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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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because my graphics card isn't capable of rendering gthe shadows at max shadows.


also people with "high end" PC's are saying no matter what they do "its still bad fps"


my point.. see it.


How is that not a performance issue, though? I mean, shadows are pretty important to the look of the game, aren't they?

Edited by Vihazur
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Low end machines? Really? REALLY?

ROFL. When does GW2 get released again?


according to NCsoft and Areananet makers of.. a whole lotta nothing


"when its done"


you can join the unofficial GW2 forums someplace i'm sure all 200k of you have congregated somewhere as for the official forums Arenanet hasn't splurged for those yet.

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This might have some point. It would be nice if someone with dual cards and problems would be so nice and try to use only one.


It would be interesting to find out, sadly people are too quick throwing around it happens for everyone or if it's happening for you it must be your fault so nothing will likely happen.


but it has been interesting to see that everyone with something comparable to my comp that is having problems has been using a dual video card, Of least those that actually post there specs.


It wouldn't surprise me to see that dual video cards have optimization problems/bugs.

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I'm going to go back to wondering if there is a problem with dual video cards for the high end machine problems.


I have an i7,8GB of RAM and the game runs flawless. people with comparable comps that are having problems all seem to be running multiple video cards.


It does appear to be an emerging trend, at least with the people who have high end machines.


I bet if they turn off one of the cards, their problems clear up. Of course they will whine about it, but you really DO NOT NEED two cards to run an MMO.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Did you read the article, because I did and it says...


""However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas. And one of the most important things for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines.


"So we have a client team, a team of programmers, whose entire job is to optimise the code, find out where some of the issues are, and then fix that up.


"Most of the performance issues are localised though," he added. "They're things that we can track down. I would call them bugs."


So I don't think your assessment of the articlae is completely valid.

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They have all the numbers. They know what you're running the game like. So please just be quiet.


Even if the client is reporting back the average FPS, or even avg/min/max, they're only seeing the overall figures.


So yeah, their stats will tell them the game runs great on my machine most of the time I'm playing -- when I'm out running quests, travelling between areas, in an instance with a handful of other people and a small number of NPCs on screen, or sitting afk while I go take a leak and grab a drink. They'll see that it sits happily capped at 60fps on the highest graphics settings throughout all of that.



But it's hard for the overall stats to show them that as soon as you get more than a handful of people nearby, framerate plummets. It doesn't just drop a little, it drops like a rock.


The really concerning part? It's completely disproportionate to what's actually happening on-screen. It's as if the client has absolutely no concept of occlusion (which is very possible). The space station is a glaring example: you can sit in first-person view, staring at the wall and floor with exactly nothing dynamic being rendered, and you'll still find your client stuttering along at 20fps.


Yes, all MMOs suffer this to some degree because they're generally more CPU-intensive than single-player games, and they're generally poorly optimized for multi-core CPUs. But not to this extent. This reeks of a really poorly optimized client, period.


I'll eat my hat if only 5% of the playerbase suffer massive framerate slowdowns in the space station, even when staring at walls/floors. I suspect it's more like 95% -- because every single one of our guild has complained on voice about poor engine performance and godawful lag in the space station. And if that's the case, it bodes really badly for raids.




Edit to add: I do enjoy the game. I like playing, I intend to continue my sub, and the terrible engine doesn't affect my gameplay most of the time... so far. So I'm not just posting to mindlessly bash Bioware. But I am concerned that raiding -- let alone large-scale open-world PvP (haha, yerright, like that'll ever happen...) -- is going to be incredibly annoying, potentially even impossible for some guildies, if the engine issues aren't addressed.

Edited by overfloater
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Or maybe it's just true that it's a most people are't having SWTOR performance isues. I know I'm not.


Guess who are the only ones that have access to metrics to gauge how many people are having performance issues? I'll give you a hint: It's not you. It's Bioware.



Assuming that you = "most people" is ludicrous.


And why do you think that Bioware actually knows how many people are having issues? I know at least 4 people who suffer from the same crap, and they haven't voiced their problems either in game or on these forums. How would Bioware know that they do have problems?


It's the same with a lot of other players. They just don't need to tell people about it because of whatever reason. But that helps Bioware, because now they can simply act like there's no problem.

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How is that not a performance issue, though?


because at max resolution with shadows off i get consistent 60 fps. all details maxed except shadows.


according to your brethren even that seems to be a task for you're "high end" machines

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I think this game have a rather good performance for a modern decent looking MMO.

It's impossible to get Counter strike FPS for some very simple reasons in MMO's.


When you for example design a FPS game you can design every encounter to whatever texture budget or similiar and make sure you have decent performance thru the game. If a place is hoggin your computer they change some stuff, remove some enemies etc, to optimize the performance. But, in a MMO that's not as easy to control, people might gather in large clusters anywhere in the world and that will of course lower your performance.


Almost everyone wants to look unique in a MMO, more variants of stuff on your screen will slow things down, there is no patch that will fix this. Unless they decide to cut the amount of people who can be shown simultaniously to 5-10 people or reduce the amount of armor/weapons to a minimum.


And I have been looking at some tech threads and many who have problems seems to try to play on a laptop, that's just not good enough, my entire laptop use up less power than my graphics card alone on my stationary computer! There is just no way you can have top gaming performance on a laptop!

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because at max resolution with shadows off i get consistent 60 fps. all details maxed except shadows.


according to your brethren even that seems to be a task for you're "high end" machines


What is a you are high end machine?


Anyways, i'm running at full shadows and am not having a problem. Single Video Card, i7, 8gb of RAM.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


Yes, yes, the nerdrage is clear, now lets be serious and just say the man is right, you're in the minority.

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Even if the client is reporting back the average FPS, or even avg/min/max, they're only seeing the overall figures.


So yeah, their stats will tell them the game runs great on my machine most of the time I'm playing -- when I'm out running quests, travelling between areas, in an instance with a handful of other people and a small number of NPCs on screen, or sitting afk while I go take a leak and grab a drink. They'll see that it sits happily capped at 60fps on the highest graphics settings throughout all of that.



But it's hard for the overall stats to show them that as soon as you get more than a handful of people nearby, framerate plummets. It doesn't just drop a little, it drops like a rock.


The really concerning part? It's completely disproportionate to what's actually happening on-screen. It's as if the client has absolutely no concept of occlusion (which is very possible). The space station is a glaring example: you can sit in first-person view, staring at the wall and floor with exactly nothing dynamic being rendered, and you'll still find your client stuttering along at 20fps.


Yes, all MMOs suffer this to some degree because they're generally more CPU-intensive than single-player games, and they're generally poorly optimized for multi-core CPUs. But not to this extent. This reeks of a really poorly optimized client, period.


I'll eat my hat if only 5% of the playerbase suffer massive framerate slowdowns in the space station, even when staring at walls/floors. I suspect it's more like 95% -- because every single one of our guild has complained on voice about poor engine performance and godawful lag in the space station. And if that's the case, it bodes really badly for raids.


They didn't say only 5% experience that at the fleet. In fact, just the opposite, that it's a known localized performance issue. They know people are having issues on those areas. But other than that, everything runs relatively well.

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I'm getting well over that., i7 sandicore, 8bg of ram

Interesting that a number of people i've seen with comparable computers to mine with the one difference being dual video cards. Maybe there's an issue there?


SLI/Crossfire being a culprit wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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And why do you think that Bioware actually knows how many people are having issues? I know at least 4 people who suffer from the same crap, and they haven't voiced their problems either in game or on these forums. How would Bioware know that they do have problems?


It's the same with a lot of other players. They just don't need to tell people about it because of whatever reason. But that helps Bioware, because now they can simply act like there's no problem.


MMORPGs have profiling systems installed. They have more statistics about you, what you do and how the game runs on your computer, than your nation has on your revenue.


One thing is for sure though, whatever they have, it'll be a lot more than what a random goon on a forum has.

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What is a you are high end machine?


Anyways, i'm running at full shadows and am not having a problem. Single Video Card, i7, 8gb of RAM.


slang brother. learn some.


and good, that means you're not in the minority along with the other 15 people.

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Apparrently you didn't read any of my earlier comments. No matter, i can say some again:


I do not have below 70 frames EVER. Usually i run 100-110 fps, in fleet 70-80. So yes, i do enjoy running flawlessy.


Go to the combat training quarter (where you can get your PvP daily quest)

Enable your FPS display by hitting Shift+Ctrl+F.

Make a screenshot. Upload it. post it.


It's IMPOSSIBLE to have 70-80 FPS at that point. Well, unless there are like 30 people on the whole fleet.

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It does appear to be an emerging trend, at least with the people who have high end machines.


I bet if they turn off one of the cards, their problems clear up. Of course they will whine about it, but you really DO NOT NEED two cards to run an MMO.


I had to re-enable SLI via the NVidia control panel after installing this game. Now I'm not 100% sure that it was the install of this game that changed the setting, but I wash't happy with my FPS so I looked in the NVidia control and noticed SLI wasn't enabled. Enabled it and I no longer have FPS issues.


Again to be very specific, I'm not saying that SWTOR disabled my SLI, I noticed it was disabled after I had installed the game.


Either way my experience shows that, on my machine, I get better FPS numbers with both cards enabled.

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Every single encounter of poor performance I've found with this game as been resolved with disabling shadows and bloom.


This is my experience as well.

I run 1600x1024 everything set to high except bloom and shadows which are off.

I have vsync on and have little issues in most places maintaining 60fps.

I do see drops in WZ's and when there are hundreds of people at the fleet, but thats about it.


My rig is a 2008 Mac Pro, definitely not state of the art in gaming machines.

Win7 Bootcamped Mac Pro 8 core 2.8ghz

8gb ram

Nvidia 8800GT 512mb

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Low end machines? Really? REALLY?

ROFL. When does GW2 get released again?


I'll give you an example of a low end machine that runs it just fine.


I built a media box a couple years ago.


Windows xp.


2 gigs generic (read cheap) ram.


An Nvidia GT240 (you know the low power one that doesn't require it's own power plug or a huge PSU)


The processor is an Athlon 2 core running at 2.8.


This machine was intended to stream video to my TV, record, etc. It was NOT meant to run video games at all.


It runs the game almost flawlessly at minimum settings and it's completely tolerable at max settings outside of the fleet and a few areas which have memory leaks that BW has admitted have memory leaks (ie. Taris.)


So yeah, I sorta do doubt a lot of these people claiming the game won't run for them on high end machines.


The problem is most likely on the machine itself as the game seems pretty stable on much much lower end machines.


I'm sorry but that's just the way it is.

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The one and only issue I have is my stupid internet connection and the weather. On good days my machines--laptop and desktop--run the game fine. By fine I men super smooth and fast. My PC is a Quad core, 1 gig GEforce graphics, 6 gig onboard, 1 tet harddrive, 3.3ghz; my laptop is a dual core, 1.6 ghz, radeon 6310 graphic, 3 gig onboard...neither machine overheats, or gives me any problems with fluid game play. As i said, when the WiFi is strong and the weather is clear game play is excellent; when the storms roll in...oh well. Every slow down I experience is because of the internet connection. Of course when I am connected well, I am at 54 MPS with excellent signal strength...which is much better than what cable gave me.
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