposals here do not remove either of those load screens. They just move them to a different point in the process. That's not saving time and will not make anything better at all.


Really, what they should do to combat this is add an Interstellar Shuttle to each spacedock that people could use instead of their ship should they so desire. The Interstellar Shuttle could simply take you to the Galaxy Map and let you choose your location and you're off. One load screen, no ship interior, no second load screen.


This would also take a lot less development time than redoing the entire process of going to Player Ships.



Edited by Blackavaar
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But the proposals here do not remove either of those load screens. They just move them to a different point in the process. That's not saving time and will not make anything better at all.


Really, what they should do to combat this is add an Interstellar Shuttle to each spacedock that people could use instead of their ship should they so desire. The Interstellar Shuttle could simply take you to the Galaxy Map and let you choose your location and you're off. One load screen, no ship interior, no second load screen.


This would also take a lot less development time than redoing the entire process of going to Player Ships.




You don't seem to understand. The thing that is unique and annoying about this game's travel is this.


It takes longer to load your ship than the amount of time you spend in it.

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They could make it optional.


Frankly i enjoy the journey. Its fun.


They can add a tab to cut the instance (except for quests) so you go in and auto appear in ship.


The ship instance has ALL the planets in the game in it though, you have to remember that.


That said i only ever see loading screens at my ship.

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I am a database architect by trade, and I know your argument about rebuilding zones is not true. You can just copy and paste a lot of code from one zone into another, to make a hangar-space-spaceship zone, using something not dissimilar to sprites. One zone, with ten/fifteen/thirty unconnected and/or instanced hangars, four unconnected and/or instanced spaceships. They don't even have to interact with each other.


Not when the ship interior is an entirely separate instance. The instance would need to be recreated and combined with the hangar instance for every world, and still this would save no time at all when the load screens are simply moved to different step in the process.

Edited by Blackavaar
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You don't seem to understand. The thing that is unique and annoying about this game's travel is this.


It takes longer to load your ship than the amount of time you spend in it.


So what? Your proposal still doesn't save any time at all which is the main argument of this thread, Travel Takes Too Long.


At least my proposal removes one of the load screens, which would shorten the time it takes to get from place to place.


This would be the Interstellar Shuttle process.


Go to shuttle bay (already available on all planets and non instanced).

Enter the coordinates you would like to travel to (Galaxy Map).

Cut scene to shuttle light speed animation.

Load screen to your chosen location.


Voila! Problem solved.

Edited by Blackavaar
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You know it's sort of funny how Skyrim...


Ahh never mind that.


Wait it's SWTOR not Skyrim...duhhh


I should know better, because even though that system destroys that issue with timesinks you get people who will argue it breaks immersion, though it's more convient IMO having that as an option.

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for the people suggesting that less loading screens would make it better let me put it this way (this is not meant to apply to everyone just quite a large portion)



1. I and many others don't mind the stretch (You usually only have to do it 2 or 3 times per planet depending on how much other stuff your doing)


2. Me and a lot of other people on the forum have very long load times (ranging from 30 secs to a staggering 5 mins each)


3. If they put just one big loading screen to get you to your ship the load time would be herendous. Because it would have to unload the entire area not just the hangar, it would have to load your entire ship, and it would have to deal with everyone else loading from the same areas. (Puts a lot of strain on your system and on the servers.)


4. Is it really that big of an inconvenience. Like if your gonna be questing or raiding or whatever for an hour or more, a five min break is not a bad idea.

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for the people suggesting that less loading screens would make it better let me put it this way (this is not meant to apply to everyone just quite a large portion)



1. I and many others don't mind the stretch (You usually only have to do it 2 or 3 times per planet depending on how much other stuff your doing)


2. Me and a lot of other people on the forum have very long load times (ranging from 30 secs to a staggering 5 mins each)


3. If they put just one big loading screen to get you to your ship the load time would be herendous. Because it would have to unload the entire area not just the hangar, it would have to load your entire ship, and it would have to deal with everyone else loading from the same areas. (Puts a lot of strain on your system and on the servers.)


4. Is it really that big of an inconvenience. Like if your gonna be questing or raiding or whatever for an hour or more, a five min break is not a bad idea.


This reminds me, there are a number of players proposing that space travel be done more like EvE or STO, where space is a map all its own and it take a good long time just to get from system to system, never mind the loading times.


Really, what we have is very fast travel in comparison.



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My main point was that orbital stations are redundant and it would be just as feasible for your ship to land in the spaceport on each planet. No sense stopping in orbit when your ship is just as capable.


There are only two planets on each side, Republic and Imperial that have Orbital Stations. These are the starting worlds (Hutta, Koriban, Ord Mantel and Tython), which do not have full fledged Spaceports and which I'm sure the devs have some reason for not including them.



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There are only two planets on each side, Republic and Imperial that have Orbital Stations. These are the starting worlds (Hutta, Koriban, Ord Mantel and Tython), which do not have full fledged Spaceports and which I'm sure the devs have some reason for not including them.




This is incorrect. I know that Hoth requires you to load and land on an orbital station before you can load and gain access to the planet itself.


There are probably others. I'm not high-level yet.

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Wait until you get the class quest point where all you do is travel to random planet, run to a random corner of the map, get back on your ship--repeat somewhere else, then get back on your ship and go right back to the first place. 5 minutes of action and 40 minutes of load screens--running through a carbon copy space port...
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There are only two planets on each side, Republic and Imperial that have Orbital Stations. These are the starting worlds (Hutta, Koriban, Ord Mantel and Tython), which do not have full fledged Spaceports and which I'm sure the devs have some reason for not including them.

As was said, this is incorrect. I can check for certain later, but I believe Hoth, Belsavis, and Ilum all have the dedicated Orbital Stations. There may be others, as well.


Mind you, with each Orbital Station also comes an airlock, which is even MORE unnecessary.

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This reminds me, there are a number of players proposing that space travel be done more like EvE or STO, where space is a map all its own and it take a good long time just to get from system to system, never mind the loading times.


Really, what we have is very fast travel in comparison.




good point

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