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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Hi Raggnarok,


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues.


Thank you for your concern.


Inb4 BW isnt listening posts

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


tons of posts in the horrid FPS thread from people with great PC's how do you explain that? its not the PC its the game. the PR people lied just admit it.

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if swtor is harder to run than BF3 im saddam Huissen.


maybe but you totally missed the point.


for example when i play BF2 BC i cannot use my surround sound headphones because i get about 2 fps and constant crashes. As soon as i change my sound card to the onboard one no issues.


The point being sometimes it's the way the hardware and drivers work not the actual engine that's the problem.

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tons of posts in the horrid FPS thread from people with great PC's how do you explain that? its not the PC its the game. the PR people lied just admit it.


That's interesting, i have no issues and a high end computer so that must mean the engine is perfect right?


Or maybe all generalizations are false including this one.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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tons of posts in the horrid FPS thread from people with great PC's how do you explain that? its not the PC its the game. the PR people lied just admit it.


is it more then 50,000 people complaining?



again I am not saying they aren't having problems with the game just that it isn't the majority.


Bioware said they are working on it so I don't know what else you want them to do about it.

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Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months, and already have a decent enough.


Nuff said


Just because YOU think it's decent enough doesn't actually mean that it IS. It just means that YOU spent money on a "new puder" and want it to play a game that is designed to be played on GAMING SYSTEMS.




I actually play many games, being a gamer lol, that's why I like to have a well built gaming machine.


This is one of the main problems, part time gamers with poorly built PC's blaming Bioware for the issues they are having.


Most people assume that [insertonboardvideocard] will do just fine.

Most people assume that [insertgenericlaptophere] will do just fine.


THEY WON'T . Gaming systems actually require a good bit of dedicated hardware.




SW:TOR != BF3 != Rift


They run differently, one may be finding a problem with a machine that the other doesn't. Or is that too Occam for you?


Bingo!! BTW: Rift sucks for me when it comes to FPS. TOR? Not so much, in fact, not at all. Just because you can play WoW, Rift, LOTRO, Aion, or whatever other game on your PC doesn't mean you can play TOR on it. They're NOT the same.



And you still haven't answered why they can run other games far more of a strain on their system with no problems.

Because they're NOT the same game. You're comparing apples and oranges. Just because they're in the same category (a game) doesn't mean they're comparable..

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


Since you are browsing this thread, I would like to know if there is any truth into the statements made by this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1388245&posted=1#post1388245 2nd one down. The one where he linked about the Hero engine not being fully optimize until late 2011?


I truly understand you guys are working hard and having to deal with the pressure from your Bosses and from the community, for that I tip my hat off to you for having great patience with us.

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Fanboys, please go check out how many posts they bother to reply to in the CS section, oh that's right they hardly do.


But oh wait what's this, a post that's over 40 pages and a lot of it slating their boss.


Lmfao sorry ofc they would post in here.


Be nice they posted where it counted though for people who have problems.


Oh and be nice to see what the techi people at BW have to say, not just devs or the odd CS who works part time.

Edited by Elgarr
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That's interesting, i have no issues and a high end computer so that must mean the engine is perfect right?


Or maybe all generalizations are false including this one.


go check for yourself, and read this http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


they said the problem is with low-end PC's meanwhile most posts in




are people with high end PC's kinda makes you think the PR department dropped a big ball

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I really feel bad for the people that have high end machines and are having problems. I for one am not. Sure i get the every so often FPS drops but its really not bad on my end. And what i really dont understand is why i'm not. But i'm not going to complain! Here's my computer.....


AMD 64x2 Dual core 4000+

2.10 GHz

2.00 GB ram

ATI HD 3870 512mb No over-clocking

XP Pro


So im pretty much around bare minimum specs for the game. I average around 50-65 FPS. When more people are around its usually 35-50 FPS. PvP its drops to around 30 or so.


But as far as questing and such, i have no problems at all. All my setting are on high with shadows off and trees and ground at 50%.


I hope Bio can get this straightened out for the high end users. Good luck!

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.

Ok i'm sorry but...your actually blaming lower end machines when how many people have posted their system specs stating they have HIGH END machines? An i7 + chipset, GTX 560-580's and 8-16 gig worth of ram is NOT lower end machines. Most people posting these problems FAR exceed minimum specs and more then likely did everything they could to solve the problem on their own before posting on the forums in a last ditch effort to get the game to even run above 20 FPS. I have followed this thread closely for weeks and there have been how many threads? 4, 5? Not to mention there is two threads about FPS problems now, in the CS forums AND in general.

Please, we don't want PR spin or a generic answers, treat your customers with some respect and give us a meaningful answer as to what is causing this problem and what steps you are taking or going to take to correct it.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


This is wierd as my i7 4gig ram and HD5770 have absolutly no problem at all. I have not experienced one problem at all. Lag is an internet issue anyway but fps wise im ata constant 70-90 fps.


I think its cause im aussie and BW wanted to give us aussies a break :)

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go check for yourself, and read this http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


they said the problem is with low-end PC's meanwhile most posts in




are people with high end PC's kinda makes you think the PR department dropped a big ball



However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas.


I highlighted the part that you missed.



Usually doesn't mean all stop trying to create a false dichotomy

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I run around 40-100 fps depending on what is going on in game.


i7 920

GTX 570

6gb or ram


/shrug I'm guessing many of the people having issues are expecting too much out of cheap hardware or simply do not know how to optimize the drivers they use. FYI the latest drivers are not always the best.

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Fanboys, please go check out how many posts they bother to reply to in the CS section, oh that's right they hardly do.


But oh wait what's this, a post that's over 40 pages and a lot of it slating their boss.


Lmfao sorry ofc they would post in here.


Be nice they posted where it counted though for people who have problems.


Oh and be nice to see what the techi people at BW have to say, not just devs or the odd CS who works part time.


Oh there's issues, just trying to clear up the misinformation where people think everyone is having an issue because they aren't.


Clarity in conversations instead of exxageration is a good thing. Not that i'd expect someone who uses the term fanboy to understand, usually that's the mark of a slow thinker.

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Ok i'm sorry but...your actually blaming lower end machines when how many people have posted their system specs stating they have HIGH END machines? An i7 + chipset, GTX 560-580's and 8-16 gig worth of ram is NOT lower end machines. Most people posting these problems FAR exceed minimum specs and more then likely did everything they could to solve the problem on their own before posting on the forums in a last ditch effort to get the game to even run above 20 FPS. I have followed this thread closely for weeks and there have been how many threads? 4, 5? Not to mention there is two threads about FPS problems now, in the CS forums AND in general.

Please, we don't want PR spin or a generic answers, treat your customers with some respect and give us a meaningful answer as to what is causing this problem and what steps you are taking or going to take to correct it.


again they are not saying ALL the people


However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas.


Usually does not mean ALL. While there are people with really high end machines having problems it is not ALL of them

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I have installed the game on avariety machines, from high end to more budget options, and have seen no performance issues. Here are the following specs and settings. I built everyone of these rigs either for friends or myself( these are just the ones that run swtor, but i have built many more). All run at 1920 by 1080 minus the vaio, which is POS anyways. (yes the HP is a 15.6 with a 1080p screen, absolutely beautiful screen.)


1.) GTX 580

i5 2500k Overclocked to 5.0 on water (could get more, but volts are great at 5.0)

8 gigs ram @1600

Runs everything maxed (minus broken high textures)

AA Forced

@60 or greater fps at all times, great temps


2.)6950 Radeon

4GHZ AMD 1100t Hexacore

8Gigs 1600 ram

Runs everything maxed 45 fps and up (AA forced) with low temps


3.) 6770 Radeon

AMD athlon 2 255 tripple core 3.3 Ghz

8 GIGS of 1333mhz ram

30FPS and up on max No AA forced


4.) GTX 460 V2 EVGA

AMD athlon 2 215 dual core Overclocked to 3.1 GHZ

8 gigs of 1333mhz ram

Maxed settings no AA forced 25 FPS on fleet 35 and up everywhere else


5.)HP DV6t Select edition 15.6

i5 Dual core @3.2

6770m 1gb

6 GB 1333mhz ram

No shadows, no aa no bloom, everything else on high, 35 FPS and up


6.) Sony Vaio E series

2.3 Ghz i3

integrated intel hd 3000

4GB 1333mhz ram

Everything set to lowest including res

20 - 40 FPS on a good day. In populated areas it drops to 10-20.



Anyways the results are as expected. The game could always be better optimized, and i am sure drivers will continue to improve.


i hope this info helps! Good luck to everyone getting smooth gameplay.

Edited by Culveren
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