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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I dont see where people have performance issue with high end pc, heck I got an i5 2500k at 4.5Ghz with a 6950 and running hell fast lowest fps I get is in very crowded area and it drop to 50-70 fps, its nrmal ther is a lot more to propcess any mmo with crowded area are harder to run period


edit: btw running I am at 1920x1080 just saying and 8x AA is enblaed in CCC, every thign set to high and 100%



specs: I5 2500k at 4.5 GHz with 8 gb of ddr3 (obviously) at 1600 with a HiS radeon HD 6950 OCed at 940MHz core clock and 1560MHz mem clock, voltage at 1.243v, running on windows 7 x64, all driver updated avast is my AV of choice :D everything is running perfectly.

Edited by Frenzyguy
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NOT ever going to happen in an MMO

MAJOR areas will always see FPS drops, ALL of them will be huge. I don't care if you're talking about WoW, TOR, Aion, Rift, LOTRO, or any of the other competitors, you will ALWAYS see major FPS drop in every heavily populated area. Oh, and NPC's (look it up), they count as part of the population too!


Not to me they dont. Ive been playing MMOs a long time tho and also I have been building my own computers since the early 90s. I play LOTRO also get better fps than here. The only time I saw any kind of drastic dipw as the final event of beta when everyone was dancing. There was easily 500 people or more in that small area. I think more the server lagged but also with 500 people ya I might dip a little.


So ya I dont know what I am doing you guys arent but I also dont know anyone in the game who experiences it either. Seems to be just a small number of people here. I mean I do 24 man raids in lotro on high graphics np. I dont have anything on this pc but some games and I dont look at any websites I shouldnt (just saying fellas thats alot of what happens).

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I only have a dual core E8400 with 4gb ram and a crappy gts450 and the game plays fine for me when i play the game in XP SP3 compat mode. It runs like a dog in normal Win7 mode though.


I get about 30fps in the station in prime time with a lot of people around the GMKs, it does dip to about 15fps when there are a lot of players moving around and new people coming, but for the most part it hovers around 30fps in high built up areas.


Driver is a huge part, Nvidia drivers have been garbage of late and I had to go to the beta driver because the current stable driver is garbage. In fact, some of the older drivers are better than the current stable driver so upgrading to latest drivers for some people is a step in the wrong direction.

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Two computers in my house: mine and my spouse's.


Mine runs fine, zero problems, even on fleet, at max settings with shadows.


My spouse's stutters on the fleet and sometimes a little at the start of Warzones.


Mine is a couple months old and home built. My spouse's is a bit older (2 years), preassembled. Mine is Intel + Geforce; the other is AMD + ATI.


No performance surprises here.


At this point, whether more people are or are not having problems is assumptive.


I have also had problems with hitching and slowdown on AMD chipsets, esp with ATI cards. I am using a quadcore AMD and a fairly new ATI card on one of my current builds and it suffers from hitching and slowdown accompanied by frame rate loss in fleet and some other areas, like hallways on story areas, where it probably shouldn't. Had similar problems with two diff ATI cards on this chipset.

Edited by Seattlite
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Still find it strange that my frame rates are bad in warzones. So bad that they can rival the fleet. I can completely understand 15-25 fps when there are 50+ people within 100 meters of me but when its an 8 on 8 match? Come on there are more mobs and people on Korriban within 100 meters doing crap.
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Than this game simply does not live up to your specific expectations, maybe you should lower them a little or find another way to spend your time.....

30fps, on a 6950 and a quad core!!!!

You think it'sbeing picky to find that objectionable????

You people are an absolute riot:D

Edited by Your_dominus
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You're describing an extremely rare situation - and folks have other games that will load up their GPU and show weirdness if that's the issue. Most people don't need a grounding strap - but you should always discharge any static before handling computer parts - grabbing the metal part of the case will do.


OK you can discharge and grab the chassis. But grounding is important.

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30fps, on a 6950 and a quad core!!!!

You think it'sbeing picky to find that objectionable????

You people are an absolute riot:D


Im just saying i don't find a problem with that, i personally find 30 fps pretty smooth. If you don't then you don't, complain all you want but i don't any company is going to care that much. I played the game at an average of about 10fps for the first 2 weeks until i upgraded my card to the gtx460. Try that for a while, i couldn't even turn around inside buildings with the mouse. Its a matter of personal opinion, you don't find 30fps acceptable but many, many people do. You can piss and moan all you want, maybe someone listens, maybe they dont, but my opinion is just as valid as yours, and im fine with it.

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30fps, on a 6950 and a quad core!!!!

You think it'sbeing picky to find that objectionable????

You people are an absolute riot:D


Got samethign (depend what is your quad is it a good intel i5 or a crappy amd lol) as you and i get WAY WAY WAY higher fps than you somethign is wrong with your setup or computer get msi afterburner and turn the fan up the poor thing is burning or something (my the fan is set to run at 70-80% at 65 C lol and it always inbetween 60-70 C which is perfectly good for a gfx card

Edited by Frenzyguy
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Yea the game is perfect! I mean every single aspect of the game is perfect and nothing ever will make this game less than perfect!



Keep defending this game blindly like this and see how many will be here in 6 months. Even fanboys have limited patience.

Who do you call fanboy here?

Edited by Frenzyguy
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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Just because people ***** about it here constantly is absolutely no indication that most people are having issues. I'm not, and nobody I personally know who is playing is having performance issues, either.


Not that I'm saying nobody does, but if you base your statistics on how many people complain about something on the forums, you're always going to be wrong.

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considering my rig and the FPS I get sometimes (30), there's obviously something not right.


I cruise between 45-70 on anywhere except in warzone battles and the fleet which can make my game dip between 15-30.


I have everything on high settings(even though there are no high textures), I've got shadows off cause they destroy my frame rate especially in enclosed areas like my ship which I can get 80=110 fps there with shadows off... 15-25 when on. I've got anti-aliasing x2 and multi sampling on through catalyst controls as well.


I've got an old 2.66 ghz intel core2 quad core, 6 gigs of ram, and a radeon 6670. My machine isn't remarkable but it does run this game very well outside of warzones and the fleet.


I think a lot of people would get a performance boost if they could change the view distance.

Edited by Kabloosh
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