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Redundancy in Travel


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Just like to point out that for most planets you don't have to land at an orbital station. Those are special cases. So, in reality two of your steps aren't really there a majority of the time.


And I like ship hangars personally. It gives me a chance to see my ship in more detail, rather than just in cut scenes and space combat.



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I've heard this a bunch of times and it doesn't really bother me, but I understand it.


Your ship is like your house. Every time you go in your house, it would have to load.

Every time you leave your house, it would have to load. Fine. One caveat is in TOR your house moves.


Here's how I think it should be.


1. The ship and hanger should be COMBINED into 1 instance. Having a separate instance for the hanger AND the ship is silly. When you enter the ship, it doesn't = take off. You enter the open door and that's it. (loading screen 1)


2. If you want to take off, you go to the helm, select the map, and pick where to go. Then a cut scene plays WHILE the new zone loads. (loading screen 2 but kinda hidden under the animation)


3. You appear in the hanger of your destination and leave through the open door into the hanger and exit to the main area of your destination. (loading screen 3)


One problem with that, if the hangar and the ship were the same instance the hangar would have to look exactly the same on every planet, space station, etc. you go to. I would prefer it be left as it is.



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One problem with that, if the hangar and the ship were the same instance the hangar would have to look exactly the same on every planet, space station, etc. you go to. I would prefer it be left as it is.




How so? The hanger is already an instance that is different for every location. I don't think I understand what you're saying.


The thing I notice is, you load into the hanger but then you load to go on board the ship. Why? Because the game assumes that "going on board" = "taking off into orbit". The second load is to put you in orbit....to what? To hang around with a planet in your window? It's a load that is not needed.

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Because if it was real life that is the trip you would have to take?

Actually, if it was "real life" in trems of the Star Wars universe, I should be able to fly my ship right down to the surface of the planet. They have "spaceports" for a reason.


This "Ship --> Airlock --> Orbital Station --> Planet" flow is ridiculous. I seriously cannot imagine how the meeting in which this idea was confirmed went.


I mean, I can understand if there is a technical reason for it, but it seriously boggles the mind that this was the best alternative for whatever function they needed.


Heck, I'd rather you just made the loading screen twice as long. If there is a functionality to the time-waste, so be it, but why should I have to physically run my character through it. I'd rather just wait.


"We need characters to delay thirty seconds before the planet is fully loaded."

"Okay, just make them wait."

"No.... I've got it!!! Let's have them traverse a completely empty airlock first. And then a completely useless orbital station. Then they can get to the planet."

"Okay, what's in the airlock?"


"Alright what's in the Orbital Station?"


"Well, you have to give them something."

"Alright, throw a med vendor in the Orbital Station."


No offense, but the complete lack of foresight as to the annoyance something like this would cause is exactly why people are so negative towards BW right now. It's not that there are problems, it's that we don't have the confidence in them to fix things.


There is no way that any developer with even an iota of common sense and practicality could have signed off on such a thing. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I feel a 30-second loading screen would be better than the inanity of the current setup.


TL;DR There's a difference between time-sinks and time-wastes. The current setup is a time-waste. In other words, the time spent doesn't further my character in any way, so why make me participate in it? Just make it a loading screen, and let us wait through it.

Edited by Kasperion
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in a world where people want ultra realistic gameplay and graphics you have to accept that there will be ultra realistic ways you have to travel. namely the steps you posted. If we all stood about waiting to be ported to wherever we needed to be that would soon get tired aswell.


If that is the case why do we have to land on a space station and take a public shuttle down to the planet like a common pauper?


If I have my own ship I ought to be able to use it to land anywhere on the planet I want whenever I want.

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How so? The hanger is already an instance that is different for every location. I don't think I understand what you're saying.


The thing I notice is, you load into the hanger but then you load to go on board the ship. Why? Because the game assumes that "going on board" = "taking off into orbit". The second load is to put you in orbit....to what? To hang around with a planet in your window? It's a load that is not needed.


Because if the ship and the hangar were the same instance with an open door then the hangar would have to be part of your ship and could not be dynamic as it is now. Don't you see? If it is the same instance it can't change because it is now part of you ship. The only other way to do it would be to duplicate your ship in its entirety (not just the exterior) in every hangar on every planet and that would be a whole lot of work for very little gain.


Really the load from the spaceport to the hangar is not really a load. It's near instant. It's only when you actually go to your ship that you get a load screen. What you propose would just move that load screen to the hangar load in instead of the ship load in. It wouldn't really save much time if any at all.



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Its all because of half-assery. Nuff said. I don't think the developers have actually played MMO's before.


No, i'm sure it has more to do with how things sometimes work better on paper then in practice. The system isn't broken, just inefficient. We're asking for a streamline, not a new thing.

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I thought about this too and in the movies the characters always travel directly to the planet, land on it, and exit ship. By-passing any space station. So we should get the option after traveling to a planet to land directly on it or dock to space station. ;)


Space station itself is typically a hub for items and mail as well as some quests NPCs. But all of which are on the planet itself. :eek:

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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If that is the case why do we have to land on a space station and take a public shuttle down to the planet like a common pauper?


If I have my own ship I ought to be able to use it to land anywhere on the planet I want whenever I want.


You have to do that on what, four planets? And that's only if you play both factions. Get over it for cripes sake.


I'm sure there is a reason the low level planets don't have access to full fledged space ports. Perhaps to keep lower level players from having access to things they should not, preventing some possible exploit the devs foresaw that you cannot?



Edited by Blackavaar
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I've heard this a bunch of times and it doesn't really bother me, but I understand it.


Your ship is like your house. Every time you go in your house, it would have to load.

Every time you leave your house, it would have to load. Fine. One caveat is in TOR your house moves.


Here's how I think it should be.


1. The ship and hanger should be COMBINED into 1 instance. Having a separate instance for the hanger AND the ship is silly. When you enter the ship, it doesn't = take off. You enter the open door and that's it. (loading screen 1)


2. If you want to take off, you go to the helm, select the map, and pick where to go. Then a cut scene plays WHILE the new zone loads. (loading screen 2 but kinda hidden under the animation)


3. You appear in the hanger of your destination and leave through the open door into the hanger and exit to the main area of your destination. (loading screen 3)


This is the only sensible solution I have read about this issue.



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This is the only sensible solution I have read about this issue.


As I stated above that solution would be a whole lot of work and would really do nothing but move the load screen from ship entry to hangar entry, which would not save any time at all.


Also, the ship would either need to be recreated in its entirety (not just the exterior) in every single hangar on every single planet or space station or the hangars would all have to be exactly the same on every world in order for this to work as a single instance.



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I am with Kasperion on this. The way they have set up the ships is wrong.

When you enter your hanger it is phased to you. So if all you need to do on your ship is access your cargo hold or use your holoterminal for quests purposes or even just explore your ship then you should be able to do this without a load screen. The only time the ship should take off is when you select to goto another planet or station through the Galactic map.

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How so? The hanger is already an instance that is different for every location. I don't think I understand what you're saying.


The thing I notice is, you load into the hanger but then you load to go on board the ship. Why? Because the game assumes that "going on board" = "taking off into orbit".

No, you load then because the textures required for the inside of your ship are different than the ones required for the space port.



The second load is to put you in orbit....to what? To hang around with a planet in your window? It's a load that is not needed.


You load to go into the hanger because it is class/character specific.



There are three options here in how it could have been done. (#1 is what they went with)


1. have the ship and hanger be separate zones - so you load once when boarding and again when leaving


2. have the ship and hanger be the same zone. This way, you don't zone again when boarding the ship. The downside of this is that you do need to zone when you fly from one planet to another. It has to dump the hanger/tatooine textures and load the hanger/alderaan textures. Then you would be able to leave the ship without loading.


3. have ship and all hangers be same zone. This way you have to have all hangers use the same textures, since you need ship + all hangers be in a single set of textures. This means you don't need to zone when going from hanger to ship or when traveling or when going from ship to hanger, but it also means that nothing can be special about any of the hanger zones.

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Don't you see? If it is the same instance it can't change because it is now part of you ship. The only other way to do it would be to duplicate your ship in its entirety (not just the exterior) in every hangar on every planet and that would be a whole lot of work for very little gain.


Yes, I understand what you mean now, thx. I don't know exactly how different each hanger is from planet to planet, but as a stream lining issue, it would make more sense to have all hangers look the same, or at least a handful of different ones. I agree that multiple hangers would then become more impractical...not unfeasible, though.


Really the load from the spaceport to the hangar is not really a load. It's near instant. It's only when you actually go to your ship that you get a load screen. What you propose would just move that load screen to the hangar load in instead of the ship load in. It wouldn't really save much time if any at all.


I think it's the handful of "near instant" loads (which are still loads) are what is bugging people because they are so close to each other. Despite the immersion factor hangers may (or may not) give, at the moment, they are somewhat pointless. So, if you like the huge, giant areas of space hangers are right now, that's cool, but they are a bit wasteful. As i've said, i'm not that bothered by it myself, but I do see how some people wan't the process more seamless and invisible.

Edited by Vitellius
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As I stated above that solution would be a whole lot of work and would really do nothing but move the load screen from ship entry to hangar entry, which would not save any time at all.


Also, the ship would either need to be recreated in its entirety (not just the exterior) in every single hangar on every single planet or space station or the hangars would all have to be exactly the same on every world in order for this to work as a single instance.




There has to be something they can do to remove the loading of going into the ship, and loading of coming out. I like the universal hangar zone idea. Make the hangar as part of outer space.


The biggest problem for me is that the ship is so small, the fact that you have to load so quickly before and after (within 10 seconds) of using the hyperdrive feature is super annoying.

Edited by ryanvward
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3. have ship and all hangers be same zone. This way you have to have all hangers use the same textures, since you need ship + all hangers be in a single set of textures. This means you don't need to zone when going from hanger to ship or when traveling or when going from ship to hanger, but it also means that nothing can be special about any of the hanger zones.


Thanks much for the clarification on what Blackavaar was saying. It occurs to me that Bioware might have put a little too much work in making fancy hangers. Not that I don't appreciate it, because I do. As I said before, they are somewhat large areas of eye candy. I wouldn't mind if hangers looked the same, but we got what we got so I suppose there's no sense in picking on it too much. There is probably little chance that it will change the way it works right now anyway. Still, exploring the possibility of some interesting changes is always great fun. :D

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I've seen people posting about this for a while and decided to see how long it took me to get onto Balmorra from the middle of nowhere on Hoth. My friend needed help with a heroic.


Took me about 3, maybe 4 minutes, which is how long it could take to wait for a Zep/Fly to where I needed to go in WoW. Actually a lot less if I was trying to get somewhere like Dalaran.


At least you can go get a soda, let the dog out, etc while you are flying. I find the trips through the stations and all the associated loading screens very tedious. Lots of clicking, running and waiting, clicking running and waiting.

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Because if it was real life that is the trip you would have to take?


Bioware has went out of their way to make this game annoying as hell when it comes to travel. The main reason is that the game is built on a very weak engine and cant be stressed at all. I would much rather use a shuttle system to travel instead of continually having to go through 20 doors to do something so simple.

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My biggest complaint is of the underlined area below. Loading for 30 seconds to just run back after 15 seconds for another longer load is annoying.


Enter main lobby of spaceport,

Enter elevator,

Enter hangar,

Approach ship,

Enter ship,


LOAD for 30 seconds,

Enter control room, (5 sec)

Steer, (5 sec)

Run to door, (5 sec)

Exit ship,

LOAD for 2-5 minutes,


Exit hangar,

Enter elevator,

Enter main lobby of spaceport,

Exit spaceport


If we could somehow move the loads to the extreme ends of the process to something like the following, I would be much happier.


LOAD for 30 seconds,


Enter main lobby of spaceport,

Enter elevator,

Enter hangar,

Approach ship,

Enter ship,

Enter control room,


Run to door,

Exit ship,

Exit hangar,

Enter elevator,

Enter main lobby of spaceport,

Exit spaceport,


LOAD for 2-5 minutes

Edited by ryanvward
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