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Remove Lightsaber Color Restrictions


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Seriously, no one read my post.



This is about keeping iconic colors to your side, accessible regardless of morality.


Why would a Sith suddenly be unable to use a red lightsaber JUST because he chose a higher path?


It makes no sense.



Red should be accessible to ALL Sith.


Blue should be accessible to ALL Jedi.


If you don't see the point of my OP, don't post.


While I can understand and totally agree with you on the colors. I don't think telling people that if they don't agree with you to not post is going to do anything but get you flamed.



Personally, I think the color restrictions are stupid. Just like someone who uses a rifle in combat can't use a pistol except in cut scenes.

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I just realized, it's dumb.





Dark Jedi, throughout time, have used Blue Lightsabers, it's their original saber color.


Such as Anakin, he would have KEPT using a Blue lightsaber if his original had not been destroyed. I guarantee it.


I see the reasoning behind the restriction, but you have... pink lightsabers... So.....





I just don't think red should = Dark Side automatically.


In fact, if you do have restrictions, just prevent non-lightside sith from using blue, but restrict it to only the faction side.


Not morality. Because Sith don't use blue, they just don't. But if you're a lightside Sith, you can.


But if you're a Dark Side Republic Jedi, you should still be able to use blue. But you cannot use red if you're a lightside Republic Jedi. See, that's fair.



So this means, a Light Side Sith can still use red.


So this means, a Dark Side Jedi can still use blue.


Because these colors shouldn't be tied to Morality restrictions, it's not as immersive and doesn't make much sense. Why would a Lightside Sith suddenly STOP using red?


It makes no sense when 80% of your faction, for whatever reason, is using Red Lightsabers.

So much incorrect info in one post lol

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While I can understand and totally agree with you on the colors. I don't think telling people that if they don't agree with you to not post is going to do anything but get you flamed.



Personally, I think the color restrictions are stupid. Just like someone who uses a rifle in combat can't use a pistol except in cut scenes.


What you don't like the magic pistol you don't really carry on you

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Wrong per Lore


Even if you want to look at it Red was synthetic but synth crystals could be any color but on average they were red it was frowned upon by jedi's to use but did not mean you couldn't.


Mace Windu Had a different one because it was a gift.


At no point should alignment factor into color choice.


I approve of this thread

Half right, half wrong



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Well... yes. Remove the color restrictions as long as "red" is always Sith-only.


Have you ever seen a jedi with a red saber? No... Siths with blue? Yes...


So... red- faction only, all the other colors free for all... (altho green is notoriously lame... it could be jedi only...)

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Once you fall to a point you can't use said crystal in game mechanics along as you don't unequipped the weapon or the crystal you still can use it. This would be like Anakin still using his blue lightsaber till he was forced to get a new one.


Trololo... okay, then how did Vader 'equip' and ignite Luke's green saber on the Endor Moon? How did Anakin 'equip' and ignite Dooku's saber on the Separatist flagship?


There's no lore justification for this, sorry.


I mean, Jesus, as originally shot, Palpatine would have fought Windu using Anakin's blue lightsaber -- you can even still see his saber pommel in a couple of the scenes. By your reasoning, how the hell would that have worked?


There are no restrictions in Star Wars lore. I am sorry.

Edited by AJediKnight
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so ahh, what is the real reason, a sith can't use a blue colored crystal??

so a jedi can't have red color's paterns in his ship, if he do his head will explode?


color restrictions, are just beyond silly, especialy with a light/dark concept.

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At the very least, I think they should remove the moral restrictions for the colors associated with your faction. That way a dark Jedi can still use blue/green, and a light Sith could still use red.


But I too would prefer the restrictions lifted completely.

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I just realized, it's dumb.





Dark Jedi, throughout time, have used Blue Lightsabers, it's their original saber color.


Such as Anakin, he would have KEPT using a Blue lightsaber if his original had not been destroyed. I guarantee it.


I see the reasoning behind the restriction, but you have... pink lightsabers... So.....





I just don't think red should = Dark Side automatically.


In fact, if you do have restrictions, just prevent non-lightside sith from using blue, but restrict it to only the faction side.


Not morality. Because Sith don't use blue, they just don't. But if you're a lightside Sith, you can.


But if you're a Dark Side Republic Jedi, you should still be able to use blue. But you cannot use red if you're a lightside Republic Jedi. See, that's fair.



So this means, a Light Side Sith can still use red.


So this means, a Dark Side Jedi can still use blue.


Because these colors shouldn't be tied to Morality restrictions, it's not as immersive and doesn't make much sense. Why would a Lightside Sith suddenly STOP using red?


It makes no sense when 80% of your faction, for whatever reason, is using Red Lightsabers.


They did it because in beta a bunch of people cried that seeing Jedi with Red and Sith with Blue and Green broke their immersion. No lie, in the first beta weekend there were no color restrictions and a bunch of people cried about it.


There is honestly no reason as to why a Sith would not use a Blue Lightsaber or why a lightside Jedi would not use a red lightsaber. There are examples and quotes aplenty of people breaking the mold there.

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Well... yes. Remove the color restrictions as long as "red" is always Sith-only.


Have you ever seen a jedi with a red saber? No... Siths with blue? Yes...


So... red- faction only, all the other colors free for all... (altho green is notoriously lame... it could be jedi only...)




"I don't need to remind you that a crimson blade doesn't guarantee that the wielder is a Sith, any more than every person strong in the Force is a Jedi. Asajj Ventress was a mere apprentice to Dooku, not a true Sith. A crimson blade can owe to nothing more than a synthetic power crystal. Then crimson is simply a color, like Master Windu's amethyst blade."
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I am quoting Lucas.


When I said, "light side = blue/green"


"dark side = red"


Straight from Lucas' mouth. Watch behind the scenes EP 1 or 2 when Samuel L Jackson wants to pick his sabre color.


What Lucas says is G Canon. Meaning its Law. Meaning no other word can trump it, and everything else is "fan fiction and EU"


In movies 1-6. You do not see different colored crystals. Other than Purple which is Mace's.


The colors blue/green and red. The movies, not books, not wookiepedia are considered G canon.



If you want to screw up the Lore with this game, by all means.. go ahead its not like Bioware hasn't done it in KOTOR 2.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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I don't know if anyone have said this already because i didnt want to spend too much time searching through the comments but the lightsaber crytsals were consider force artifacts red ones focusing the power of the dark side while green and blue focusing the light, now what i think they should do is remove the restrictions and cause your alignment to change depending on the crystals you have on the lightsaber to me that would make most sense.:D
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I am quoting Lucas.


When I said, "light side = blue/green"


"dark side = red"


Straight from Lucas' mouth. Watch behind the scenes EP 1 or 2 when Samuel L Jackson wants to pick his sabre color.


What Lucas says is G Canon. Meaning its Law. Meaning no other word can trump it, and everything else is "fan fiction and EU"


In movies 1-6. You do not see different colored crystals. Other than Purple which is Mace's.


The colors blue/green and red. The movies, not books, not wookiepedia are considered G canon.



If you want to screw up the Lore with this game, by all means.. go ahead its not like Bioware hasn't done it in KOTOR 2.


so you saying the force forbids it, a sith just can't pickup the lightsaber from that guy he just killed, it sounds very logical............

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so you saying the force forbids it, a sith just can't pickup the lightsaber from that guy he just killed, it sounds very logical............


I'm not saying its logical. I'm defending Lore and Canon.


Would a sith use a blue/green lightsabre if he just killed him.. probably. but he would probably change it to red.


The only instance I can tell you of a bad guy using blue/green was Grevious who had 4 of them because he killed former Jedi and took them. and he could not make crystals.


Vader used a blue one until Obi won took it.


I think, don't quote me on this: Sith are the only ones that can create Red... so its a pride thing.. or something.

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Before placing the crystal in the lightsaber, the Jedi or Sith must imbue them with the Force. To do this, the Force-user must meditate on the crystals for many days.


While the Jedi used natural crystals, the Sith often used red-hued synthetic crystals. Sith-made synthetic crystals create a slightly more powerful blade when energized by the dark side of the Force, occasionally demonstrating the ability to "break" Jedi lightsaber blades.


Crystals attuned by the lightside wielders are inherantly lightside. Even as a trophy it is unlikely a Sith would continually wield a Jedi's old lightsaber unless they refocused the crystal, and it were a particularly powerful or rare crystal.

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I just realized, it's dumb.





Dark Jedi, throughout time, have used Blue Lightsabers, it's their original saber color.


Such as Anakin, he would have KEPT using a Blue lightsaber if his original had not been destroyed. I guarantee it.


I see the reasoning behind the restriction, but you have... pink lightsabers... So.....





I just don't think red should = Dark Side automatically.


In fact, if you do have restrictions, just prevent non-lightside sith from using blue, but restrict it to only the faction side.


Not morality. Because Sith don't use blue, they just don't. But if you're a lightside Sith, you can.


But if you're a Dark Side Republic Jedi, you should still be able to use blue. But you cannot use red if you're a lightside Republic Jedi. See, that's fair.



So this means, a Light Side Sith can still use red.


So this means, a Dark Side Jedi can still use blue.


Because these colors shouldn't be tied to Morality restrictions, it's not as immersive and doesn't make much sense. Why would a Lightside Sith suddenly STOP using red?


It makes no sense when 80% of your faction, for whatever reason, is using Red Lightsabers.


just get someone else to stick another gem in it?

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Yes, we've already established that there is no reason for Lightsaber color restrictions at all. Hell, the heads of the intellectual property (Lucasflim) even state that color has nothing to do with alignment or character. Even the EU doesn't deny that anyone can use any crystal they can get their hands on.


It's very disappointing that BW went back on their statement a few months ago when they said there wouldn't be restrictions. It makes less than Zero sense for there to be restrictions.

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I was thinking about this in terms of the franchise and I think the mistake was made a long time before swtor.


In the old movies there were three lightsabers anf three colours, there was really no indication that because darth vader had a red one it was evil, it just went with his character same with the blue and the green, they weren't jedi colours they were just the colours that luke and obi happened to have. There is also no particular indication that anyone other than the emperor had ever been able to shoot lightning from his finger tips, they were all unique abilities.


Unforunately (imo) after that everything else, eager to create their own characters but remiss to venture too far from the original movies, started giving all the sith lightning and red lightsabers and all the jedi green and blue ones (and all the smugglers fast ships and wookies).


An example where this didn't happen was darth vader's lightsaber throw, it didn't get branded with the 'only sith do this ...and they ALL do this.' brush like everything else.




Anyway, as it stands we just have to live with what's been developed over the years since the movies, and there is a mountain of stuff.



Unless you want to write your own alternative starwars universe, which would be awesome btw.

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I don't know if anyone have said this already because i didnt want to spend too much time searching through the comments but the lightsaber crytsals were consider force artifacts red ones focusing the power of the dark side while green and blue focusing the light, now what i think they should do is remove the restrictions and cause your alignment to change depending on the crystals you have on the lightsaber to me that would make most sense.:D





Vader and Luke's lightsabers in the Original movie were both blue at first. But because Lucas was influenced by old samurai and western films, he decided he wanted the "white hat/black hat" style. They played around with colors and found that Red showed up best. So from that point on, Vader was red and Luke was blue.


In Return of the Jedi, Luke's new saber was also blue. But in the scene with the Sarlacc pit monster, the blue saber wasn't showing up well against the blue sky. So they changed it to green.


In the Prequels, Samuel L. Jackson's favorite color is purple, so he asked for a purple lightsaber. Lucas was like, "Sure, the color's don't mean anything, so why not".



So according to G-canon (highest level), there is no such thing as a restriction on lightsaber color. There's no "force attunement".... nothing.


The EU added lore that green and blue crystals were natural and easily found in republic space... hence why they were more common. Since the Sith were exiled to deep space, they were forced to create their crystals synthetically. The most common color of synthetic crystals was red, but they could be created to be ANY color (Luke's 2nd lightsaber crystal is synthetic and was green).


But even in EU lore, they don't deny that ANY force user can use any crystal they can find or make.



There is no reason for lightsaber color restriction from any source of Lore.

Edited by Kashaan
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