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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.




How about you re-think what you are posting?


A cross-server LFG does not need to be implemented because damages server communication and hurts the community.



but...the LFG tool in game needs to improve to help people make groups on the server instead of using /1 ..

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Humor me. Logically explain your reasoning without assumptions or simple correlations. Otherwise why are you continuing to respond if you don't care to contribute to the conversation?


Sorry, no I am not going to keep going around and around repeating what has already been said a hundred times over, just for you to say "nope, sorry that's not valid because I say so."


Already that has been done far too much.


You can go back and READ. Those posts have been MADE you have chosen to ignore them a hundred times over.

Edited by savagepotato
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Okay, sure... But I wasn't trying to just flame you for the hell of it. I was just being honest.





Thanks for clarifying. I actually believe you. (I am not being sarcastic, hard to tell on the internets)

Edited by LordAposno
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You are not entitled to anything other than to play. You are not entitled to have a group on tap for you ready to go at all times. I'm sorry it is a multiplayer game. You are describing a single player game.




A single player game does not need a LFG tool. But this MMO, that I pay for does. Yes I am entitled, my monthly $15 gives me that entitlement. I never said instant group, but I do need something that makes grouping easier.

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Hmm, and apparently LotRO is adding/added an instance finder.


Don't they know that it destroys communities and makes everything faceroll?


Or did they realize it's a basic mechanic that all MMO's this day and age should have?


The world may never know.

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As a paying customer yes I am entitled to play anything I want in this game, period. Finding a group should not be a mini game. I should be able to find a group effortlessly. The content of the game itself should be challenging, finding the group should not.


Sorry, but that's just not the case. As with any game, some of the content has requirements. For some content, it's a strict gear check. For some content you have to compete other content. And for some content, you need to gather a group of your friends to do it. There are a great many games on the market that have multiplayer aspects where you need a friend or two with you... Even non-MMOs.


Granted, some of them are lobby games that create groups for you... But I don't want Star Wars to become a lobby game, and I don't think that it was ever intended to be one.


The entitlement mentality is what is wrong with some of the current MMO crowd. So many people in WoW cried that they payed just as much as everyone else, and they deserved to get raid gear too, so Blizzard created the great and powerful welfare epics.




You don't deserve to win the game just because you bought it. Do what is required to complete the content, or don't. But please stop with the entitlement mentality.

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A single player game does not need a LFG tool. But this MMO, that I pay for does. Yes I am entitled, my monthly $15 gives me that entitlement. I never said instant group, but I do need something that makes grouping easier.


You are talking about a single player game because you have an expectation you should be able to access any of the content at any time.


This is not the case in a multiplayer game. Your ability to do so depends on other players and therefore you have absolutely no entitlement. If you DID then the devs would be required to make all content solo-able.

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While I agree with the first thing that I highlighted, I have no idea where you're coming from with the second. There's no evidence that they were actually leaving, and, as with all expansions, there was an actual spike in subs at the time. They were whining to high heaven, that's for sure, and since you spent a lot of time in the forums, I'm sure you know that. But actually leaving..? I'm sure a lot said they would, but I bet they didn't.


I was on the forums quite alot, and the quarterly reports did show a dip in subscribers after Cata launched. I personally enjoyed Cata, others not so much. And I was on the forums alot, and did see some interesting subscription numbers shown from time to time.

And if Blizzard had stuck to their guns then the people who had forgotten how to play in WoTLK (or never knew how), would have picked up their game and learned.


If they had gone that long already without learning to play, why would 'sticking to their guns' make them learn to play this time? LFR has shown there's a distinct crowd that given real difficulty, they simply won't attempt the content. This is why I like TOR's raid model, since it has more choices in terms of end-game difficulty. Hardcore players can try out the nightmare modes, casual players have the normal modes.

I left the game shortly before Firelands was released. They gave me 7 free days (coincidentally...?) right before Star Wars launched, and I installed the game, but I couldn't bring myself to actually play it. I just couldn't push myself to be interested in it anymore. There have been times when I stopped playing WoW and thought I would never go back, but this last time I know I never will now.

Then you'll have to take my word for it: Heroic raids in WoW remained fairly difficult throughout Cata. Even when they nerfed Firelands, the number of guilds who could beat heroic Rag where quite low. I'm hoping to see a similar easy-normal-difficult setup with TOR's end-game content.

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Hmm, and apparently LotRO is adding/added an instance finder.


Don't they know that it destroys communities and makes everything faceroll?


Or did they realize it's a basic mechanic that all MMO's this day and age should have?


The world may never know.


And when the random groups can't complete the content, the content will get dumbed down for them.

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Here is why we do need it:


Today at around 3 PM CET (european server) I had around 10! ppl in the fleet, 15 on a Planet (Nar Shadaa) and a total of 7!!! with a LFG flag in the who-window (searching for "lfg" all planets, including myself)


Nearly impossible to form a group without a LFG Tool.


Everytime I get a heroic I start spamming the General chat but barely get any responses because of the low population count therefore I had to abort 3/4 of all of my heroic missions (it's pointless to run one once you leveled up a couple of times)

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And when the random groups can't complete the content, the content will get dumbed down for them.


No. It doesn't have to be that way. LFG could be available as a convenience without guaranteed success. You want guaranteed success and easy, smooth runs, join a guild. Don't want a guild? Can't be online long enough to seriously get into group content? Pug and prepare to fail a high percentage of the time.


How many people supporting lfg have a problem with that? Show of hands.

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Sorry, no I am not going to keep going around and around repeating what has already been said a hundred times over, just for you to say "nope, sorry that's not valid because I say so."


Already that has been done far too much.


You can go back and READ. Those posts have been MADE you have chosen to ignore them a hundred times over.


How is it you can't take the time and effort to explain yourself, but you can take the time and effort over and over and over again on how you're not going to explain? Sorry, but I'm not going to backtrack and try to guess at which posts you're talking about, only to have you say 'That's not the kind of post I was talking about' or 'You just don't understand'.


If it's been said a hundred times, then you should be able to easily repeat it or point me to a link that shows what you're talking about. Because thus far, I've seen continuous use of hasty correlations and assumptions.

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No. It doesn't have to be that way. LFG could be available as a convenience without guaranteed success. You want guaranteed success and easy, smooth runs, join a guild. Don't want a guild? Can't be online long enough to seriously get into group content? Pug and prepare to fail a high percentage of the time.


How many people supporting lfg have a problem with that? Show of hands.


That isn't as fun as screaming that the sky is falling.

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And when the random groups can't complete the content, the content will get dumbed down for them.




I'm sure you'll ignore an actual example and go back to conjecture (as has been the case with every "example" in this thread), but there you go.


An example of a LFG tool doesn't dumb down content.


That's right. You're entire argument of LFG tools inherantly HAVE TO dumb down content.




A LFG tool doesn't have to do it. Just because you're butt-hurt that WoW's loot progression is massivly geared towards casual players (Read that again. It isn't the LFG tool, it's their gear progression model. New tier? Let's give some more players access to the previous tier. But you keep pointing the finger at the LFG tool as if it was the cause.

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That isn't as fun as screaming that the sky is falling.


I can see that. I addressed the only valid concern out of all the concerns over lfg, and no one has contradicted it. They just assume Bioware is going to dumb content down rather than let pugs fail until they learn the basics.

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I was on the forums quite alot, and the quarterly reports did show a dip in subscribers after Cata launched. I personally enjoyed Cata, others not so much. And I was on the forums alot, and did see some interesting subscription numbers shown from time to time.


Interesting. I have to admit that I've never really cared to check into their actual sub numbers.



If they had gone that long already without learning to play, why would 'sticking to their guns' make them learn to play this time? LFR has shown there's a distinct crowd that given real difficulty, they simply won't attempt the content. This is why I like TOR's raid model, since it has more choices in terms of end-game difficulty. Hardcore players can try out the nightmare modes, casual players have the normal modes.


They had gone that long without learning to play because none of the content required them to learn anything. They were faced with a challenge. Learn to play or no new shiny purples for you! They had been coddled for so long that they were angry that Blizzard was withholding their goodies, but, like most MMO players, including myself, they will take some things they don't like and deal with it. In my case, the things I didn't like finally snowballed to the point where I dropped my sub.


But if Blizzard hadn't caved so fast, you can bet that a lot of those people who complained endlessly about the content being too hard would have seen all of the other people beating it constantly, and would eventually have realized that the problem was the way they were playing.


Then you'll have to take my word for it: Heroic raids in WoW remained fairly difficult throughout Cata. Even when they nerfed Firelands, the number of guilds who could beat heroic Rag where quite low. I'm hoping to see a similar easy-normal-difficult setup with TOR's end-game content.


Well, like I said, I wasn't around for Firelands, but all of the content before it was nerfed to be far too easy, just to satisfy the people who want to rush in and bash their loot pinatas.

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Well, like I said, I wasn't around for Firelands, but all of the content before it was nerfed to be far too easy, just to satisfy the people who want to rush in and bash their loot pinatas.








This would have occured with LFG tool or not. It's the gear progression model Blizzard uses. It has NOTHING to do with the LFG tool.


Not a thing. They want players to actually see their content.


The LFG tool is ONLY a mechanism to get to an instance. The difficulty/loot progression inside is a totally different issue.


You know what they would have done without LFG tools? They would have made the content EVEN EASIER and rewards EVEN MORE.




Because they ahve to get little Johnny to the instance somehow. And if you won't make it easy to get there, you got to make it worth his time.

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No. It doesn't have to be that way. LFG could be available as a convenience without guaranteed success. You want guaranteed success and easy, smooth runs, join a guild. Don't want a guild? Can't be online long enough to seriously get into group content? Pug and prepare to fail a high percentage of the time.


How many people supporting lfg have a problem with that? Show of hands.




Oh wait... You're serious..?




The moment that the majority of random groups can't complete the content, they'll be back here on the forums whining about their wasted time and demanding that Bioware do something about it, just like you guys are whining because you can't be bothered to put together an actual group, and keep wasting your time spamming the general.


Do me the favor of being honest here. Don't even bother to tell me that you'd be fine with getting random groups where the only thing you come away with is a huge repair bill.


The content would have to be tuned for people running those groups, and you know it.

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I joined a guild they all seem to have quit I got a group for Black Talon but since then its been a real struggle I spent 20 minutes the other day spamming LFG but because another 20+ people were doing the same we were all competing for the char window space it was crazy in the end I logged to play WOW got a Raid group in 5 minutes >.<;)
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LFG tool is not needed -_- I have no issue finding groups for anything.




Anyone that says otherwise is delusional.


Learn to use the mechanics that are already in the game before you go asking to have new code written to suit your narrow self-centered scope.





Edited by KrelosDarksky
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Oh wait... You're serious..?




The moment that the majority of random groups can't complete the content, they'll be back here on the forums whining about their wasted time and demanding that Bioware do something about it, just like you guys are whining because you can't be bothered to put together an actual group, and keep wasting your time spamming the general.


Do me the favor of being honest here. Don't even bother to tell me that you'd be fine with getting random groups where the only thing you come away with is a huge repair bill.


The content would have to be tuned for people running those groups, and you know it.


Here's the thing. There's already a lot of support for lfg. If you think Bioware cares nothing about the quality of their content you're arguing a lost cause, lfg will be implemented to please the masses and you will lose out.


If Bioware does care about the quality of their content, there is no reason to fear lfg because they won't give in to the people who want it dumbed down.

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This would have occured with LFG tool or not. It's the gear progression model Blizzard uses. It has NOTHING to do with the LFG tool.


Not a thing. They want players to actually see their content.


The LFG tool is ONLY a mechanism to get to an instance. The difficulty/loot progression inside is a totally different issue.


You know what they would have done without LFG tools? They would have made the content EVEN EASIER and rewards EVEN MORE.




Because they ahve to get little Johnny to the instance somehow. And if you won't make it easy to get there, you got to make it worth his time.


How can you reply to my posts so often and never seem to read a word that I've written..?


The problem exists because of the tool. Those people weren't able to complete the content because they were tossed in with a bunch of other random people and didn't know how to work together. That's what the tool does. They didn't fail because of their gear, and Blizzard didn't nerf the instances so players could see their content. The players were seeing the content just fine. They saw it stomp all over them because they didn't know how to play. They were coddled by easy-mode Wrath content.



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