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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


The thing with that is , do they really have high end machines!


I noticed long before launch that every PVPer and Raider claims to have a high end machine but when you finally get them to list their specs, THEY DONT.



I didnt read article as well I looked at the source and said no thanks.


But as for preformance, I do NOT have a high end machine.

I have a above average set up that allowed me to play RIFT at full settings

I built it to do that


And only issues Ive encountered were the Shadows issue (I had to turn shadows off) and occational lag spikes!


Other wise preformance been fine!


I am plagued by that mem leak locking me up 3 times a week but that doesnt effect preformance, it stops it dead, I reboot computer and its fine for a couple more days.


So yeah, I dont beleive most people who claim they have high end machines as no one I know having any issues.


I also think ALLOT of people mistake crappy ISP with game issues.

Ive lost count how many people have complained about lag over general only to be told they only ones experiencing it. They swear up and down its not their computer, so them must be their ISP as if it was game, everyone, not a select few, would be having same issues.

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i7 920 3.6ghz

8g RAM

2x 570 GTX


My cards alone are more expensive then your whole computer.


The issue is i'm not content with **** sub 25-30 fps like you are accustomed to.


It must be annoying to have a good rig like that and not knowing how to use it...

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i7 920 3.6ghz

8g RAM

2x 570 GTX


My cards alone are more expensive then your whole computer.


The issue is i'm not content with **** sub 25-30 fps like you are accustomed to.


Funny I have almost the same exact specs but one 570 GTX and have zero issues. Constant 60-100+ FPS with all max settings.


My only issue is the green things that appear now and then in some zones.

Edited by Bollah
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Funny I have almost the same exact specs but one 570 GTX and have zero issues. Constant 60-100+ FPS with all max settings


I'm going to go back to wondering if there is a problem with dual video cards for the high end machine problems.


I have an i7,8GB of RAM and the game runs flawless. people with comparable comps that are having problems all seem to be running multiple video cards.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I find it interesting that most of the players who are having issues are running Intel processors... just saying. :rolleyes:


I am not having problems with my performance at all.


AMD FX-4100 OC - 4.8Ghz

XFX HD6870 2Gb

16 GB Ripjaw Z DDR3 1600 RAM

Mushkin Chronos 120gb SSD

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It must be annoying to have a good rig like that and not knowing how to use it...


BF3, nothing below 60 even when recording @ 1080p.

Arkham City, nothing blow 60 WITH physx enabled.

Skyrim, nothing below 60 with texture mods.


Yeah pretty sure its the computer.

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I'm going to go back to wondering if there is a problem with dual video cards for the high end machine problems.


I have an i7,8GB of RAM and the game runs flawless. people with comparable comps that are having problems all seem to be running multiple video cards.


This might have some point. It would be nice if someone with dual cards and problems would be so nice and try to use only one.

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Because marginalization is exactly what is needed. The game runs flawlessly for 95~ % of the playerbase. Those other 5%, sure they may have performance issues, but Bioware isn't responsible for fixing the driver errors or router firmware clashes that these people are having. There very well may be a problem with the optimization of the coding, but if a high end rig can't support this game, the simple fact is that that high end rig isn't setup properly.


I have a 3 year old PC with a 1 year old video card & matching power supply. I sit at 30-45 fps no matter where I am. You don't need a super computer to play this game, you need a computer that is maintained and setup properly.


It is a fact that 100% of statistics and figures posted by 99% of forum users are 100% false.


Please I invite you to watch this video where they discuss their issues please feel free to write in and state the exact same thing you have here to them.


Gamebreaktv link


I can't remember exactly where but its around about the mid way point where two people with very similar machines ( which probably puts your machine to shame) have FPS issues. So it is a problem that does exist.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


Someone didn't read the whole article. Wah, wah, waaaaaah.


Also, I don't believe you. Screen shot of you dxdiag system tab or you're running a Generation I World of Warcraft supported machine.

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I7-720m, 5870m, 16GB ram, SSD <- no performance problems


I7-720m, 5870m, 16GB ram, Velociraptor <- performance problems.


I think a lot of the performance problems are with the hard drive...Theres prolly somefing funky going on there

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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


not sure if serious or being ironic..

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BF3, nothing below 60 even when recording @ 1080p.

Arkham City, nothing blow 60 WITH physx enabled.

Skyrim, nothing below 60 with texture mods.


Yeah pretty sure its the computer.


um no offense but none of those games are SWTOR.


so your point please.. explain it to me.


personally i think the graphics in each of those games is like looking back in time to Nintendo 64. hell Maple story alone blows AC out of the water. at least IMO.


and if you disagree with me well then you're just trolling because not everybody thinks those games are "Top of the line" like you're touting right about now.


so again your point please?

Edited by chrisftw
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Apparently "majority" does not understand a "dick" about business.

Not so many peoples rushing to shops, upgrade their computers for new released game.

Swtor was made accept low specks for only one reason, subscription numbers do count, not epeen computers.

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i have even less than you although still a dual core. runs smooth as silk although i did have to turn shadows off


Isn't this a contradiction? If it runs that flawlessly, why would you have to turn shadows off?


If you have to do that, I'd say that is a performance issue...

Edited by Vihazur
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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Or maybe it's just true that most people are't having SWTOR performance isues. I know I'm not.


Guess who are the only ones that have access to metrics to gauge how many people are having performance issues? I'll give you a hint: It's not you. It's Bioware.



Assuming that you = "most people" is ludicrous. If you're having issues I feel for you, but you're being largely illogical about it.

Edited by Abriael
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I think you'll find it does.


And if it doesn't play well together it wouldn't matter if it's all high end, low end, middle or mixed. But it works great for other, more graphically superior games, then the problem obviously lies with SWTOR


100% wrong. The problem may lie in the graphics drivers outside of Biowares control. The problem may lie in hardware problems outside of Biowares control.


Just because a program exposes a flaw in something does not mean the program is at fault or a problem.


The fortunate thing for both of those issues above is that the program can be changed to work around the issue. If it is a driver issue then usually the driver developer will fix it. If it is a hardware issue it my be fixable via a firmware update, or not at all (think back to the Pentium bug with floating point for example).


There are well know issues of software that is 100% correct that exposes issues in drivers. How it is that people are automatically jumping in and saying that it is SWTOR that is the problem with no proof irks me (being a software developer).


The bottom line is that some (apparently about 5%) people have issues with FPS. Not one customer (and possibly no developer yet) can say where the problem lies. It may be with SWTOR, it may be with drivers, it may be with hardware, or it could be any combination of those. People who jump up and down saying that it is a problem cause by Bioware with their game engine do not have any proof, yet they say it like it is Gospel.


The fact is that before Bioware can figure out how to solve the issue they need to find out what the actual issue is. I would not be surprised if they had added some debugging code in with the patches to gather more information to help them track down where the issue lies. Until they know what the issue is it is fruitless to expect them to discuss it in any meaningful way... how could they if they don't know where the issue lies?

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Isn't this a contradiction? If it runs that flawlessly, why would you have to turn shadows off?


because my graphics card isn't capable of rendering gthe shadows at max shadows.


also people with "high end" PC's are saying no matter what they do "its still bad fps"


my point.. see it.

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"I don't have problems, therefore noone have problems and also, i hate you for claiming that this game is in any way, shape or form less than perfect."


Shut up. Just shut up.


Game runs fine for you? great. Why do you feel the need to come here and berate and belittle people with legitimate problems?


Bioware already confirmed that there's problems and that they're working on it.

Claiming there's no problem just shows that you're mindlessly whiteknighting and thus renders your opinion worthless.


There are issues for some people with high end machines.


Plenty of the people posting that they're experiencing issues are knowledgeable, serious people posting dxdiag's and other info. These issues cannot simply be ascribed to lack of proper drivers or whatever drivel some of the posters in here tries to foist it off on.


I'm running BF3 and Skyrim on max and yet i get 15 fps on fleet.


That ain't okay and claiming that everything is okay because it's only a minority is like claiming men forcing themselves upon women (couldn't use the four letter word that rhymes with "nape") isn't a problem because, after all, it only happens to a minority of women.


Just because a problem is experienced by a minority doesn't make it any less of a problem.


Pretty extreme comparison to make there huh?

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