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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Just to State my experience with TOR cause I feel Like it, and it seems like all the people that are complaining about seem to say as fact and not their personnel beliefs that the game has FPS issues with rigs even high end rigs. Well here is my belief cause I will not state as fact. is there a FPS issue? Most likely in congested areas just like all MMOs there is a reason Lagforge was called that in the other MMO. However even at the fleet I am still running at 60 FPS every now and then I will get a spike that drops me to 30 for a second or two. Outside of fleet on the other planets and even in warzones I am running a smooth 60 FPS. my results might not be typical of others but I can't fault TOR for issues that I am not having. There is a whole bunch of other reasons outside of TOR that can be causing bad FPS in the game . It's hard to believe that TOR is at fault when everyone is not having the same issues. Just to note I am running a alienware MX17 that was a highend rig when I got it 2 years ago. Bottom line if you are having issues try 1 of the suggestions already posted in this thread by players not having issues I'd that doesnt work then submit a ticket and let Bioware figure out if it's on their side or not.


If Bioware comes out and says it's not on their end then guess what time to take a hard look at your system and it's configuration, or maybe even get with your ISP and work with them conduct a trace to see if it's at your ISP, I know the last time I had FPS issues and slow downs in a game ( WoW) it ended up being at my ISP

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The problem with this issue is that people come in and as long as its playable will say its fine and nothing is wrong. Its not that the game is unplayable by any means...its that the game's antequated graphics and engine dont measure up to its performance. Thats the point which the majority of players are missing.


For example I can run skyrim, bf3, witcher 2 etc. on ultra settings without noticing any stutter or fps drops. However in swotr I have occasional fps drops in warzones and other high populated areas. It never makes the game unplayable or close to it...but for a game that looks like it couldve been realeased 10 years ago this should not happen. The game should run flawlessly on even a mid level rig much less a high end one. However this is clearly not the case. So I dont see why so many people are against better optimization when the game is clearly poorly optimized.

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I have a decent machine. Sometimes I'll get into an area - its usually some form of cave - heroic area complex etc.. and in there the framerate and responsiveness starts to drop.


What I've found works is setting my graphics to medium preset, then setting it back to high and manually adjusting everything to max again.


Works like a charm, but I'd rather not have to do that.

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No, I'm discounting the dissenting opinions because they smack of ignorance of how drivers work and how just about every recent game launch has gone, be it single-player, online, or MMO. Skyrim, BF3, Arkham City, SWTOR--all large games with some serious performance issues for a small subset of users that were not or could not be caught before release and still took weeks or months to fix. Sometimes these fixes were optimizations on the game's end, and other times they were driver updates for GPUs. That's how it goes.


If your system isn't handling SWTOR, regardless of whether or not it should be able to, fiddle with your settings. Lower them. Try new drivers. Wait for fixes. Posting about it doesn't accomplish any of these, nor does it speed the resolution.


You do realize that both game optimizations AND driver support are BOTH responsibilities of the developer, right? I mean, what *********** planet are you living on where you think that developers don't work with third party graphics card vendors to get support for their upcoming triple-A titles? What on earth makes you think that releasing a game that isn't compatible with current drivers is acceptable?

Edited by Meluna
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If Bioware comes out and says it's not on their end then guess what time to take a hard look at your system...




What don't people understand? If we have the specs to play the game, we should be able to play the game. It's like drivers are foreign to these people.

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What don't people understand? If we have the specs to play the game, we should be able to play the game. It's like drivers are foreign to these people.


^this. Whatever their minimum system requirements are, the game should run fine at "low" settings. Low end users should be able to run at a solid frame rate on low settings. If you have the recommended settings met with a high end rig, don't you want a stable frame rate? This game has some issues. They will be ironed out. Until they are, I think it is good the community is willing to call them out on it. If they don't then BW has no idea that issues are there.

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almost no lag anywhere except fleet and clearly that is server lag.




You do realise the client does all the work in terms of graphics and latency (the correct term for lag) has no impact what so ever on FPS ? If you're getting poorer FPS on fleet then it is something to with the client and nothing to do with your connection to the server


The multicore optimising is never going to happen, not from Bioware at least as the Hero engine does not currently have the ability for multicore support, so it's perfectly understandable why people on quad core systems who let's say have each core clocked at 2.2 or 2.8ghz are having poorer performance than people with dual cores clocked at 3.2ghz+

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Unfortunately for you, most people have no problem playing the game. There are 2,000,000+ people who purchased this game. If even 100,000 of you had problem playing the game, it is still not a majority. Lol.

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^this. Whatever their minimum system requirements are, the game should run fine at "low" settings.


The game should run MINIMALLY on MINIMUM requirements. That means, you're barely able to do anything. As you jump up in hardware, you're going to find yourself up and up and up in usage.


Minimum requirements means you BARELY passed the test. It means you squeaked by with a D and need to IMPROVE.

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So your immediate response is that BioWare is detached from the community and you completely disregard the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it's TRUE that most players aren't having performance issues? Sounds to me like you'd be upset no matter what BioWare said. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Agreed, I love how people with a Game boy spec PC always blame bioware for the issues they are getting.

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What don't people understand? If we have the specs to play the game, we should be able to play the game. It's like drivers are foreign to these people.


Just because you meet or exceed the minimal system requirements doesn't mean that everything within your system is running smoothly. For example some settings on your system might not be set up right or even drivers ect could be outdated. All of which can be easily fixed. What all this is about is some people are having issues and some people are not having issues and all the complainers want to do is point fingers at others instead of maybe just maybe taking pointers from people that are not having issues. Even I take the time to look over my rig when I am having game issues and I am a pretty lazy guy when it comes to stuff outside my work life. If you don't want to listen to people that are providing some tips then don't go QQ some more and we looking forward to your I quite thread and no I don't want your stuff.

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I run a bit of an older system and the game plays fairly well for me.


AMD Phenom x4 @ 2.6ghz

8gig OCZ DDR2 1066

Sapphire vapor-x 1gb 5850 OC

Windows 7 pro 64 bit

WD 1.5TB 7200rpm HD


I run the game at max settings allowed in game ( including shadows + Bloom ) and have AA on with catalyst.

My FPS in the open world, questing, Flashpoints, ect are very good ( for my system ) 45+ fps.

In imperial fleet drops to 20 fps roughly ( sometime more/less )


It seems that the higher end systems are having more trouble than the older / mid range systems in some cases.


I have a hard time believing that it is the " high end systems" fault and not the engine. Sure there will be some compatability issues, always are. But if I shucked out the money like some of these people have for an uber system and had poor fps then I too would cancel.

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Most of the TOR players also have a monster PC. When I look around at threads I see people with 16 gigs of memory, SLI with double GTX580s, latest i7s, etc.


The thing is that it should be tweaked so it may run normally on average PC's too.


I have a 'so-so' PC with a Q6600, GTX260 and 4 gigs memory. Yet the FPS is always the same, no matter if I have everything maxed out or at the lowest. I don't mind playing full-low if that makes me have a steady 60 FPS in PvP (warzones in particular), but the game somehow doesn't really care what it's set at.


In instances I have 60+ at all times. Open world is usually 40ish with sometimes drops to 20ish cause of heavy battle like on Balmorra. But Warzones are just crazy. 10 - 20 FPS is all that it will have. Either maxed, or at lowest.


So there must be something wrong.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


My computer wants to join you. I have a good computer like you and should not be having the problems I am.

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No issues here. Self-Built computer about $500 total 3 years ago. 30-40 fps max setting w/o shadows.


No slowdown in warzones.


In these days a $500 machine after 3 years is junk, what exactly do you have in that rig?


And I find it hard to believe you have no slowdowns in warzones... considering I have heavy drops there and it's the one place where I get the least FPS of all.

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BS I am having plenty of FPS problems...And my computer is more then capable of handling this game....Fix it or I quit in a few months as do all my friends and theirs...


Clearly its not. OH no you and your imagery friend is going to quit, Bioware must be crying at the loss of profits.

Edited by Kanharn
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My wife, daughter and I each have an account, and I have it installed on 4 PCs. We had performance issues on 1 PC until I turned off shadows (or shadowing or whatever it's called). So for me, performance has been a non-issue.


However, I think your angry emotion is 10x more intense than my satisfied emotion, which may be why you think that more people are having issues than really are.

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In instances I have 60+ at all times. Open world is usually 40ish with sometimes drops to 20ish cause of heavy battle like on Balmorra. But Warzones are just crazy. 10 - 20 FPS is all that it will have. Either maxed, or at lowest.

Your PC is only 'so so'. Unfortunately you're not going to get great FPS performance. I'm in the same boat. It is what it is.


Honestly, you will probably want to consider upgrading that card at the very minimum. From personal experience (going from the 250 to the 450), it's well worth the upgrade. Temps dropped drastically (go figure), FPS went from 40-60 average to 60+ average, hitting 80-100 more than once with everything on 'high' (shadows off). Didn't change anything but the card, and the improvement was fantastic. Even the 450 is somewhat old, but it's a worthy improvement.

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