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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I don't need to learn slang, you need basic english lessons like the difference between your and you're. You also need to learn the definition of slang....


Not to be a stickler, but at least in the post you quoted, he used "you're" in the correct context. Perhaps he used it incorrectly in another post?

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Really have no idea why forum search and *polling* are not available in the forums any more...


Please put me on the "Not having any performance issues" side of the fence.


A poll would give us more evidence on the issue. Would be definitive, but still...


Remember, most is only 51%... He is probably right.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic: PC Performance, Benchmarked



Tom's Hardware.com have tested a number of rigs and video cards with SWTOR.


If your not getting performance like this on simular hardware then it's time to RTM your PC.


PS: Who cares if your FPS drops in fleets, you always have poor FPS in MMO social hubs, hell ...in WoW, IronForge was still making topend PC’s cry 4 years after the game launched even after computing power had doubled from the point in time that game launched.


Social hubs are not a combat zone, and are one place in the game a sub 30FPS should be seen as acceptable.


Don’t forget in social hubs your PC has to draw every Player Character in view, load all their unique assets and draw dozens of players moving in and out of view and try to do that 30 times a second.

Edited by LogunOne
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They didn't say only 5% experience that at the fleet. In fact, just the opposite, that it's a known localized performance issue. They know people are having issues on those areas. But other than that, everything runs relatively well.


Right, that's great... they have the stats, they can see that average FPS in the fleet is very low.


But let's face it, it's not the zone itself that's the problem. As soon as you get a number of people congregating anywhere -- fleet or otherwise -- framerate plummets disproportionately.


If Bioware is seriously interpreting the "poor fleet fps" as being down to the zone itself rather than the fact that it's always humming with people, I despair. I've logged in to the fleet when there were barely 10 other people there and, guess what: it ran perfectly, 60fps without a hitch.


It's not the zone or the area. It's the client's inability to deal with congregations of people. Which is a pretty important factor for an MMO. :\


So as I said before, this doesn't bode well for raids or large-scale PvP. That's my main concern. Slogging through the fleet at 20 fps I can deal with!

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I had to re-enable SLI via the NVidia control panel after installing this game. Now I'm not 100% sure that it was the install of this game that changed the setting, but I wash't happy with my FPS so I looked in the NVidia control and noticed SLI wasn't enabled. Enabled it and I no longer have FPS issues.


Again to be very specific, I'm not saying that SWTOR disabled my SLI, I noticed it was disabled after I had installed the game.


Either way my experience shows that, on my machine, I get better FPS numbers with both cards enabled.


Right, but that in and of itself might be an issue. If something about the install process is disabling SLI or messing with settings on systems like this - then the other people having issues might be having issues because something changed and they didnt think to look at it. If you had enabled SLI last week, why would you bother to look this week to make sure it was enabled, since you know you didn't disable it?


Something about the way the SLI drivers interract might have caused issues with it disabled.


I'm running a single-card solution and have never had a single framerate problem other than Fleet, and i dont know that i call that a "problem" - i mean, 300 people in one relatively small area is going to cause slowdown. It just is. Even then i still get 30fps (i play with Vsync enabled) solid in Fleet, so im not complaining.


My wife runs my old machine, (For reference, im running a Westmere Xeon, Hexacore, @ 3.06Ghz and a Radeon 5870, 12GB of RAM; she's running the old machine, two dual-core Woodcrest Xeon's @ 2.66Ghz w/Radeon 4870 and 8GB of RAM) and she has similarly never had a single problem. She gets a solid 60fps with most settings on high everywhere but Fleet. (For reference, the Westmere chips are i7 based, the Woodcrest are C2D).


A friend of ours who has a similarly beefy rig (Core i7, lots of ram, single-card nVidia high end solution, unsure exactly what) also has no issues.


Another friend of ours who IS having issues and has an almost identical rig - you guessed it - has two cards. I just sent him a text to check his SLI settings and see if something has changed.


My money is on something like this being the culprit.

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because at max resolution with shadows off i get consistent 60 fps. all details maxed except shadows.


according to your brethren even that seems to be a task for you're "high end" machines



Just seems to me, shadows are pretty important. If I had to turn them off, that would be a performance concern. Unless I was on a low end system, in which case, I'd expect that sort of thing. On a decent system though? Why should you have to disable shadows? That makes a huge difference to the look of the game.

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And why do you think that Bioware actually knows how many people are having issues? I know at least 4 people who suffer from the same crap, and they haven't voiced their problems either in game or on these forums. How would Bioware know that they do have problems?


Here's a tip for you: Bioware works off of their actual customer support database. And you know what, MMO players are a complaining group, and they do like to blame the provider, so you can pretty well bet most of them are opening tickets with Bioware. Probably opening a new ticket every 30 minutes if they follow the average complaining MMO profile.


Now, IF those 4 people you know have not reported an issue to Bioware, guess what....it's not an issue. Why? Because you have to report your issue and provide your data if you want them to look into it. This is true of every single product on this planet, including MMOs.


Personally, I find it hard to believe that you know 4 people who are having this problem and have not /ranted about it to Bioware. Then again, you are /ranting it up enough for all five of you, so maybe they are just chillin and letting you do the work. :p

Edited by Andryah
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This is just plain wrong. This is the same high-end rig I use to play Rift at 100 FPS constant, and Rift is far more detailed in its graphics quality than TOR. Skyrim runs at 60 FPS constant on high settings with V-synch. LoTRO runs at 120 FPS on the very highest settings.


TOR is less graphically sophisticated than any of those games. AA is friggin disabled for god's sake and no one runs shadows on high because it kills performance. I go from 90 FPS constant to 20 for no explicable reason, and I'll wager that if you were paying attention you would notice it happens to you too.


That people are so gullible as to deny the obvious terrible graphics performance of TOR relative to much more sophisticated games just tells me why Ohlen would feel so comfortbale obfuscating it.


First, LOTRO does not look better than Tor.


Second, AA will be supported in patch 1.1 (Read some stickies now and then)


I run shadows on high, and max settings and crank out over 100 FPS easily, with crossfirex turned off, yes, Turned Off.


There is no gullibility here, there is no evil conspiracy, there is only an irate forum browser complaining about issues that have plagued the launch of all the games you just listed, including Rift. Rift had a smooth launch, but no better than SWTOR has had; I was there, so none of that "Rift was magical perfection glazed in awesomesauce" tripe.


All of your complaints have either already been addressed, or will be soon enough. If you are having issues with TOR and those are your true specs, then I suggest you look deeper into your own system, because the problem isn't TOR, and it isn't your specs, perhaps it's simply an anti-virus conflict, or one of 100 other things that have nothing to do with TOR.


Ohlen's interview was 100% accurate, most of us aren't having any issues whatsoever, so you are either trolling(Rather successfully) or you need to clean up your system.

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Just seems to me, shadows are pretty important. If I had to turn them off, that would be a performance concern. Unless I was on a low end system, in which case, I'd expect that sort of thing. On a decent system though? Why should you have to disable shadows? That makes a huge difference to the look of the game.


He's using a really old graphics card. You have to take that into account. If he's able to play flawlessly with a shadows tweak on that card, that's not bad at all.

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I don't need to learn slang, you need basic english lessons like the difference between your and you're. You also need to learn the definition of slang....


how are you defining what my definition of slang is? you're just the jack of all trades aren't you little troll huh. you're so CUTE i wanna take you home and make you mine.


keep on keeping on brotha

Edited by chrisftw
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Don’t forget in social hubs your PC has to draw every Player Character in view, load all their unique assets and draw dozens of players moving in and out of view and try to do that 30 times a second.


Except it has exactly the same issue even if you're staring at a wall/floor with absolutely nothing in view. Yes, it has to load assets, track movements, etc., but plenty of other MMOs with comparable graphics manage that without suffering the same problems when staring at walls/floors.


That's the part that highlights the problem with the engine: framerate doesn't seem to be dependent on what's actually being rendered (or, more to the point, what should be being rendered) so much as how many models are in the vicinity.

Edited by overfloater
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Here's a tip for you: Bioware works off of their actual customer support database. And you know what, MMO players are a complaining group, and they do like to blame the provider, so you can pretty well bet most of them are opening tickets with Bioware. Probably opening a new ticket every 30 minutes if they follow the average complaining MMO profile.


Now, IF those 4 people you know have not reported an issue to Bioware, guess what....it's not an issue. Why? Because you have to report your issue and provide your data if you want them to look into it. This is true of every single product on this planet, including MMOs.


Personally, I find it hard to believe that you know 4 people who are having this problem and have not /ranted about it to Bioware. Then again, you are /ranting it up enough for all five of you, so maybe they are just chillin and letting you do the work. :p


This :)

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3.10 AMD athlon triple core

2gig ram

ATI 4870

Win XP

Game runs at 40 frames everywhere except warzones, which i am willing to accept as i don't care about them.


Works fine for me, and this piece of junk can't even run BF3 because i'm still on XP.

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Well, keep white knighting.

I for one won't resub after my free month ends, now that everything Bioware ever said was "well, basically no one is having this problem so go **** yourself" and "we are aware of it but don't expect us to fix anything trololo".

There are actual game developers that can make games run smoothly. Guess I'll just give them my money.

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I for one won't resub after my free month ends, now that everything Bioware ever said was "well, basically no one is having this problem so go **** yourself" and "we are aware of it but don't expect us to fix anything trololo".


You do know that nobody will take you seriously when you exaggerate to the point of lying about what was actually said by Bioware in the referenced post, right???


Heck, now I don't even believe you're going to /cancel. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Well, keep white knighting.

I for one won't resub after my free month ends, now that everything Bioware ever said was "well, basically no one is having this problem so go **** yourself" and "we are aware of it but don't expect us to fix anything trololo".

There are actual game developers that can make games run smoothly. Guess I'll just give them my money.


Well, yes, Zynga would be a good choice then.

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Well, keep white knighting.

I for one won't resub after my free month ends, now that everything Bioware ever said was "well, basically no one is having this problem so go **** yourself" and "we are aware of it but don't expect us to fix anything trololo".

There are actual game developers that can make games run smoothly. Guess I'll just give them my money.


White-knighting is when there is no logic to defending. Whats happening here is your not seeing the big picture and are getting bashing for it.


My computer can barely run the game I have the stats but some of my hardware isn't supported. You know why? Because that's my fault for not updating my equipment. Not Bioware's.


So I have to live with 35-40 fps and can't pvp. I'm not going to blame the company because they can't program for everybody. Its not realistic.


When Bioware makes a mistake I'll tell them so don't give me this white-knight ********. I been their customer for almost 10 years and they heard their share from me.


In this case however you need to chill out.

Edited by Avrose
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Two computers here, both fine:


i7 920


Nvidia GTS 250


Runs fast on low settings at 1920x1200; on med/high it's a bit choppy at times but generally playable. I was actually impressed that this GPU did this well.



Alienware M17X R3 Laptop

i7 2720QM


AMD 6990M


Runs fast on high settings with everything maxed at 1920x1200.

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Why do you feel the need to come here and berate and belittle people with legitimate problems?


Bioware already confirmed that there's problems and that they're working on it.

Claiming there's no problem just shows that you're mindlessly whiteknighting and thus renders your opinion worthless.


There are issues for some people with high end machines.


Just because a problem is experienced by a minority doesn't make it any less of a problem.

You are absolutely correct, but Bioware has acknowledged it as a problem. They have also stated more than once that they are looking at it. So when someone takes some words out of an interview, and then changes the words to Troll with them. Folks are going to have a problem with that.

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It seems the OP knows nothing of software and troubleshooting. It is just possible, though, that they're working on it and don't have a fix yet. Or that when driver support arrives things will improve. Heavens no, it couldn't be that, Bioware must suck.
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