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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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So what exactly are you suggesting:¨That all low lvl players should never pvp until they reach 50?" Maybe a better match making system would solve the problem.


Not suggesting that at all. Just saying its wise to wait for the 50 only bracket, which was supposedly ment to be in action from the 10th, but they still haven't added the new patch

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So what exactly are you suggesting:¨That all low lvl players should never pvp until they reach 50?" Maybe a better match making system would solve the problem.


Probably. They'll be complaining about all the level 40s in pvp gear once the 50s are gone. It's human nature to complain. There'd even be complaints if warzones matched everyone up perfectly by level and avg. gear rating.

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Operatives and Scoundrels WILL be nerfed. All the operatives can whine and say "We're balanced you're just bad and QQ'ing" all you want. It's going to happen no matter what you say.



As Ghostcrawler would say "To the ground baby!"

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Operatives and Scoundrels WILL be nerfed. All the operatives can whine and say "We're balanced you're just bad and QQ'ing" all you want. It's going to happen no matter what you say.



As Ghostcrawler would say "To the ground baby!"


Ya you're probably right

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WOW! A single Operative manage to build/stim/adrenal himself to hit 10k and EVERY OPERATIVE MUST BE NERFED!!1111


yes, it needs to be fixed. The changes will probably not effect bad players too dumb to stack stuff that should not stack.

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You do realise asking for nerf will open pandora box and other classes will be at receiving end sooner or later, this is realy bad and uterly destroy game in short time.

If anything needs to done is to help underpowered classes if it is truly necesary.

What i consider important in any discussion about how op is this class is to understand several things:


1 What is the role of scoundrel (it is melee burst dps class that should do good dmg in close combat against rdps classes ) i truly think scoundrel should lose or have difficult time against tanks.

2 Gear

3 Rank

4 Buffs (adrenal , stims , relics etc)

5 Skills

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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with champion gear and the same buffs, I still have not broken the 5k damage medal.


That's great, what's your Class, Advanced Class, Specialization? What weapon do you use? Coming here and stating that you haven't broken that does not mean that you can't. Everyone can, a little research on youtube proves this. Some classes do it with abilities that tick multiple times like Sorcerors. Others do it with a big BOOM, like Scoundrels. I don't think people quite get this.

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That's great, what's your Class, Advanced Class, Specialization? What weapon do you use? Coming here and stating that you haven't broken that does not mean that you can't. Everyone can, a little research on youtube proves this. Some classes do it with abilities that tick multiple times like Sorcerors. Others do it with a big BOOM, like Scoundrels. I don't think people quite get this.


People are just obsessed with numbers. Most don't realize that once the Operative opener is done the operative is worthless. My first 50 was an operative and while it was fun insta-gibbing undergeared lowbies, you don't typically take a geared 50 under half his health on your opener...and once you're out of stealth your damage is just awful, especially if the player is good and doesn't let you backstab.

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I have been messed up pretty bad by operatives. That said, we do need to wait for the brackets before a clearer view of class balance can be seen.


I would imagine that is Bioware's plan as well.


Brackets are the first step to more balanced game play.



EDIT: I do fear ops more then any other class at the moment.

Edited by Ravenolf
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Here's the thing... Using Rogues as an example:


An opener should set the tone of the fight, nothing more.


An opener shouldn't be your end-all way to win the fight.



Rogues have 3 openers: Cheap Shot (a stun), Ambush (burst damage), or Garrote (a silence).


That's how they set the tone of the fight. Their big damaging moves actually come from their out of stealth abilities: Backstab, Hemorrhage, Eviscerate, Mutilate, Envenom etc...


What they need to do with Operatives is give us more options.



Let us choose:


Do I want to silence this Sage that's constantly healing?

Do I want to spike damage open on this light armored class?

Or do I want to stun somebody trying to carry the ball?


The problem with Operative now is our opener does all 3 pretty much and is our only means of really taking chunk damage.


The entire class needs reworked, imo.

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Not an attack, just curiosity. Your signature. "Any man who appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Any man who cannot take care of himself without that law is both. "


Is that an anarchy motto? Trying to place where this is from.

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Not an attack, just curiosity. Your signature. "Any man who appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Any man who cannot take care of himself without that law is both. "


Is that an anarchy motto? Trying to place where this is from.


It's the Omerta. The Italian mafia's code of silence. Basically meaning: fight your own battles.

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Oh look, operatives saying operatives aren't overpowered. Oh yeah, nearly 1 hitting enemys with an opener directly out of stealth knocking them down aswell isn't overpowered at all. The fact they can even do this is self explanatory that they should be nerfed, big time.


Ohplease, by the way, stop defending a class you so like to abuse yourself. Yes, that's what it is, abusing. 10k crits. Nuff said.


Its not OP's/JC's its stacking buffs that allow them to hit this hard. It's not the class its the stacking of buffs that need's to be fixed.

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