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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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*most* people does not mean *most people on the forums*. Your perceived amount of people having issues is far from the real amount of people having issues. Bioware doesn't just pull numbers and statistics out of their *** for an interview. They are basing their statements on factual evidence.


exactly, out of a million or two subs there might be a few thousand that are having this problem. As a percentage it's not that much.


of course there is that saying? A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours.

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5% of 1,000,000 = 50,000 players


50,000 x $60.00 = $3,000,000.00 money made off of players buying this game


50,000 x $15.00 x 12 = $9,000,000.00 money lost after those players get alienated from this game and told your computersuckslol.


It is amazing to me that as much as I dislike the game of WoW, Blizzard has done a lot to ensure their title plays well on older hardware. Heck, they're just now no longer supporting Windows 2000.

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5% of 1,000,000 = 50,000 players


50,000 x $60.00 = $3,000,000.00 money made off of players buying this game


50,000 x $15.00 x 12 = $9,000,000.00 money lost after those players get alienated from this game and told your computersuckslol.


It is amazing to me that as much as I dislike the game of WoW, Blizzard has done a lot to ensure their title plays well on older hardware. Heck, they're just now no longer supporting Windows 2000.


Be careful when you post numbers, you might hurt someones feelings here.


I say $9mill is worth a fix for these "small percent of ppl"

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I keep hearing "high end machines".


You know you can't strap a lambo engine into a porsche frame with a ferrari transmission and expect it to beat a stock mustang.


The "problems" are 100% within the optimization of the client machine. Sucks to have to admit that to your own easily bruised little ego, though.


This has to be the single dumbest response i've ever seen on these forums.

You CLEARLY no nothing of engineering.

And yes....you could, by a long shot. Just give it to someone who knows what their doing.......but you wouldn't know.

But wait..........sounds familiar. I would bet a lot of these people know what their doing when they build rigs.

I know i do.

AAAAnd although my rig doesn't have SLI'd 580s, i would BET my system would beat yours. Those of us that love this sort of thing, tend to learn to problems solve. Kinda like i did......15 years ago when i started.


Read a book please.

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You are such and ignorant person! The people that are having problems is ppl with high end PC's and you are calling them lame.


Again, one word that describes you "Ignorant"


Everyone needs to calm down a bit.


It is a variety of people with a variety of rigs that are having the problem. So it isn't just HIGH END pc's.


It is not a universal problem; which means it is even harder to pin down and address.


It is not a hero engine "bug"; partly because SWTOR is only partially built on the hero engine, most is done outside it - but due to the fact it is not a universal issue it is a performance question; which will get addressed.


For those pulling out the HERO engine is ancient tech; no - no it isn't; it has been updated and advanced all along in fact a new rev just came out in december.


Is it frustrating? Absolutely. Really though - the wild speculations, the bashing and bickering, the condeming BioWare as incompetant and not caring; well - ALL of it is ignorant.


The bottom line is; there are problems - they know it - they'll work on it; ALL MMO COMPANIES DO.


Patience is huge; and if patience is something that is lacking - that is fine; can the account and wait for them to get around to it. They will; but the hemming and hawing and mudslinging is not going to make them magically fix it. Anyone who thinks they are sitting back biding their time just ambling along are also equally ignorant and just looking for things to complain about.

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You have no idea how to scientifically collect data. People can post specs all they want to, but there is no way of knowing how well all their Newegg parts are glued together.


No but considering these people myself included ran games like BF3 and Rift all on max settings, no lag at all and far superior games with far superior engines.


Or are you now going to make me Rofl and say Swtors engine is better than BF3's.


Must be peoples machines then from your logic lol

Edited by Elgarr
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This has to be the single dumbest response i've ever seen on these forums.

You CLEARLY no nothing of engineering.

And yes....you could, by a long shot. Just give it to someone who knows what their doing.......but you wouldn't know.

But wait..........sounds familiar. I would bet a lot of these people know what their doing when they build rigs.

I know i do.

AAAAnd although my rig doesn't have SLI'd 580s, i would BET my system would beat yours. Those of us that love this sort of thing, tend to learn to problems solve. Kinda like i did......15 years ago when i started.


Read a book please.


The engineering degree I'm looking at on my wall speaks otherwise, and I would suffer a bet that MOST of these people complaining with "high end machines" no exactly nothing about what they are doing.

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Everyone needs to calm down a bit.


It is a variety of people with a variety of rigs that are having the problem. So it isn't just HIGH END pc's.


It is not a universal problem; which means it is even harder to pin down and address.


It is not a hero engine "bug"; partly because SWTOR is only partially built on the hero engine, most is done outside it - but due to the fact it is not a universal issue it is a performance question; which will get addressed.


For those pulling out the HERO engine is ancient tech; no - no it isn't; it has been updated and advanced all along in fact a new rev just came out in december.


Is it frustrating? Absolutely. Really though - the wild speculations, the bashing and bickering, the condeming BioWare as incompetant and not caring; well - ALL of it is ignorant.


The bottom line is; there are problems - they know it - they'll work on it; ALL MMO COMPANIES DO.


Patience is huge; and if patience is something that is lacking - that is fine; can the account and wait for them to get around to it. They will; but the hemming and hawing and mudslinging is not going to make them magically fix it. Anyone who thinks they are sitting back biding their time just ambling along are also equally ignorant and just looking for things to complain about.


Sorry about that. I just get so annoyed when ppl say oh it's you pos PC. Are you are lame with your weak PC. Why such the elite attitude? I know many ppl who have high end rigs that are having a hard time playing the game with the FPS jumping up and down. I also know a few that has a low end PC and playing just fine, no issues at all. Again it's the "elite" attitude ppl have not really knowing anything about the issues at hand.

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No but considering these people myself included ran games like BF3 and Rift all on max settings, no lag at all and far superior games with far superior engines.


Or are you now going to make me Rofl and say Swtors engine is better than BF3's.


Must be peoples machines then from your logic lol





SW:TOR != BF3 != Rift


They run differently, one may be finding a problem with a machine that the other doesn't. Or is that too Occam for you?

Edited by Valsdad
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The engineering degree I'm looking at on my wall speaks otherwise, and I would suffer a bet that MOST of these people complaining with "high end machines" no exactly nothing about what they are doing.



And you still haven't answered why they can run other games far more of a strain on their system with no problems.


So plz mr I am looking at an engineering degree explain to us how this is possible

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did you even read the article? Or just look at it quickly.


"The thing is, for the most part, 95 per cent - oh I can't give you the exact percentage"


James Ohlen told Eurogamer.


It's not just 5%, he doesn't know the exact number.


you fail at reading


"The thing is, for the most part, 95 per cent - oh I can't give you the exact percentage - most of our players aren't really having performance concerns," James Ohlen told Eurogamer.

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5% of 1,000,000 = 50,000 players


50,000 x $60.00 = $3,000,000.00 money made off of players buying this game


50,000 x $15.00 x 12 = $9,000,000.00 money lost after those players get alienated from this game and told your computersuckslol.


It is amazing to me that as much as I dislike the game of WoW, Blizzard has done a lot to ensure their title plays well on older hardware. Heck, they're just now no longer supporting Windows 2000.


WoW is what....7 years old? and they still iron bugs out every now n then!

SWTOR is what? 3 weeks old?

do your homework and find out exactly how messed up World of Warcraft was at launch

Bioware will more than likely fix the issue as soon as they have a fix for it...

Why would you expect that the game be flawless after 3 weeks? give em a minute n stop actin like children!.... ya'll know ur gonna wait....its a good game n ya know it! :D

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SW:TOR != BF3 != Rift


They run differently, one may be finding a problem with a machine that the other doesn't. Or is that to Occam for you?


Goodnight LMFAO ENGINEERING DEGREE MY ARSE with a reply like that.


Sorry clueless.

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I'm surprised I found a dead link.


Here's a brief summary on what the link was.


I would like to bring these 2 links to everyones attention.




The reason why is because it shows a timeline.


It states in the first link that BW bought the engine when it was still a prototype, 7 years ago.

BW was told by simutronics that it was not ready to be productized (used in a game) that it had optimization problems and security issues (just like it still does today), along with no manual/instructions to it either.

BW said, that wasn't a problem and they could figure it out.


This could be seen as a worst case scenario by engineers.

They are given a prototype that has problems and told to fix it without knowing how the engine works, was created, nor where to even start to fix the problems it does have.

To make things even more worst, BW immediatly begins post-production at this time, by hiring graphic designers, writers, etc to make a game around this unfinished engine.


After only 3 years, BW begins releasing videos and announcing progress with the game.

The reason why this is important is because it brings me to the second link, the one about the hero engine itself.


Simutronics did not have a stable version of the hero engine until sept. of 2011.

So it took the actual people who originally created the engine the entire 7 years that swtor was in production for, to make a working engine.

Meanwhile BW has already created an entire game around the unworking prototype, expecting engineers who had no idea where to even start, to fix what they could while BW piled more code ontop of it due to the game being in full production.

This is why the engine is not working properly.


I would also like to point out that at the end of the first link simutonic states that, that was the ONLY interaction they had with BW.

After they sold them the prototype, they did not help nor have any contact with BW, which shows they are trying to distance themselves with what BW did to the engine.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1388245&posted=1#post1388245

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So your immediate response is that BioWare is detached from the community and you completely disregard the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it's TRUE that most players aren't having performance issues? Sounds to me like you'd be upset no matter what BioWare said. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


people are upset because they said low-end PC's I7's with 8-16GB of ram are not low-end PC's Bioware failed just like EA Louse thought they would :o

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


now we are going to get posts about how Bioware isn't listening or how they are ignoring the problems.

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I have no performance issues outside of the Imperial Fleet, using a middle of the pack PC. I don't turn all my settings to ultra or w/e it is. My brother has problems but he only has 4gb of ddr2 667 ram and it is constantly writing to his paging file.
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