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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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- 50+fps solo questing

- 10 fps world raids (16man world boss fights)

- 15 fps huttball / voidstar

- 10 fps alderaan warzone (when the guns start firing)


/unsubscribe for poor customer service, poor optimization of the "Hero Engine", Bioware for lying to our faces.


I get standard FPS without any noticable slowdown in all but raids, but that's understandable.


PVP I do not slow down even in an 8v8 melee.


I just want to see where Bioware lied to your face.

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Wow you are dense. Yes its not the engines fault, but rather his inability to put together a pc.


Just wow.


Its quite possible that he made a mistake buying the parts. having 12 Gigs of RAM is ridiculous has i dont think that there is anything that needs more than 4.


Can be a driver issue, but it sure isnt bioware's fault. If someone upgrades their PC to those specs and doesnt know what he is doing and comes here to QQ in the forums instead of figuring out whats wrong with his PC leads one to believe there is more behind this story that we dont know.

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Funny how some people are saying "Oh I don't have any problems on my end". Well first of all, are you solo questing? If so, go to the fleet / Warzones because a lot of us with high end rigs that can run BF3 / Skyrim on ultra are having issues with low performance on fleet / warzones. Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues", I asked my classmate earlier today in one of my business class "hey do you have any fps issues at all with the game?" he replied with a "no" then I asked him what level he was, and he responded with "lvl 21, haven't done any warzones too". BTW i'm running a 2.6Ghz AMD quad-core, 4gb Ram, gtx 560ti.


P.S - As customer with specs that exceeds the "recommended requirements", I shouldn't have to tweak SWTOR to just play this game smoothly in questing / pvp (ilum) / warzones.


- 50+fps solo questing

- 10 fps world raids (16man world boss fights)

- 15 fps huttball / voidstar

- 10 fps alderaan warzone (when the guns start firing)


/unsubscribe for poor customer service, poor optimization of the "Hero Engine", Bioware for lying to our faces.


No issues or problems for me. Im level 48. Illum is fine, flashpoints are fine, warzones are fine.


I group up almost all the time with my guild mates who also have no issues. The only problem I have had is a couple of DC's over the last 3 weeks nothing more.


MY PC is built from new tec only released in October and I built my PC with compatible parts to get the most out of it.

Edited by Kanharn
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I would say that this covers it..


Are you trying to say that SWTOR should require the best computers to show us low resolution graphics with long load times? My computer isnt the best but it's still 3.5 quad with a AMD 5870 and while I don't have "many" performance issues i do know there is something horribly wrong with the optimizing of this game when I can run Skyrim, La Noire, Batman Arkahm city, Witcher 2 all on high settings with no drops in frame rate.


I have well over 100 games on Steam and I can run every single one of them on high settings without any problem.





BTW I'm a prince from Nigeria and I need to move millions of dollars to America. Would you be willing to help me for a large fee?

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So, it is more likely that a mulitibillion dollar corporation has made the mistake and not random whiner #9898769879?


I'll bet my money on the engine being fine, thank you.


>Hero engine being fine


Either a troll, or a clueless missguided poster. In either way you just made me laugh, so thank you.

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Funny how some people are saying "Oh I don't have any problems on my end". Well first of all, are you solo questing?



No i group mostly and run a lot of flashopoints and pvp.


If so, go to the fleet / Warzones because a lot of us with high end rigs that can run BF3 / Skyrim on ultra are having issues with low performance on fleet / warzones.




Np with Skyrim, BF3 or SWTOR



Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues", I asked my classmate earlier today in one of my business class "hey do you have any fps issues at all with the game?" he replied with a "no" then I asked him what level he was, and he responded with "lvl 21, haven't done any warzones too".




Level 50



BTW i'm running a 2.6Ghz AMD quad-core, 4gb Ram, gtx 560ti.



i7 sandicore, 8gb of ram. I call BS on you running BF3 on ultra with that comp.




Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues",



WRONG, that was your conversation with one person not a miss perception.

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No issues or problems for me. Im level 48. Illum is fine, flashpoints are fine, warzones are fine.


I group up almost all the time with my guild mates who also have no issues. The only problem I have had is a couple of DC's over the last 3 weeks nothing more.


MY PC is built from new tec only released in October and I built my PC with compatible parts to get the most out of it.


Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months, and already have a decent enough.


Nuff said

Edited by Qwertt
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I have no issues with the following spec:


I7 2600K


MSI Lightning 6970 (Radeon 6970 chipset)


Which is to be expected with a semi-highend system.


But the missus uses an older PC. Some shoddy cheap-*** dualcore proc, a nvidia 260GTX and 4 gigs of RAM.. graphics on medium. Not a single issue.. FPS never dropped below 30.

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You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


If BioWare designed this game for the computer people COULD have, instead of the computers people DO have, they deserve to fail.

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Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months.


Nuff said


He said that because people were theorizing that it was only high end computers slowing down.


Context: It's important.

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Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months, and already have a decent enough.


Nuff said


You just said in a previous post you can run BF3 at ultra settings. Which is it, either you have a comp that can run BF3 at ultra settings or you don't want to spend the money.

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Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months.


Nuff said

I actually play many games, being a gamer lol, that's why I like to have a well built gaming machine.


This is one of the main problems, part time gamers with poorly built PC's blaming Bioware for the issues they are having.

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I have no issues with the following spec:


I7 2600K


MSI Lightning 6970 (Radeon 6970 chipset)


Which is to be expected with a semi-highend system.


But the missus uses an older PC. Some shoddy cheap-*** dualcore proc, a nvidia 260GTX and 4 gigs of RAM.. graphics on medium. Not a single issue.. FPS never dropped below 30.


- So all of a sudden the "recommended requirements" is to have an i7 processor?

- 16gb ram = Overkill, who really needs to have a 16gb ram? Why would I wanna buy more ram just to deal with the games "memory leaks"?.

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I'm going to stay subbed for months just to troll posters with sig's like your's.


The next 2 months are going to be so full of lol's as I watch the forums go from bad to worse.


My sig says the year of TOR is almost upon us, I made this once the release date was given. what does that have to do with anything lol.

Please could you make a little less sense in your next post lol.


Kids today eh, talk about blatant stupidity

Edited by Kanharn
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Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months, and already have a decent enough.


Nuff said


Paid under $900 for my computer and I'm having zero problems with the max possible settings now. Sure high=medium, but that's still the highest you can have right now. And considering the way other games run on this computer I'm not expecting any problems.


You really don't have to spend that much to run this game great.

Edited by Waupli
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You just said in a previous post you can run BF3 at ultra settings. Which is it, either you have a comp that can run BF3 at ultra settings or you don't want to spend the money.


Yes i can run BF3 /skyrim on ultra as i stated before, but why is swtor running so ****** on warzones/large populated areas? Oh i know, Hero engine isn't optimized. Do you want me to draw you a picture??

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- So all of a sudden the "recommended requirements" is to have an i7 processor?

- 16gb ram = Overkill, who really needs to have a 16gb ram? Why would I wanna buy more ram just to deal with the games "memory leaks"?.




2.8 ghz dual core

4gb ram

radeon 4850 1gb



Smooth as a baby sith's butt.

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So why do I have performance issues playing this game with an 8-core processor and uber RAM and graphics card?


Who knows?


I have no problems with a six-core processor and high end ram and a one-generation old high end card.




Who knows what other variables there are invovled in your machine? how many background processes do you have running? what motherboard chipset? firmware updated? BIOS updated? A problem with the specific build of driver installed? For every device that needs one on your computer?


This is windows. ANYTHING could be wrong on your rig that causes zero problems with other games but causes the one conflict somewhere that slows SWTOR down.

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Tbh he would be better off posting some proof of what he is saying.


Because there are plenty who post regular on the CS section (he obviously never reads that part as its full of complaints) of this forum that have very top end machines and suffer.


Heck even Gary on gamebreakertv has said numerous times he has low fps as soon as he enters a WF and he isn't running a low end machine.


Sorry, but this bloke knows jack when it comes to PR he has just angered more people by what he posted.


It shows BW doesn't have a clue when it comes to dealing with mmo players.


They should stick to releasing single player titles.


What's the betting he got advice on dealing with a community from John smedley lol

Edited by Elgarr
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